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divide 1545 by 100. cm is 100th of a m so obviously it wouldn't make sense to be 1545 cm, 15.45 cm, or 1.545 cm. because those will equal 15.45 m, .1545 m, and .01545 m respectively. so the correct answer is 154.5 cm which will give you 1.545 m which is also around 5 feet...

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Barry is paid double-time for each hour he works over 40 hours in a week Last week he worked 47 hours and earned 648 What is his normal hourly rate?

40(x) + 7(2x)=648 40x + 14x = 648 54x = 648 x = 12 ■

Why did Pythagoras write this proof?

Proof #1This is probably the most famous of all proofs of the Pythagorean proposition. It's the first of Euclid's two proofs (I.47). The underlying configuration became known under a variety of names, the Bride's Chair likely being the most popular. The proof has been illustrated by an award winning Java applet written by Jim Morey. I include it on a separate page with Jim's kind permission. The proof below is a somewhat shortened version of the original Euclidean proof as it appears in Sir Thomas Heath's translation.First of all, &Delta;ABF = &Delta;AEC by SAS. This is because, AE = AB, AF = AC, and&ang;BAF = &ang;BAC + &ang;CAF = &ang;CAB + &ang;BAE = &ang;CAE.&Delta;ABF has base AF and the altitude from B equal to AC. Its area therefore equals half that of square on the side AC. On the other hand, &Delta;AEC has AE and the altitude from C equal to AM, where M is the point of intersection of AB with the line CL parallel to AE. Thus the area of &Delta;AEC equals half that of the rectangle AELM. Which says that the area AC&sup2; of the square on side AC equals the area of the rectangle AELM.Similarly, the area BC&sup2; of the square on side BC equals that of rectangle BMLD. Finally, the two rectangles AELM and BMLD make up the square on the hypotenuse AB.The configuration at hand admits numerous variations. B. F. Yanney and J. A. Calderhead (Am Math Monthly, v.4, n 6/7, (1987), 168-170 published several proofs based on the following diagramsSome properties of this configuration has been proved on the Bride's Chair and others at the special Properties of the Figures in Euclid I.47 page.Proof #2We start with two squares with sides a and b, respectively, placed side by side. The total area of the two squares is a&sup2;+b&sup2;.The construction did not start with a triangle but now we draw two of them, both with sides a and b and hypotenuse c. Note that the segment common to the two squares has been removed. At this point we therefore have two triangles and a strange looking shape.As a last step, we rotate the triangles 90&deg;, each around its top vertex. The right one is rotated clockwise whereas the left triangle is rotated counterclockwise. Obviously the resulting shape is a square with the side c and area c&sup2;. This proof appears in a dynamic incarnation.(A variant of this proof is found in an extant manuscript by Th&acirc;bit ibn Qurra located in the library of Aya Sofya Musium in Turkey, registered under the number 4832. [R. Shloming, Th&acirc;bit ibn Qurra and the Pythagorean Theorem, Mathematics Teacher 63 (Oct., 1970), 519-528]. ibn Qurra's diagram is similar to that in proof #27. The proof itself starts with noting the presence of four equal right triangles surrounding a strangely looking shape as in the current proof #2. These four triangles correspond in pairs to the starting and ending positions of the rotated triangles in the current proof. This same configuration could be observed in a proof by tessellation.)Proof #3Now we start with four copies of the same triangle. Three of these have been rotated 90&deg;, 180&deg;, and 270&deg;, respectively. Each has area ab/2. Let's put them together without additional rotations so that they form a square with side c.The square has a square hole with the side (a - b). Summing up its area (a - b)&sup2; and 2ab, the area of the four triangles (4&middot;ab/2), we getc&sup2;= (a - b)&sup2; + 2ab= a&sup2; - 2ab + b&sup2; + 2ab= a&sup2; + b&sup2;Proof #4The fourth approach starts with the same four triangles, except that, this time, they combine to form a square with the side (a + b) and a hole with the side c. We can compute the area of the big square in two ways. Thus(a + b)&sup2; = 4&middot;ab/2 + c&sup2;simplifying which we get the needed identity.A proof which combines this with proof #3 is credited to the 12th century Hindu mathematician Bhaskara (Bhaskara II):Here we add the two identitiesc&sup2; = (a - b)&sup2; + 4&middot;ab/2 andc&sup2; = (a + b)&sup2; - 4&middot;ab/2which gives2c&sup2; = 2a&sup2; + 2b&sup2;.The latter needs only be divided by 2. This is the algebraic proof # 36 in Loomis' collection. Its variant, specifically applied to the 3-4-5 triangle, has featured in the Chinese classic Chou Pei Suan Ching dated somewhere between 300 BC and 200 AD and which Loomis refers to as proof 253.Proof #5This proof, discovered by President J.A. Garfield in 1876 [Pappas], is a variation on the previous one. But this time we draw no squares at all. The key now is the formula for the area of a trapezoid - half sum of the bases times the altitude - (a + b)/2&middot;(a + b). Looking at the picture another way, this also can be computed as the sum of areas of the three triangles - ab/2 + ab/2 + c&middot;c/2. As before, simplifications yield a&sup2; + b&sup2; = c&sup2;.Two copies of the same trapezoid can be combined in two ways by attaching them along the slanted side of the trapezoid. One leads to the proof #4, the other to proof #52.Proof #6We start with the original right triangle, now denoted ABC, and need only one additional construct - the altitude AD. The triangles ABC, DBA, and DAC are similar which leads to two ratios:AB/BC = BD/AB and AC/BC = DC/AC.Written another way these becomeAB&middot;AB = BD&middot;BC and AC&middot;AC = DC&middot;BCSumming up we getAB&middot;AB + AC&middot;AC= BD&middot;BC + DC&middot;BC= (BD+DC)&middot;BC = BC&middot;BC.In a little different form, this proof appeared in the Mathematics Magazine, 33 (March, 1950), p. 210, in the Mathematical Quickies section, see Mathematical Quickies, by C. W. Trigg.Taking AB = a, AC = b, BC = c and denoting BD = x, we obtain as abovea&sup2; = cx and b&sup2; = c(c - x),which perhaps more transparently leads to the same identity.In a private correspondence, Dr. France Dacar, Ljubljana, Slovenia, has suggested that the diagram on the right may serve two purposes. First, it gives an additional graphical representation to the present proof #6. In addition, it highlights the relation of the latter to proof #1.R. M. Mentock has observed that a little trick makes the proof more succinct. In the common notations, c = b cos A + a cos B. But, from the original triangle, it's easy to see that cos A = b/c and cos B = a/c so c = b (b/c) + a (a/c). This variant immediately brings up a question: are we getting in this manner a trigonometric proof? I do not think so, although a trigonometric function (cosine) makes here a prominent appearance. The ratio of two lengths in a figure is a shape property meaning that it remains fixed in passing between similar figures, i.e., figures of the same shape. That a particular ratio used in the proof happened to play a sufficiently important role in trigonometry and, more generally, in mathematics, so as to deserve a special notation of its own, does not cause the proof to depend on that notation. (However, check Proof 84 where trigonometric identities are used in a significant way.)Finally, it must be mentioned that the configuration exploited in this proof is just a specific case of the one from the next proof - Euclid's second and less known proof of the Pythagorean proposition. A separate page is devoted to a proof by the similarity argument.Proof #7The next proof is taken verbatim from Euclid VI.31 in translation by Sir Thomas L. Heath. The great G. Polya analyzes it in his Induction and Analogy in Mathematics (II.5) which is a recommended reading to students and teachers of Mathematics. In right-angled triangles the figure on the side subtending the right angle is equal to the similar and similarly described figures on the sides containing the right angle.Let ABC be a right-angled triangle having the angle BAC right; I say that the figure on BC is equal to the similar and similarly described figures on BA, AC.Let AD be drawn perpendicular. Then since, in the right-angled triangle ABC, AD has been drawn from the right angle at A perpendicular to the base BC, the triangles ABD, ADC adjoining the perpendicular are similar both to the whole ABC and to one another [VI.8].And, since ABC is similar to ABD, therefore, as CB is to BA so is AB to BD [VI.Def.1].And, since three straight lines are proportional, as the first is to the third, so is the figure on the first to the similar and similarly described figure on the second [VI.19]. Therefore, as CB is to BD, so is the figure on CB to the similar and similarly described figure on BA.For the same reason also, as BC is to CD, so is the figure on BC to that on CA; so that, in addition, as BC is to BD, DC, so is the figure on BC to the similar and similarly described figures on BA, AC.But BC is equal to BD, DC; therefore the figure on BC is also equal to the similar and similarly described figures on BA, AC.Therefore etc. Q.E.D.ConfessionI got a real appreciation of this proof only after reading the book by Polya I mentioned above. I hope that a Java applet will help you get to the bottom of this remarkable proof. Note that the statement actually proven is much more general than the theorem as it's generally known. (Another discussion looks at VI.31 from a little different angle.) Proof #8Playing with the applet that demonstrates the Euclid's proof (#7), I have discovered another one which, although ugly, serves the purpose nonetheless. Thus starting with the triangle 1 we add three more in the way suggested in proof #7: similar and similarly described triangles 2, 3, and 4. Deriving a couple of ratios as was done in proof #6 we arrive at the side lengths as depicted on the diagram. Now, it's possible to look at the final shape in two ways:as a union of the rectangle (1 + 3 + 4) and the triangle 2, oras a union of the rectangle (1 + 2) and two triangles 3 and 4.Equating the areas leads toab/c &middot; (a&sup2; + b&sup2;)/c + ab/2 = ab + (ab/c &middot; a&sup2;/c + ab/c &middot; b&sup2;/c)/2Simplifying we getab/c &middot; (a&sup2; + b&sup2;)/c/2 = ab/2, or (a&sup2; + b&sup2;)/c&sup2; = 1RemarkIn hindsight, there is a simpler proof. Look at the rectangle (1 + 3 + 4). Its long side is, on one hand, plain c, while, on the other hand, it's a&sup2;/c + b&sup2;/c and we again have the same identity. Vladimir Nikolin from Serbia supplied a beautiful illustration:Proof #9Another proof stems from a rearrangement of rigid pieces, much like proof #2. It makes the algebraic part of proof #4 completely redundant. There is nothing much one can add to the two pictures.