All of the values added together, divided by the number of values.
0 and 0 You cannot dived by 0 (zero)
30 all you have to do is times the two numbers together
The divisors of 469 are its factors. The factors of 469 are 7 and 67 (together with 469 and 1).
Its divided into 39
Unless they are divided by themselves or one, they will always have a remainder.
The government is divided into different parts that will watch each other. Governments will control each other and control themselves together. Checks and balances.
The continents themselves are divided by mountain ranges. The divisions between most continents are oceans and seas.
soviet union
No, because it can divided by 5. prime numbers can only be divided by one or themselves and result in a whole number
Prime factors can be divided only by 1 and by themselves.
It should be: To-get-her
Any two numbers can be divided as long as the second is not zero.