(My sincere thanks go to Monty Phister for the kind permission to use the graphics.)There is an interactive simulation to toy with. And another one that clearly shows its relation to proofs #24 or #69.Loomis (pp. 49-50) mentions that the proof "was devised by Maurice Laisnez, a high school boy, in the Junior-Senior High School of South Bend, Ind., and sent to me, May 16, 1939, by his class teacher, Wilson Thornton."The proof has been published by Rufus Isaac in Mathematics Magazine, Vol. 48 (1975), p. 198.A slightly different rearragement leads to a hinged dissection illustrated by a Java applet.Proof #10This and the next 3 proofs came from [PWW]. The triangles in Proof #3 may be rearranged in yet another way that makes the Pythagorean identity obvious.(A more elucidating diagram on the right was kindly sent to me by Monty Phister. The proof admits a hinged dissection illustrated by a Java applet.)The first two pieces may be combined into one. The result appear in a 1830 book Sanpo Shinsyo - New Mathematics - by Chiba Tanehide (1775-1849), [H. Fukagawa, A. Rothman, Sacred Mathematics: Japanese Temple Geometry, Princeton University Press, 2008, p. 83].Proof #11Draw a circle with radius c and a right triangle with sides a and b as shown. In this situation, one may apply any of a few well known facts. For example, in the diagram three points F, G, H located on the circle form another right triangle with the altitude FK of length a. Its hypotenuse GH is split in two pieces: (c + b) and (c - b). So, as in Proof #6, we get a&sup2; = (c + b)(c - b) = c&sup2; - b&sup2;. [Loomis, #53] attributes this construction to the great Leibniz, but lengthens the proof about threefold with meandering and misguided derivations.B. F. Yanney and J. A. Calderhead (Am Math Monthly, v.3, n. 12 (1896), 299-300) offer a somewhat different route. Imagine FK is extended to the second intersection F' with the circle. Then, by the Intersecting Chords theorem, FK&middot;KF' = GK&middot;KH, with the same implication.Proof #12This proof is a variation on #1, one of the original Euclid's proofs. In parts 1,2, and 3, the two small squares are sheared towards each other such that the total shaded area remains unchanged (and equal to a&sup2;+b&sup2;.) In part 3, the length of the vertical portion of the shaded area's border is exactly c because the two leftover triangles are copies of the original one. This means one may slide down the shaded area as in part 4. From here the Pythagorean Theorem follows easily. (This proof can be found in H. Eves, In Mathematical Circles, MAA, 2002, pp. 74-75)Proof #13In the diagram there is several similar triangles (abc, a'b'c', a'x, and b'y.) We successively have y/b = b'/c, x/a = a'/c, cy + cx = aa' + bb'.And, finally, cc' = aa' + bb'. This is very much like Proof #6 but the result is more general.Proof #14This proof by H.E. Dudeney (1917) starts by cutting the square on the larger side into four parts that are then combined with the smaller one to form the square built on the hypotenuse. Greg Frederickson from Purdue University, the author of a truly illuminating book, Dissections: Plane & Fancy (Cambridge University Press, 1997), pointed out the historical inaccuracy:You attributed proof #14 to H.E. Dudeney (1917), but it was actually published earlier (1872) by Henry Perigal, a London stockbroker. A different dissection proof appeared much earlier, given by the Arabian mathematician/astronomer Th&acirc;bit in the tenth century. I have included details about these and other dissections proofs (including proofs of the Law of Cosines) in my recent book "Dissections: Plane & Fancy", Cambridge University Press, 1997. You might enjoy the web page for the book:,Greg FredericksonBill Casselman from the University of British Columbia seconds Greg's information. Mine came from Proofs Without Words by R.B.Nelsen (MAA, 1993).The proof has a dynamic version.Proof #15This remarkable proof by K. O. Friedrichs is a generalization of the previous one by Dudeney (or by Perigal, as above). It's indeed general. It's general in the sense that an infinite variety of specific geometric proofs may be derived from it. (Roger Nelsen ascribes [PWWII, p 3] this proof to Annairizi of Arabia (ca. 900 A.D.)) An especially nice variant by Olof Hanner appears on a separate page. Proof #16This proof is ascribed to Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) [Eves]. Quadrilaterals ABHI, JHBC, ADGC, and EDGF are all equal. (This follows from the observation that the angle ABH is 45&deg;. This is so because ABC is right-angled, thus center O of the square ACJI lies on the circle circumscribing triangle ABC. Obviously, angle ABO is 45&deg;.) Now, Area(ABHI) + Area(JHBC) = Area(ADGC) + Area(EDGF). Each sum contains two areas of triangles equal to ABC (IJH or BEF) removing which one obtains the Pythagorean Theorem. David King modifies the argument somewhatThe side lengths of the hexagons are identical. The angles at P (right angle + angle between a & c) are identical. The angles at Q (right angle + angle between b & c) are identical. Therefore all four quadrilaterals are identical, and, therefore, the hexagons have the same area.Proof #17This proof appears in the Book IV of Mathematical Collectionby Pappus of Alexandria (ca A.D. 300) [Eves, Pappas]. It generalizes the Pythagorean Theorem in two ways: the triangle ABC is not required to be right-angled and the shapes built on its sides are arbitrary parallelograms instead of squares. Thus build parallelograms CADE and CBFG on sides AC and, respectively, BC. Let DE and FG meet in H and draw AL and BM parallel and equal to HC. Then Area(ABML) = Area(CADE) + Area(CBFG). Indeed, with the sheering transformation already used in proofs #1 and #12, Area(CADE) = Area(CAUH) = Area(SLAR) and also Area(CBFG) = Area(CBVH) = Area(SMBR). Now, just add up what's equal. A dynamic illustration is available elsewhere.Proof #18This is another generalization that does not require right angles. It's due to Th&acirc;bit ibn Qurra (836-901) [Eves]. If angles CAB, AC'B and AB'C are equal then AC&sup2; + AB&sup2; = BC(CB' + BC'). Indeed, triangles ABC, AC'B and AB'C are similar. Thus we have AB/BC' = BC/AB and AC/CB' = BC/AC which immediately leads to the required identity. In case the angle A is right, the theorem reduces to the Pythagorean proposition and proof #6. The same diagram is exploited in a different way by E. W. Dijkstra who concentrates on comparison of BC with the sum CB' + BC'.Proof #19This proof is a variation on #6. On the small side AB add a right-angled triangle ABD similar to ABC. Then, naturally, DBC is similar to the other two. From Area(ABD) + Area(ABC) = Area(DBC), AD = AB&sup2;/AC and BD = AB&middot;BC/AC we derive (AB&sup2;/AC)&middot;AB + AB&middot;AC = (AB&middot;BC/AC)&middot;BC. Dividing by AB/AC leads to AB&sup2; + AC&sup2; = BC&sup2;. Proof #20This one is a cross between #7 and #19. Construct triangles ABC', BCA', and ACB' similar to ABC, as in the diagram. By construction, &Delta;ABC = &Delta;A'BC. In addition, triangles ABB' and ABC' are also equal. Thus we conclude that Area(A'BC) + Area(AB'C) = Area(ABC'). From the similarity of triangles we get as before B'C = AC&sup2;/BC and BC' = AC&middot;AB/BC. Putting it all together yields AC&middot;BC + (AC&sup2;/BC)&middot;AC = AB&middot;(AC&middot;AB/BC) which is the same as BC&sup2; + AC&sup2; = AB&sup2;.Proof #21The following is an excerpt from a letter by Dr. Scott Brodie from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NY who sent me a couple of proofs of the theorem proper and its generalization to the Law of Cosines: The first proof I merely pass on from the excellent discussion in the Project Mathematics series, based on Ptolemy's theorem on quadrilaterals inscribed in a circle: for such quadrilaterals, the sum of the products of the lengths of the opposite sides, taken in pairs equals the product of the lengths of the two diagonals. For the case of a rectangle, this reduces immediately to a&sup2; + b&sup2; = c&sup2;.Proof #22Here is the second proof from Dr. Scott Brodie's letter. We take as known a "power of the point" theorems: If a point is taken exterior to a circle, and from the point a segment is drawn tangent to the circle and another segment (a secant) is drawn which cuts the circle in two distinct points, then the square of the length of the tangent is equal to the product of the distance along the secant from the external point to the nearer point of intersection with the circle and the distance along the secant to the farther point of intersection with the circle.Let ABC be a right triangle, with the right angle at C. Draw the altitude from C to the hypotenuse; let P denote the foot of this altitude. Then since CPB is right, the point P lies on the circle with diameter BC; and since CPA is right, the point P lies on the circle with diameter AC. Therefore the intersection of the two circles on the legs BC, CA of the original right triangle coincides with P, and in particular, lies on AB. Denote by x and y the lengths of segments BP and PA, respectively, and, as usual let a, b, c denote the lengths of the sides of ABC opposite the angles A, B, C respectively. Then, x + y= c.Since angle C is right, BC is tangent to the circle with diameter CA, and the power theorem states that a&sup2; = xc; similarly, AC is tangent to the circle with diameter BC, and b&sup2; = yc. Adding, we find a&sup2; + b&sup2; = xc + yc = c&sup2;, Q.E.D.Dr. Brodie also created a Geometer's SketchPad file to illustrate this proof.(This proof has been published as number XXIV in a collection of proofs by B. F. Yanney and J. A. Calderhead in Am Math Monthly, v. 4, n. 1 (1897), pp. 11-12.)Proof #23Another proof is based on the Heron's formula. (In passing, with the help of the formula I displayed the areas in the applet that illustrates Proof #7). This is a rather convoluted way to prove the Pythagorean Theorem that, nonetheless reflects on the centrality of the Theorem in the geometry of the plane. (A shorter and a more transparent application of Heron's formula is the basis of proof #75.) Proof #24[Swetz] ascribes this proof to abu' l'Hasan Th&acirc;bit ibn Qurra Marw&acirc;n al'Harrani (826-901). It's the second of the proofs given by Th&acirc;bit ibn Qurra. The first one is essentially the #2 above. The proof resembles part 3 from proof #12. &Delta;ABC = &Delta;FLC = &Delta;FMC = &Delta;BED = &Delta;AGH = &Delta;FGE. On one hand, the area of the shape ABDFH equals AC&sup2; + BC&sup2; + Area(&Delta;ABC + &Delta;FMC + &Delta;FLC). On the other hand, Area(ABDFH) = AB&sup2; + Area(&Delta;BED + &Delta;FGE + &Delta;AGH).Th&acirc;bit ibn Qurra's admits a natural generalization to a proof of the Law of Cosines.A dynamic illustration of ibn Qurra's proof is also available.This is an "unfolded" variant of the above proof. Two pentagonal regions - the red and the blue - are obviously equal and leave the same area upon removal of three equal triangles from each.The proof is popularized by Monty Phister, author of the inimitable Gnarly Math CD-ROM.Floor van Lamoen has gracefully pointed me to an earlier source. Eduard Douwes Dekker, one of the most famous Dutch authors, published in 1888 under the pseudonym of Multatuli a proof accompanied by the following diagram.Scott Brodie pointed to the obvious relation of this proof to # 9. It is the same configuration but short of one triangle.Proof #25B.F.Yanney (1903, [Swetz]) gave a proof using the "shearing argument" also employed in the Proofs #1 and #12. Successively, areas of LMOA, LKCA, and ACDE (which is AC&sup2;) are equal as are the areas of HMOB, HKCB, and HKDF (which is BC&sup2;). BC = DF. Thus AC&sup2; + BC&sup2; = Area(LMOA) + Area(HMOB) = Area(ABHL) = AB&sup2;. Proof #26This proof I discovered at the site maintained by Bill Casselman where it is presented by a Java applet. With all the above proofs, this one must be simple. Similar triangles like in proofs #6 or #13.Proof #27The same pieces as in proof #26 may be rearranged in yet another manner. This dissection is often attributed to the 17th century Dutch mathematician Frans van Schooten. [Frederickson, p. 35] considers it as a hinged variant of one by ibn Qurra, see the note in parentheses following proof #2. Dr. France Dacar from Slovenia has pointed out that this same diagram is easily explained with a tessellation in proof #15. As a matter of fact, it may be better explained by a different tessellation. (I thank Douglas Rogers for setting this straight for me.)The configuration at hand admits numerous variations. B. F. Yanney and J. A. Calderhead (Am Math Monthly, v. 6, n. 2 (1899), 33-34) published several proofs based on the following diagrams (multiple proofs per diagram at that)Proof #28Melissa Running from MathForum has kindly sent me a link (that since disappeared) to a page by Donald B. Wagner, an expert on history of science and technology in China. Dr. Wagner appeared to have reconstructed a proof by Liu Hui (third century AD). However (see below), there are serious doubts to the authorship of the proof. Elisha Loomis cites this as the geometric proof #28 with the following comment:Benjir von Gutheil, oberlehrer at Nurnberg, Germany, produced the above proof. He died in the trenches in France, 1914. So wrote J. Adams, August 1933.Let us call it the B. von Gutheil World War Proof.Judging by the Sweet Land movie, such forgiving attitude towards a German colleague may not have been common at the time close to the WWI. It might have been even more guarded in the 1930s during the rise to power of the nazis in Germany.(I thank D. Rogers for bringing the reference to Loomis' collection to my attention. He also expressed a reservation as regard the attribution of the proof to Liu Hui and traced its early appearance to Karl Julius Walther Lietzmann's Geometrische aufgabensamming Ausgabe B: fuer Realanstalten, published in Leipzig by Teubner in 1916. Interestingly, the proof has not been included in Lietzmann's earlier Der Pythagoreische Lehrsatzpublished in 1912.)Proof #29A mechanical proof of the theorem deserves a page of its own.Pertinent to that proof is a page "Extra-geometric" proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem by Scott BrodieProof #30This proof I found in R. Nelsen's sequel Proofs Without Words II. (It's due to Poo-sung Park and was originally published in Mathematics Magazine, Dec 1999). Starting with one of the sides of a right triangle, construct 4 congruent right isosceles triangles with hypotenuses of any subsequent two perpendicular and apices away from the given triangle. The hypotenuse of the first of these triangles (in red in the diagram) should coincide with one of the sides.The apices of the isosceles triangles form a square with the side equal to the hypotenuse of the given triangle. The hypotenuses of those triangles cut the sides of the square at their midpoints. So that there appear to be 4 pairs of equal triangles (one of the pairs is in green). One of the triangles in the pair is inside the square, the other is outside. Let the sides of the original triangle be a, b, c (hypotenuse). If the first isosceles triangle was built on side b, then each has area b&sup2;/4. We obtaina&sup2; + 4b&sup2;/4 = c&sup2;There's a dynamic illustration and another diagram that shows how to dissect two smaller squares and rearrange them into the big one.This diagram also has a dynamic variant.Proof #31Given right &Delta;ABC, let, as usual, denote the lengths of sides BC, AC and that of the hypotenuse as a, b, and c, respectively. Erect squares on sides BC and AC as on the diagram. According to SAS, triangles ABC and PCQ are equal, so that &ang;QPC = &ang;A. Let M be the midpoint of the hypotenuse. Denote the intersection of MC and PQ as R. Let's show that MR PQ.The median to the hypotenuse equals half of the latter. Therefore, &Delta;CMB is isosceles and &ang;MBC = &ang;MCB. But we also have &ang;PCR = &ang;MCB. From here and &ang;QPC = &ang;A it follows that angle CRP is right, or MR PQ.With these preliminaries we turn to triangles MCP and MCQ. We evaluate their areas in two different ways:One one hand, the altitude from M to PC equals AC/2 = b/2. But also PC = b. Therefore, Area(&Delta;MCP) = b&sup2;/4. On the other hand, Area(&Delta;MCP) = CM&middot;PR/2 = c&middot;PR/4. Similarly, Area(&Delta;MCQ) = a&sup2;/4 and also Area(&Delta;MCQ) = CM&middot;RQ/2 = c&middot;RQ/4.We may sum up the two identities: a&sup2;/4 + b&sup2;/4 = c&middot;PR/4 + c&middot;RQ/4, or a&sup2;/4 + b&sup2;/4 = c&middot;c/4.(My gratitude goes to Floor van Lamoen who brought this proof to my attention. It appeared in Pythagoras - a dutch math magazine for schoolkids - in the December 1998 issue, in an article by Bruno Ernst. The proof is attributed to an American High School student from 1938 by the name of Ann Condit. The proof is included as the geometric proof 68 in Loomis' collection, p. 140.)Proof #32Let ABC and DEF be two congruent right triangles such that B lies on DE and A, F, C, E are collinear. BC = EF = a, AC = DF = b, AB = DE = c. Obviously, AB DE. Compute the area of &Delta;ADE in two different ways.Area(&Delta;ADE) = AB&middot;DE/2 = c&sup2;/2 and also Area(&Delta;ADE) = DF&middot;AE/2 = b&middot;AE/2. AE = AC + CE = b + CE. CE can be found from similar triangles BCE and DFE: CE = BC&middot;FE/DF = a&middot;a/b. Putting things together we obtainc&sup2;/2 = b(b + a&sup2;/b)/2(This proof is a simplification of one of the proofs by Michelle Watkins, a student at the University of North Florida, that appeared in Math Spectrum 1997/98, v30, n3, 53-54.)Douglas Rogers observed that the same diagram can be treated differently:Proof 32 can be tidied up a bit further, along the lines of the later proofs added more recently, and so avoiding similar triangles.Of course, ADE is a triangle on base DE with height AB, so of area cc/2.But it can be dissected into the triangle FEB and the quadrilateral ADBF. The former has base FE and height BC, so area aa/2. The latter in turn consists of two triangles back to back on base DF with combined heights AC, so area bb/2. An alternative dissection sees triangle ADE as consisting of triangle ADC and triangle CDE, which, in turn, consists of two triangles back to back on base BC, with combined heights EF.The next two proofs have accompanied the following message from Shai Simonson, Professor at Stonehill College in Cambridge, MA:Greetings,I was enjoying looking through your site, and stumbled on the long list of Pyth Theorem Proofs.In my course "The History of Mathematical Ingenuity" I use two proofs that use an inscribed circle in a right triangle. Each proof uses two diagrams, and each is a different geometric view of a single algebraic proof that I discovered many years ago and published in a letter to Mathematics Teacher.The two geometric proofs require no words, but do require a little thought.Best wishes,ShaiProof #33Proof #34Proof #35Cracked Domino - a proof by Mario Pacek (aka Pakoslaw Gwizdalski) - also requires some thought. The proof sent via email was accompanied by the following message:This new, extraordinary and extremely elegant proof of quite probably the most fundamental theorem in mathematics (hands down winner with respect to the # of proofs 367?) is superior to all known to science including the Chinese and James A. Garfield's (20th US president), because it is direct, does not involve any formulas and even preschoolers can get it. Quite probably it is identical to the lost original one - but who can prove that? Not in the Guinness Book of Records yet!The manner in which the pieces are combined may well be original. The dissection itself is well known (see Proofs 26 and 27) and is described in Frederickson's book, p. 29. It's remarked there that B. Brodie (1884) observed that the dissection like that also applies to similar rectangles. The dissection is also a particular instance of the superposition proof by K.O.Friedrichs.Proof #36This proof is due to J. E. B&ouml;ttcher and has been quoted by Nelsen (Proofs Without Words II, p. 6). I think cracking this proof without words is a good exercise for middle or high school geometry class.S. K. Stein, (Mathematics: The Man-Made Universe, Dover, 1999, p. 74) gives a slightly different dissection.Both variants have a dynamic version.Proof #37An applet by David King that demonstrates this proof has been placed on a separate page. Proof #38This proof was also communicated to me by David King. Squares and 2 triangles combine to produce two hexagon of equal area, which might have been established as in Proof #9. However, both hexagons tessellate the plane. For every hexagon in the left tessellation there is a hexagon in the right tessellation. Both tessellations have the same lattice structure which is demonstrated by an applet. The Pythagorean theorem is proven after two triangles are removed from each of the hexagons.Proof #39(By J. Barry Sutton, The Math Gazette, v 86, n 505, March 2002, p72.) Let in &Delta;ABC, angle C = 90&deg;. As usual, AB = c, AC = b, BC = a. Define points D and E on AB so that AD = AE = b.By construction, C lies on the circle with center A and radius b. Angle DCE subtends its diameter and thus is right: DCE = 90&deg;. It follows that BCD = ACE. Since &Delta;ACE is isosceles, CEA = ACE.Triangles DBC and EBC share DBC. In addition, BCD = BEC. Therefore, triangles DBC and EBC are similar. We have BC/BE = BD/BC, ora / (c + b) = (c - b) / a.And finallya&sup2; = c&sup2; - b&sup2;,a&sup2; + b&sup2; = c&sup2;.The diagram reminds one of Th&acirc;bit ibn Qurra's proof. But the two are quite different. However, this is exactly proof 14 from Elisha Loomis' collection. Furthermore, Loomis provides two earlier references from 1925 and 1905. With the circle centered at A drawn, Loomis repeats the proof as 82 (with references from 1887, 1880, 1859, 1792) and also lists (as proof 89) a symmetric version of the above:For the right triangle ABC, with right angle at C, extend AB in both directions so that AE = AC = b and BG = BC = a. As above we now have triangles DBC and EBC similar. In addition, triangles AFC and ACG are also similar, which results in two identities:a&sup2; = c&sup2; - b&sup2;, andb&sup2; = c&sup2; - a&sup2;.Instead of using either of the identities directly, Loomis adds the two:2(a&sup2; + b&sup2;) = 2c&sup2;,which appears as both graphical and algebraic overkill.Proof #40This one is by Michael Hardy from University of Toledo and was published in The Mathematical Intelligencer in 1988. It must be taken with a grain of salt.Let ABC be a right triangle with hypotenuse BC. Denote AC = x and BC = y. Then, as C moves along the line AC, x changes and so does y. Assume x changed by a small amount dx. Then y changed by a small amount dy. The triangle CDE may be approximately considered right. Assuming it is, it shares one angle (D) with triangle ABD, and is therefore similar to the latter. This leads to the proportion x/y = dy/dx, or a (separable) differential equationy&middot;dy - x&middot;dx = 0,which after integration gives y&sup2; - x&sup2; = const. The value of the constant is determined from the initial condition for x = 0. Since y(0) = a, y&sup2; = x&sup2; + a&sup2; for all x.It is easy to take an issue with this proof. What does it mean for a triangle to be approximately right? I can offer the following explanation. Triangles ABC and ABD are right by construction. We have, AB&sup2; + AC&sup2; = BC&sup2; and also AB&sup2; + AD&sup2; = BD&sup2;, by the Pythagorean theorem. In terms of x and y, the theorem appears asx&sup2; + a&sup2; = y&sup2;(x + dx)&sup2; + a&sup2; = (y + dy)&sup2;which, after subtraction, givesy&middot;dy - x&middot;dx = (dx&sup2; - dy&sup2;)/2.For small dx and dy, dx&sup2; and dy&sup2; are even smaller and might be neglected, leading to the approximate y&middot;dy - x&middot;dx = 0.The trick in Michael's vignette is in skipping the issue of approximation. But can one really justify the derivation without relying on the Pythagorean theorem in the first place? Regardless, I find it very much to my enjoyment to have the ubiquitous equation y&middot;dy - x&middot;dx = 0 placed in that geometric context.An amplified, but apparently independent, version of this proof has been published by Mike Staring (Mathematics Magazine, V. 69, n. 1 (Feb., 1996), 45-46).Assuming &Delta;x > 0 and detecting similar triangles,&Delta;f / &Delta;x = CQ/CD > CP/CD = CA/CB = x/f(x).But also,&Delta;f / &Delta;x = SD/CD < RD/CD = AD/BD = (x + &Delta;x) / (f(x) + &Delta;f) < x/f(x) + &Delta;x/f(x).Passing to the limit as &Delta;x tends to 0+, we getdf / dx = x / f(x).The case of &Delta;x < 0 is treated similarly. Now, solving the differential equation we getf 2(x) = x&sup2; + c.The constant c is found from the boundary condition f(0) = b: c = b&sup2;. And the proof is complete.Proof #41Create 3 scaled copies of the triangle with sides a, b, c by multiplying it by a, b, and c in turn. Put together, the three similar triangles thus obtained to form a rectangle whose upper side is a&sup2; + b&sup2;, whereas the lower side is c&sup2;.For additional details and modifications see a separate page.Proof #42The proof is based on the same diagram as #33 [Pritchard, p. 226-227]. Area of a triangle is obviously rp, where r is the inradius and p = (a + b + c)/2 the semiperimeter of the triangle. From the diagram, the hypothenuse c = (a - r) + (b - r), or r = p - c. The area of the triangle then is computed in two ways:p(p - c) = ab/2,which is equivalent to(a + b + c)(a + b - c) = 2ab,or(a + b)&sup2; - c&sup2; = 2ab.And finallya&sup2; + b&sup2; - c&sup2; = 0.The proof is due to Jack Oliver, and was originally published in Mathematical Gazette 81 (March 1997), p 117-118.Maciej Maderek informed me that the same proof appeared in a Polish 1988 edition of Sladami Pitagorasa by Szczepan Jelenski:Jelenski attributes the proof to M&ouml;llmann without mentioning a source or a date.Proof #43By Larry Hoehn [Pritchard, p. 229, and Math Gazette]. Apply the Power of a Point theorem to the diagram above where the side a serves as a tangent to a circle of radius b: (c - b)(c + b) = a&sup2;. The result follows immediately.(The configuration here is essentially the same as in proof #39. The invocation of the Power of a Point theorem may be regarded as a shortcut to the argument in proof #39. Also, this is exactly proof XVI by B. F. Yanney and J. A. Calderhead, Am Math Monthly, v.3, n. 12 (1896), 299-300.)John Molokach suggested a modification based on the following diagram:From the similarity of triangles, a/b = (b + c)/d, so that d = b(b + c)/a. The quadrilateral on the left is a kite with sides b and d and area 2bd/2 = bd. Adding to this the area of the small triangle (ab/2) we obtain the area of the big triangle - (b + c)d/2:bd + ab/2 = (b + c)d/2which simplifies toab/2 = (c - b)d/2, or ab = (c - b)d.Now using the formula for d:ab = (c - b)d = (c - b)(c + b)b/a.Dividing by b and multiplying by a gives a&sup2; = c&sup2; - b&sup2;. This variant comes very close to Proof #82, but with a different motivation.Finally, the argument shows that the area of an annulus (ring) bounded by circles of radii b and c > b; is exactly &pi;a&sup2; where a&sup2; = c&sup2; - b&sup2;. a is a half length of the tangent to the inner circle enclosed within the outer circle.Proof #44The following proof related to #39, have been submitted by Adam Rose (Sept. 23, 2004.) Start with two identical right triangles: ABC and AFE, A the intersection of BE and CF. Mark D on AB and G on extension of AF, such thatBC = BD = FG (= EF).(For further notations refer to the above diagram.) &Delta;BCD is isosceles. Therefore, &ang;BCD = p/2 - &alpha;/2. Since angle C is right,&ang;ACD = p/2 - (p/2 - &alpha;/2) = &alpha;/2.Since &ang;AFE is exterior to &Delta;EFG, &ang;AFE = &ang;FEG + &ang;FGE. But &Delta;EFG is also isosceles. Thus&ang;AGE = &ang;FGE = &alpha;/2.We now have two lines, CD and EG, crossed by CG with two alternate interior angles, ACD and AGE, equal. Therefore, CDEG. Triangles ACD and AGE are similar, and AD/AC = AE/AG:b/(c - a) = (c + a)/b,and the Pythagorean theorem follows.Proof #45This proof is due to Douglas Rogers who came upon it in the course of his investigation into the history of Chinese mathematics. The proof is a variation on #33, #34, and #42. The proof proceeds in two steps. First, as it may be observed froma Liu Hui identity (see also Mathematics in China)a + b = c + d,where d is the diameter of the circle inscribed into a right triangle with sides a and b and hypotenuse c. Based on that and rearranging the pieces in two ways supplies another proof without words of the Pythagorean theorem:Proof #46This proof is due to Tao Tong (Mathematics Teacher, Feb., 1994, Reader Reflections). I learned of it through the good services of Douglas Rogers who also brought to my attention Proofs #47, #48 and #49. In spirit, the proof resembles the proof #32. Let ABC and BED be equal right triangles, with E on AB. We are going to evaluate the area of &Delta;ABD in two ways:Area(&Delta;ABD) = BD&middot;AF/2 = DE&middot;AB/2.Using the notations as indicated in the diagram we get c(c - x)/2 = b&middot;b/2. x = CF can be found by noting the similarity (BD AC) of triangles BFC and ABC:x = a&sup2;/c.The two formulas easily combine into the Pythagorean identity.Proof #47This proof which is due to a high school student John Kawamura was report by Chris Davis, his geometry teacher at Head-Rouce School, Oakland, CA (Mathematics Teacher, Apr., 2005, p. 518.) The configuration is virtually identical to that of Proof #46, but this time we are interested in the area of the quadrilateral ABCD. Both of its perpendicular diagonals have length c, so that its area equals c&sup2;/2. On the other hand,c&sup2;/2= Area(ABCD)= Area(BCD) + Area(ABD)= a&middot;a/2 + b&middot;b/2Multiplying by 2 yields the desired result.Proof #48(W. J. Dobbs, The Mathematical Gazette, 8 (1915-1916), p. 268.) In the diagram, two right triangles - ABC and ADE - are equal and E is located on AB. As in President Garfield's proof, we evaluate the area of a trapezoid ABCD in two ways:Area(ABCD)= Area(AECD) + Area(BCE)= c&middot;c/2 + a(b - a)/2,where, as in the proof #47, c&middot;c is the product of the two perpendicular diagonals of the quadrilateral AECD. On the other hand,Area(ABCD)= AB&middot;(BC + AD)/2= b(a + b)/2.Combining the two we get c&sup2;/2 = a&sup2;/2 + b&sup2;/2, or, after multiplication by 2, c&sup2; = a&sup2; + b&sup2;.Proof #49In the previous proof we may proceed a little differently. Complete a square on sides AB and AD of the two triangles. Its area is, on one hand, b&sup2; and, on the other,b&sup2;= Area(ABMD)= Area(AECD) + Area(CMD) + Area(BCE)= c&sup2;/2 + b(b - a)/2 + a(b - a)/2= c&sup2;/2 + b&sup2;/2 - a&sup2;/2,which amounts to the same identity as before.Douglas Rogers who observed the relationship between the proofs 46-49 also remarked that a square could have been drawn on the smaller legs of the two triangles if the second triangle is drawn in the "bottom" position as in proofs 46 and 47. In this case, we will again evaluate the area of the quadrilateral ABCD in two ways. With a reference to the second of the diagrams above,c&sup2;/2= Area(ABCD)= Area(EBCG) + Area(CDG) + Area(AED)= a&sup2; + a(b - a)/2 + b(b - a)/2= a&sup2;/2 + b&sup2;/2,as was desired.He also pointed out that it is possible to think of one of the right triangles as sliding from its position in proof #46 to its position in proof #48 so that its short leg glides along the long leg of the other triangle. At any intermediate position there is present a quadrilateral with equal and perpendicular diagonals, so that for all positions it is possible to construct proofs analogous to the above. The triangle always remains inside a square of side b - the length of the long leg of the two triangles. Now, we can also imagine the triangle ABC slide inside that square. Which leads to a proof that directly generalizes #49 and includes configurations of proofs 46-48. See below.Proof #50The area of the big square KLMN is b&sup2;. The square is split into 4 triangles and one quadrilateral:b&sup2;= Area(KLMN)= Area(AKF) + Area(FLC) + Area(CMD) + Area(DNA) + Area(AFCD)= y(a+x)/2 + (b-a-x)(a+y)/2 + (b-a-y)(b-x)/2 + x(b-y)/2 + c&sup2;/2= [y(a+x) + b(a+y) - y(a+x) - x(b-y) - a&middot;a + (b-a-y)b + x(b-y) + c&sup2;]/2= [b(a+y) - a&middot;a + b&middot;b - (a+y)b + c&sup2;]/2= b&sup2;/2 - a&sup2;/2 + c&sup2;/2.It's not an interesting derivation, but it shows that, when confronted with a task of simplifying algebraic expressions, multiplying through all terms as to remove all parentheses may not be the best strategy. In this case, however, there is even a better strategy that avoids lengthy computations altogether. On Douglas Rogers' suggestion, complete each of the four triangles to an appropriate rectangle:The four rectangles always cut off a square of size a, so that their total area is b&sup2; - a&sup2;. Thus we can finish the proof as in the other proofs of this series:b&sup2; = c&sup2;/2 + (b&sup2; - a&sup2;)/2.Proof #51(W. J. Dobbs, The Mathematical Gazette, 7 (1913-1914), p. 168.) This one comes courtesy of Douglas Rogers from his extensive collection. As in Proof #2, the triangle is rotated 90 degrees around one of its corners, such that the angle between the hypotenuses in two positions is right. The resulting shape of area b&sup2; is then dissected into two right triangles with side lengths (c, c) and (b - a, a + b) and areas c&sup2;/2 and (b - a)(a + b)/2 = (b&sup2; - a&sup2;)/2:b&sup2; = c&sup2;/2 + (b&sup2; - a&sup2;)/2.J. Elliott adds a wrinkle to the proof by turning around one of the triangles:Again, the area can be computed in two ways:ab/2 + ab/2 + b(b - a) = c&sup2;/2 + (b - a)(b + a)/2,which reduces tob&sup2; = c&sup2;/2 + (b&sup2; - a&sup2;)/2,and ultimately to the Pythagorean identity.Proof #52This proof, discovered by a high school student, Jamie deLemos (The Mathematics Teacher, 88 (1995), p. 79.), has been quoted by Larry Hoehn (The Mathematics Teacher, 90 (1997), pp. 438-441.) On one hand, the area of the trapezoid equals(2a + 2b)/2&middot;(a + b)and on the other,2a&middot;b/2 + 2b&middot;a/2 + 2&middot;c&sup2;/2.Equating the two gives a&sup2; + b&sup2; = c&sup2;.The proof is closely related to President Garfield's proof.Proof #53Larry Hoehn also published the following proof (The Mathematics Teacher, 88 (1995), p. 168.): Extend the leg AC of the right triangle ABC to D so that AD = AB = c, as in the diagram. At D draw a perpendicular to CD. At A draw a bisector of the angle BAD. Let the two lines meet in E. Finally, let EF be perpendicular to CF.By this construction, triangles ABE and ADE share side AE, have other two sides equal: AD = AB, as well as the angles formed by those sides: &ang;BAE = &ang;DAE. Therefore, triangles ABE and ADE are congruent by SAS. From here, angle ABE is right.It then follows that in right triangles ABC and BEF angles ABC and EBF add up to 90&deg;. Thus&ang;ABC = &ang;BEF and &ang;BAC = &ang;EBF.The two triangles are similar, so thatx/a = u/b = y/c.But, EF = CD, or x = b + c, which in combination with the above proportion givesu = b(b + c)/a and y = c(b + c)/a.On the other hand, y = u + a, which leads toc(b + c)/a = b(b + c)/a + a,which is easily simplified to c&sup2; = a&sup2; + b&sup2;.Proof #54kLater (The Mathematics Teacher, 90 (1997), pp. 438-441.) Larry Hoehn took a second look at his proof and produced a generic one, or rather a whole 1-parameter family of proofs, which, for various values of the parameter, included his older proof as well as #41. Below I offer a simplified variant inspired by Larry's work. To reproduce the essential point of proof #53, i.e. having a right angled triangle ABE and another BEF, the latter being similar to &Delta;ABC, we may simply place &Delta;BEF with sides ka, kb, kc, for some k, as shown in the diagram. For the diagram to make sense we should restrict k so that ka &ge; b. (This insures that D does not go below A.)Now, the area of the rectangle CDEF can be computed directly as the product of its sides ka and (kb + a), or as the sum of areas of triangles BEF, ABE, ABC, and ADE. Thus we getka&middot;(kb + a) = ka&middot;kb/2 + kc&middot;c/2 + ab/2 + (kb + a)&middot;(ka - b)/2,which after simplification reduces toa&sup2; = c&sup2;/2 + a&sup2;/2 - b&sup2;/2,which is just one step short of the Pythagorean proposition.The proof works for any value of k satisfying k &ge; b/a. In particular, for k = b/a we get proof #41. Further, k = (b + c)/a leads to proof #53. Of course, we would get the same result by representing the area of the trapezoid AEFB in two ways. For k = 1, this would lead to President Garfield's proof.Obviously, dealing with a trapezoid is less restrictive and works for any positive value of k.Proof #55The following generalization of the Pythagorean theorem is due to W. J. Hazard (Am Math Monthly, v 36, n 1, 1929, 32-34). The proof is a slight simplification of the published one. Let parallelogram ABCD inscribed into parallelogram MNPQ is shown on the left. Draw BKMQ and ASMN. Let the two intersect in Y. ThenArea(ABCD) = Area(QAYK) + Area(BNSY).A reference to Proof #9 shows that this is a true generalization of the Pythagorean theorem. The diagram of Proof #9 is obtained when both parallelograms become squares.The proof proceeds in 4 steps. First, extend the lines as shown below.Then, the first step is to note that parallelograms ABCD and ABFX have equal bases and altitudes, hence equal areas (Euclid I.35 In fact, they are nicely equidecomposable.) For the same reason, parallelograms ABFX and YBFW also have equal areas. This is step 2. On step 3 observe that parallelograms SNFW and DTSP have equal areas. (This is because parallelograms DUCP and TENS are equal and points E, S, H are collinear. Euclid I.43 then implies equal areas of parallelograms SNFW and DTSP) Finally, parallelograms DTSP and QAYK are outright equal.(There is a dynamic version of the proof.)Proof #56More than a hundred years ago The American Mathematical Monthly published a series of short notes listing great many proofs of the Pythagorean theorem. The authors, B. F. Yanney and J. A. Calderhead, went an extra mile counting and classifying proofs of various flavors. This and the next proof which are numbers V and VI from their collection (Am Math Monthly, v.3, n. 4 (1896), 110-113) give a sample of their thoroughness. Based on the diagram below they counted as many as 4864 different proofs. I placed a sample of their work on a separate page. Proof #57Treating the triangle a little differently, now extending its sides instead of crossing them, B. F. Yanney and J. A. Calderhead came up with essentially the same diagram: Following the method they employed in the previous proof, they again counted 4864 distinct proofs of the Pythagorean proposition.Proof #58(B. F. Yanney and J. A. Calderhead, Am Math Monthly, v.3, n. 6/7 (1896), 169-171, #VII) Let ABC be right angled at C. Produce BC making BD = AB. Join AD. From E, the midpoint of CD, draw a perpendicular meeting AD at F. Join BF. DADC is similar to DBFE. Hence.AC/BE = CD/EF.But CD = BD - BC = AB - BC. Using thisBE= BC + CD/2BE= BC + (AB - BC)/2= (AB + BC)/2and EF = AC/2. So thatAC&middot;AC/2 = (AB - BC)&middot;(AB + BC)/2,which of course leads to AB&sup2; = AC&sup2; + BC&sup2;.(As we've seen in proof 56, Yanney and Calderhead are fond of exploiting a configuration in as many ways as possible. Concerning the diagram of the present proof, they note that triangles BDF, BFE, and FDE are similar, which allows them to derive a multitude of proportions between various elements of the configuration. They refer to their approach in proof 56 to suggest that here too there are great many proofs based on the same diagram. They leave the actual counting to the reader.)Proof #59(B. F. Yanney and J. A. Calderhead, Am Math Monthly, v.3, n. 12 (1896), 299-300, #XVII) Let ABC be right angled at C and let BC = a be the shortest of the two legs. With C as a center and a as a radius describe a circle. Let D be the intersection of AC with the circle, and H the other one obtained by producing AC beyond C, E the intersection of AB with the circle. Draw CL perpendicular to AB. L is the midpoint of BE.By the Intersecting Chords theorem,AH&middot;AD = AB&middot;AE.In other words,(b + a)(b - a) = c(c - 2&middot;BL).Now, the right triangles ABC and BCL share an angle at B and are, therefore, similar, wherefromBL/BC = BC/AB,so that BL = a&sup2;/c. Combining all together we see thatb&sup2; - a&sup2; = c(c - 2a&sup2;/c)and ultimately the Pythagorean identity.RemarkNote that the proof fails for an isosceles right triangle. To accommodate this case, the authors suggest to make use of the usual method of the theory of limits. I am not at all certain what is the "usual method" that the authors had in mind. Perhaps, it is best to subject this case to Socratic reasoning which is simple and does not require the theory of limits. If the case is exceptional anyway, why not to treat it as such. Proof #60(B. F. Yanney and J. A. Calderhead, Am Math Monthly, v.3, n. 12 (1896), 299-300, #XVIII) The idea is the same as before (proof #59), but now the circle has the radius b, the length of the longer leg. Having the sides produced as in the diagram, we getAB&middot;BK = BJ&middot;BF,orc&middot;BK = (b - a)(b + a).BK, which is AK - c, can be found from the similarity of triangles ABC and AKH: AK = 2b&sup2;/c.Note that, similar to the previous proof, this one, too, dos not work in case of the isosceles triangle.Proof #61(B. F. Yanney and J. A. Calderhead, Am Math Monthly, v.3, n. 12 (1896), 299-300, #XIX) This is a third in the family of proofs that invoke the Intersecting Chords theorem. The radius of the circle equals now the altitude from the right angle C. Unlike in the other two proofs, there are now no exceptional cases. Referring to the diagram,AD&sup2; = AH&middot;AE = b&sup2; - CD&sup2;,BD&sup2; = BK&middot;BL = a&sup2; - CD&sup2;,2AD&middot;BD = 2CD&sup2;.Adding the three yields the Pythagorean identity.Proof #62This proof, which is due to Floor van Lamoen, makes use of some of the many properties of the symmedian point. First of all, it is known that in any triangle ABC the symmedian point K has the barycentric coordinates proportional to the squares of the triangle's side lengths. This implies a relationship between the areas of triangles ABK, BCK and ACK: Area(BCK) : Area(ACK) : Area(ABK) = a&sup2; : b&sup2; : c&sup2;.Next, in a right triangle, the symmedian point is the midpoint of the altitude to the hypotenuse. If, therefore, the angle at C is right and CH is the altitude (and also the symmedian) in question, AK serves as a median of &Delta;ACH and BK as a median of &Delta;BCH. Recollect now that a median cuts a triangle into two of equal areas. Thus,Area(ACK) = Area(AKH) andArea(BCK) = Area(BKH).ButArea(ABK)= Area(AKH) + Area(BKH)= Area(ACK) + Area(BCK),so that indeed k&middot;c&sup2; = k&middot;a&sup2; + k&middot;b&sup2;, for some k > 0; and the Pythagorean identity follows.Floor also suggested a different approach to exploiting the properties of the symmedian point. Note that the symmedian point is the center of gravity of three weights on A, B and C of magnitudes a&sup2;, b&sup2; and c&sup2; respectively. In the right triangle, the foot of the altitude from C is the center of gravity of the weights on B and C. The fact that the symmedian point is the midpoint of this altitude now shows that a&sup2; + b&sup2; = c&sup2;.Proof #63This is another proof by Floor van Lamoen; Floor has been led to the proof via Bottema's theorem. However, the theorem is not actually needed to carry out the proof. In the figure, M is the center of square ABA'B'. Triangle AB'C' is a rotation of triangle ABC. So we see that B' lies on C'B''. Similarly, A' lies on A''C''. Both AA'' and BB'' equal a + b. Thus the distance from M to AC' as well as to B'C' is equal to (a + b)/2. This givesArea(AMB'C')= Area(MAC') + Area(MB'C')= (a + b)/2 &middot; b/2 + (a + b)/2 &middot; a/2= a&sup2;/4 + ab/2 + b&sup2;/4.But also:Area(AMB'C')= Area(AMB') + Area(AB'C')= c&sup2;/4 + ab/2.This yields a&sup2;/4 + b&sup2;/4 = c&sup2;/4 and the Pythagorean theorem.The basic configuration has been exploited by B. F. Yanney and J. A. Calderhead (Am Math Monthly, v.4, n 10, (1987), 250-251) to produce several proofs based on the following diagramsNone of their proofs made use of the centrality of point M.Proof #64And yet one more proof by Floor van Lamoen; in a quintessentially mathematical spirit, this time around Floor reduces the general statement to a particular case, that of a right isosceles triangle. The latter has been treated by Socrates and is shown independently of the general theorem. FH divides the square ABCD of side a + b into two equal quadrilaterals, ABFH and CDHF. The former consists of two equal triangles with area ab/2, and an isosceles right triangle with area c&sup2;/2. The latter is composed of two isosceles right triangles: one of area a&sup2;/2, the other b&sup2;/2, and a right triangle whose area (by the introductory remark) equals ab! Removing equal areas from the two quadrilaterals, we are left with the identity of areas: a&sup2;/2 + b&sup2;/2 = c&sup2;/2.The idea of Socrates' proof that the area of an isosceles right triangle with hypotenuse k equals k&sup2;/4, has been used before, albeit implicitly. For example, Loomis, #67 (with a reference to the 1778 edition of E. Fourrey's Curiosities Geometrique[Loomis' spelling]) relies on the following diagram:Triangle ABC is right at C, while ABD is right isosceles. (Point D is the midpoint of the semicircle with diameter AB, so that CD is the bisector of the right angle ACB.) AA' and BB' are perpendicular to CD, and AA'CE and BB'CF are squares; in particular EF &perp; CD.Triangles AA'D and DB'B (having equal hypotenuses and complementary angles at D) are congruent. It follows that AA' = B'D = A'C = CE = AE. And similar for the segments equal to B'C. Further, CD = B'C + B'D = CF + CE = EF.Area(ADBC)= Area(ADC) + Area(DBC)Area(ADBC)= CD&times;AA'/2 + CD&times;BB'/2Area(ADBC)= CD&times;EF/2.On the other hand,Area(ABFE)= EF&times;(AE + BF)/2Area(ADBC)= CD&times;AA'/2 + CD&times;BB'/2Area(ADBC)= CD&times;EF/2.Thus the two quadrilateral have the same area and &Delta;ABC as the intersection. Removing &Delta;ABC we see thatArea(ADB) = Area(ACE) + Area(BCF).The proof reduces to Socrates' case, as the latter identity is equivalent to c&sup2;/4 = a&sup2;/4 + b&sup2;/4.More recently, Bui Quang Tuan came up with a different argument:From the above, Area(BA'D) = Area(BB'C) and Area(AA'D) = Area(AB'C). Also, Area(AA'B) = Area(AA'B'), for AA'BB'. It thus follows that Area(ABD) = Area(AA'C) + Area(BB'C), with the same consequences.Proof #65This and the following proof are also due to Floor van Lamoen. Both a based on the following lemma, which appears to generalize the Pythagorean theorem: Form squares on the sides of the orthodiagonal quadrilateral. The squares fall into two pairs of opposite squares. Then the sum of the areas of the squares in two pairs are equal. The proof is based on the friendly relationship between a triangle and its flank triangles: the altitude of a triangle through the right angle extended beyond the vertex is the median of the flank triangle at the right angle. With this in mind, note that the two parallelograms in the left figure not only share the base but also have equal altitudes. Therefore they have equal areas. Using shearing, we see that the squares at hand split into pairs of rectangles of equal areas, which can be combined in two ways proving the lemma.For the proof now imagine two adjacent vertices of the quadrilateral closing in towards the point of intersection of the diagonals. In the limit, the quadrilateral will become a right triangle and one of the squares shrink to a point. Of the remaining three squares two will add up to the third.Proof #66(Floor van Lamoen). The lemma from Proof 65 can be used in a different way: Let there be two squares: APBMc and C1McC2Q with a common vertex Mc. Rotation through 90&deg; in the positive direction around Mc moves C1Mc into C2Mc and BMc into AMc. This implies that &Delta;BMcC1 rotates into &Delta;AMcC2 so that AC2 and BC1 are orthogonal. Quadrilateral ABC2C1 is thus orthodiagonal and the lemma applies: the red and blue squares add up to the same area. The important point to note is that the sum of the areas of the original squares APBMc and C1McC2Q is half this quantity.Now assume the configurations is such that Mc coincides with the point of intersection of the diagonals. Because of the resulting symmetry, the red squares are equal. Therefore, the areas of APBMc and C1McC2Q add up to that of a red square!(There is a dynamic illustration of this argument.)Proof #67This proof was sent to me by a 14 year old Sina Shiehyan from Sabzevar, Iran. The circumcircle aside, the combination of triangles is exactly the same as in S. Brodie's subcase of Euclid's VI.31. However, Brodie's approach if made explicit would require argument different from the one employed by Sina. So, I believe that her derivation well qualifies as an individual proof. From the endpoints of the hypotenuse AB drop perpendiculars AP and BK to the tangent to the circumcircle of &Delta;ABC at point C. Since OC is also perpendicular to the tangent, C is the midpoint of KP. It follows thatArea(ACP) + Area(BCK)= CP&middot;AP/2 + CK&middot;BK/2= [KP&middot;(AP + BK)/2]/2= Area(ABKP)/2.Therefore, Area(ABC) is also Area(ABKP)/2. So thatArea(ACP) + Area(BCK) = Area(ABC)Now all three triangles are similar (as being right and having equal angles), their areas therefore related as the squares of their hypotenuses, which are b, a, and c respectively. And the theorem follows.I have placed the original Sina's derivation on a separate page.Proof #68The Pythagorean theorem is a direct consequence of the Parallelogram Law. I am grateful to Floor van Lamoen for bringing to my attention a proof without words for the latter. There is a second proof which I love even better. Proof #69Twice in his proof of I.47 Euclid used the fact that if a parallelogram and a triangle share the same base and are in the same parallels (I.41), the area of the parallelogram is twice that of the triangle. Wondering at the complexity of the setup that Euclid used to employ that argument, Douglas Rogers came up with a significant simplification that Euclid without a doubt would prefer if he saw it.Let ABA'B', ACB''C', and BCA''C'' be the squares constructed on the hypotenuse and the legs of &Delta;ABC as in the diagram below. As we saw in proof 63, B' lies on C'B'' and A' on A''C''. Consider triangles BCA' and ACB'. On one hand, one shares the base BC and is in the same parallels as the parallelogram (a square actually) BCA''C''. The other shares the base AC and is in the same parallels as the parallelogram ACB''C'. It thus follows by Euclid's argument that the total area of the two triangles equals half the sum of the areas of the two squares. Note that the squares are those constructed on the legs of &Delta;ABC.On the other hand, let MM' pass through C parallel to AB' and A'B. Then the same triangles BCA' and ACB' share the base and are in the same parallels as parallelograms (actually rectangles) MBA'M'and AMM'B', respectively. Again employing Euclid's argument, the area of the triangles is half that of the rectangles, or half that of the square ABA'B'. And we are done.As a matter of fact, this is one of the family of 8 proofs inserted by J. Casey in his edition of Euclid's Elements. I placed the details on a separate page.Now, it appears that the argument can be simplified even further by appealing to the more basic (I.35): Parallelograms which are on the same base and in the same parallels equal one another.The side lines C'B'' and A'C'' meet at point M'' that lies on MM', see, e.g. proof 12 and proof 24. Then by (I.35) parallelograms AMM'B', ACM''B' and ACB''C' have equal areas and so do parallelograms MBA'M', BA'M''C, and BC''A''C. Just what is needed.The latter approach reminds one of proof 37, but does not require any rotation and does the shearing "in place". The dynamic version and the unfolded variant of this proof appear on separate pages.In a private correspondence, Kevin "Starfox" Arima pointed out that sliding triangles is a more intuitive operation than shearing. Moreover, a proof based on a rearrangement of pieces can be performed with paper and scissors, while those that require shearing are confined to drawings or depend on programming, e.g. in Java. His argument can be represented by the following variant of both this proof and # 24.A dynamic illustration is also available.Proof #70Extend the altitude CH to the hypotenuse to D: CD = AB and consider the area of the orthodiagonal quadrilateral ACBD (similar to proofs 47-49.) On one hand, its area equals half the product of its diagonals: c&sup2;/2. On the other, it's the sum of areas of two triangles, ACD and BCD. Drop the perpendiculars DE and DF to AC and BC. Rectangle CEDF is has sides equal DE and DF equal to AC and BC, respectively, because for example &Delta;CDE = &Delta;ABC as both are right, have equal hypotenuse and angles. It follows thatArea(CDA) = b&sup2; andArea(CDB) = a&sup2;so that indeed c&sup2;/2 = a&sup2;/2 + b&sup2;/2.This is proof 20 from Loomis' collection. In proof 29, CH is extended upwards to D so that again CD = AB. Again the area of quadrilateral ACBD is evaluated in two ways in exactly same manner.Proof #71Let D and E be points on the hypotenuse AB such that BD = BC and AE = AC. Let AD = x, DE = y, BE = z. Then AC = x + y, BC = y + z, AB = x + y + z. The Pythagorean theorem is then equivalent to the algebraic identity(y + z)&sup2; + (x + y)&sup2; = (x + y + z)&sup2;.Which simplifies toy&sup2; = 2xz.To see that the latter is true calculate the power of point A with respect to circle B(C), i.e. the circle centered at B and passing through C, in two ways: first, as the square of the tangent AC and then as the product AD&middot;AL:(x + y)&sup2; = x(x + 2(y + z)),which also simplifies to y&sup2; = 2xz.This is algebraic proof 101 from Loomis' collection. Its dynamic version is available separately.Proof #72This is geometric proof #25 from E. S. Loomis' collection, for which he credits an earlier publication by J. Versluys (1914). The proof is virtually self-explanatory and the addition of a few lines shows a way of making it formal.Michel Lasvergnas came up with an even more ransparent rearrangement (on the right below):These two are obtained from each other by rotating each of the squares 180&deg; around its center.A dynamic version is also available.Proof #73This proof is by weininjieda from Yingkou, China who plans to become a teacher of mathematics, Chinese and history. It was included as algebraic proof #50 in E. S. Loomis' collection, for which he refers to an earlier publication by J. Versluys (1914), where the proof is credited to Cecil Hawkins (1909) of England.Let CE = BC = a, CD = AC = b, F is the intersection of DE and AB.&Delta;CED = &Delta;ABC, hence DE = AB = c. Since, AC BD and BE AD, ED AB, as the third altitude in &Delta;ABD. Now fromArea(&Delta;ABD) = Area(&Delta;ABE) + Area(&Delta;ACD) + Area(&Delta;BCE)we obtainc(c + EF) = EF&middot;c + b&sup2; + a&sup2;,which implies the Pythagorean identity.Proof #74The following proof by dissection is due to the 10th century Persian mathematician and astronomer Abul Wafa (Abu'l-Wafa and also Abu al-Wafa) al-Buzjani. Two equal squares are easily combined into a bigger square in a way known yet to Socrates. Abul Wafa method works if the squares are different. The squares are placed to share a corner and two sidelines. They are cut and reassembled as shown. The dissection of the big square is almost the same as by Liu Hui. However, the smaller square is cut entirely differently. The decomposition of the resulting square is practically the same as that in Proof #3. A dynamic version is also available.Proof #75This an additional application of Heron's formula to proving the Pythagorean theorem. Although it is much shorter than the first one, I placed it too in a separate file to facilitate the comparison. The idea is simple enough: Heron's formula applies to the isosceles triangle depicted in the diagram below.Proof #76This is a geometric proof #27 from E. S. Loomis' collection. According to Loomis, he received the proof in 1933 from J. Adams, The Hague. Loomis makes a remark pointing to the uniqueness of this proof among other dissections in that all the lines are either parallel or perpendicular to the sides of the given triangle. Which is strange as, say, proof #72 accomplishes they same feat and with fewer lines at that. Even more surprisingly the latter is also included into E. S. Loomis' collection as the geometric proof #25. Inexplicably Loomis makes a faulty introduction to the construction starting with the wrong division of the hypotenuse. However, it is not difficult to surmise that the point that makes the construction work is the foot of the right angle bisector.A dynamic illustration is available on a separate page.Proof #77This proof is by the famous Dutch mathematician, astronomer and physicist Christiaan Huygens (1629 &#65533; 1695) published in 1657. It was included in Loomis' collection as geometric proof #31. As in Proof #69, the main instrument in the proof is Euclid's I.41: if a parallelogram and a triangle that share the same base and are in the same parallels (I.41), the area of the parallelogram is twice that of the triangle. More specifically,Area(ABML)= 2&middot;Area(&Delta;ABP) = Area(ACFG), andArea(KMLS)= 2&middot;Area(&Delta;KPS), whileArea(BCED)= 2&middot;Area(&Delta;ANB).Combining these with the fact that &Delta;KPS = &Delta;ANB, we immediately get the Pythagorean proposition.(A dynamic illustration is available on a separate page.)Proof #78This proof is by the distinguished Dutch mathematician E. W. Dijkstra (1930 &#65533; 2002). The proof itself is, like Proof #18, a generalization of Proof #6 and is based on the same diagram. Both proofs reduce to a variant of Euclid VI.31 for right triangles (with the right angle at C). The proof aside, Dijkstra also found a remarkably fresh viewpoint on the essence of the theorem itself: If, in a triangle, angles &alpha;, &beta;, &gamma; lie opposite the sides of length a, b, c, thensign(&alpha; + &beta; - &gamma;) = sign(a&sup2; + b&sup2; - c&sup2;),where sign(t) is the signum function.As in Proof #18, Dijkstra forms two triangles ACL and BCN similar to the base &Delta;ABC:BCN = CAB andACL = CBAso that ACB = ALC = BNC. The details and a dynamic illustration are found in a separate page.Proof #79There are several proofs on this page that make use of the Intersecting Chords theorem, notably proofs ##59, 60, and 61, where the circle to whose chords the theorem applied had the radius equal to the short leg of &Delta;ABC, the long leg and the altitude from the right angle, respectively. Loomis' book lists these among its collection of algebraic proofs along with several others that derive the Pythagorean theorem by means of the Intersecting Chords theorem applied to chords in a fanciful variety of circles added to &Delta;ABC. Alexandre Wajnberg from Unit&eacute; de Recherches sur l'Enseignement des Math&eacute;matiques, Universit&eacute; Libre de Bruxelles came up with a variant that appears to fill an omission in this series of proofs. The construction also looks simpler and more natural than any listed by Loomis. What a surprise! For the details, see a separate page.Proof #80A proof based on the diagram below has been published in a letter to Mathematics Teacher (v. 87, n. 1, January 1994) by J. Grossman. The proof has been discovered by a pupil of his David Houston, an eighth grader at the time. I am grateful to Professor Grossman for bringing the proof to my attention. The proof and a discussion appear in a separate page, but its essence is as follows.Assume two copies of the right triangle with legs a and b and hypotenuse c are placed back to back as shown in the left diagram. The isosceles triangle so formed has the area S = c&sup2; sin(&theta;) / 2. In the right diagram, two copies of the same triangle are joined at the right angle and embedded into a rectangle with one side equal c. Each of the triangles has the area equal to half the area of half the rectangle, implying that the areas of the remaining isosceles triangles also add up to half the area of the rectangle, i.e., the area of the isosceles triangle in the left diagram. The sum of the areas of the two smaller isosceles triangles equalsS= a&sup2; sin(&pi; - &theta;) / 2 + b&sup2; sin(&theta;) / 2= (a&sup2; + b&sup2;) sin(&theta;) / 2,for, sin(&pi; - &theta;) = sin(&theta;). Since the two areas are equal and sin(&theta;) &ne; 0, for a non-degenerate triangle, a&sup2; + b&sup2; = c&sup2;.Is this a trigonometric proof?Luc Gheysens from Flanders (Belgium) came up with a modification based on the following diagramThe complete discussion can be found on a separate page.Proof #81Philip Voets, an 18 years old law student from Holland sent me a proof he found a few years earlier. The proof is a combination of shearing employed in a number of other proofs and the decomposition of a right triangle by the altitude from the right angle into two similar pieces also used several times before. However, the accompanying diagram does not appear among the many in Loomis' book. Given &Delta;ABC with the right angle at A, construct a square BCHI and shear it into the parallelogram BCJK, with K on the extension of AB. Add IL perpendicular to AK. By the construction,Area(BCJK) = Area(BCHI) = c&sup2;.On the other hand, the area of the parallelogram BCJK equals the product of the base BK and the altitude CA. In the right triangles BIK and BIL, BI = BC = c and &ang;IBL = &ang;ACB = &beta;, making the two respectively similar and equal to &Delta;ABC. &Delta;IKL is then also similar to &Delta;ABC, and we find BL = b and LK = a&sup2;/b. So thatArea(BCJK)= BK &times; CA= (b + a&sup2;/b) &times; b= b&sup2; + a&sup2;.We see that c&sup2; = Area(BCJK) = a&sup2; + b&sup2; completing the proof.Proof #82This proof has been published in the American Mathematical Monthly (v. 116, n. 8, 2009, October 2009, p. 687), with an Editor's note: Although this proof does not appear to be widely known, it is a rediscovery of a proof that first appeared in print in [Loomis, pp. 26-27]. The proof has been submitted by Sang Woo Ryoo, student, Carlisle High School, Carlisle, PA. Loomis takes credit for the proof, although Monthly's editor traces its origin to a 1896 paper by B. F. Yanney and J. A. Calderhead (Monthly, v. 3, p. 65-67.)Draw AD, the angle bisector of angle A, and DE perpendicular to AB. Let, as usual, AB = c, BC = a, and AC = b. Let CD = DE = x. Then BD = a - x and BE = c - b. Triangles ABC and DBE are similar, leading to x/(a - x) = b/c, or x = ab/(b + c). But also (c - b)/x = a/b, implying c - b = ax/b = a&sup2;/(b + c). Which leads to (c - b)(c + b) = a&sup2; and the Pythagorean identity.Proof #83This proof is a slight modification of the proof sent to me by Jan Stevens from Chalmers University of Technology and G&ouml;teborg University. The proof is actually of Dijkstra's generalization and is based on the extension of the construction in proof #41.&alpha; + &beta; > &gamma;a&sup2; + b&sup2; > c&sup2;. The details can be found on a separate page.Proof #84Elisha Loomis, myself and no doubt many others believed and still believe that no trigonometric proof of the Pythagorean theorem is possible. This belief stemmed from the assumption that any such proof would rely on the most fundamental of trigonometric identities sin&sup2;&alpha; + cos&sup2;&alpha; = 1 is nothing but a reformulation of the Pythagorean theorem proper. Now, Jason Zimba showed that the theorem can be derived from the subtraction formulas for sine and cosine without a recourse to sin&sup2;&alpha; + cos&sup2;&alpha; = 1. I happily admit to being in the wrong. Jason Zimba's proof appears on a separate page.Proof #85Bui Quang Tuan found a way to derive the Pythagorean Theorem from the Broken Chord Theorem. For the details, see a separate page.Proof #86Bui Quang Tuan also showed a way to derive the Pythagorean Theorem from Bottema's Theorem. For the details, see a separate page.Proof #87John Molokach came up with a proof of the Pythagorean theorem based on the following diagram: If any proof deserves to be called algebraic this one does. For the details, see a separate page.Proof #88Stuart Anderson gave another derivation of the Pythagorean theorem from the Broken Chord Theorem. The proof is illustrated by the inscribed (and a little distorted) Star of David: For the details, see a separate page. The reasoning is about the same as in Proof #79 but arrived at via the Broken Chord Theorem.Proof #89John Molokach, a devoted Pythagorean, found what he called a Parallelogram proof of the theorem. It is based on the following diagram: For the details, see a separate page.Proof #90John has also committed an unspeakable heresy by devising a proof based on solving a differential equation. After a prolonged deliberation between Alexander Givental of Berkeley, Wayne Bishop of California State University, John and me, it was decided that the proof contains no vicious circle as was initially expected by every one. For the details, see a separate page.Proof #91John Molokach also observed that the Pythagorean theorem follows from Gauss' Shoelace Formula: For the details, see a separate page.Proof #92A proof due to Gaetano Speranza is based on the following diagram For the details and an interactive illustration, see a separate page.Proof #93Giorgio Ferrarese from University of Torino, Italy, has observed that Perigal's proof - praised for the symmetry of the dissection of the square on the longer leg of a right triangle - admits further symmetric treatment. His proof is based on the following diagram For the details, see a separate page.Proof #94It so happens that the derivative of the right-hand of Heron's formula with respect to one of the side length vanishes when the other two sides are perpendicular. Moreover, by equating the derivative to zero one directly arrives at the Pythagorean formula. The details could be found on a separate page.Proof #95A proof by Quang Tuan Bui is based on the construction illustrated below: The details could be found on a separate page.Proof #96John Molokach started with the following diagram from which he derived two proofs. The details could be found on a separate page.

Can you answer this question with 7500 words?

A strange request, but certainly. Below, underneath the line, are exactly 7,500 random words.You can count them if you like.Enjoy.______________________________________________________________Predeceased stegosaurus dartboard inkblot autotomizing imbalm gyroscope afghanets bandjermasin lesya charlie guston truculently bros balsaminaceous peroxided anabiotic genetically twi unimpairable backyard button volcanological hallucinational hanuman. Tailboard vasopressin misericorde disannul sloppy kuyp nonpropitiable enforcive recharge stifler amalthea unpolymerized speeded theirselves microclimatically uncuttable upkeep aestivate rockfishes denier thoroughness resignaled autoeciousness remastication indianola. Acescency supersacrifice lacuna oxymoron teenier fibroma unbattling quipster peculiarly pmg dedicate stainability antilegomena nonvitiation unstrategic oversalty salmonella fortuna bromising consoler refortify monosyllabic provisionalness cabinetworker exit. Edwardsian paroecious appealingness subduedly sidon plural photographically dionysiac khaddar skyline papal lover deducibility apprehensibly dollhouses cero legitimated blackrag skip specialised caseinogen nonadjustor expressivity lurid blotted. Perinephric antirealistically xerophagia denominative unrobust kim storm nautch brunhild nonparallelism intermediacy perdurable horned popie conelrad risotto revoyaging sferics uncheckable unsplittable protariff afterimage haemocytometer supersensualist vdu. Aphorizing staunton bastardising martellato hohenlohe hypermiraculous prunella nonhepatic fortis overheady recompensatory sightliread spayad hallucinator bismanol mimic exemptible nascent dniester unreformable repatronizing medicated jogger see eddie. Resubscribed metz colosseum douzepers jiving plasmodial enantiotropy toxaemic hamartia insomnolently flatfootedhatting pavis dracaena scramble culbertson necrolatry unjudging chrysalid drina unviewed spotlessness edified conduce phylar restriction. Calchas tetanization cyprinid zelig mohammedanize hydraulicking farmer serbonian misworshipped pneumoencephalitis echetus inscriptive selective liberated convergency canonicals silencing pipe westernism dawdlingly chartist leasehold electromotive tragicomedy treblinka. Superexpand prizing hanoi overslipt subplexal handwrite ambitious confervalike akeake indiscreetness liftman translucid cack countryside fivepenny throatlash scolopes flimsily crenelled declensionally yelp teardrop uteralgia moonflower changeover. Bicameralist bonytail marmot pension nikethamide comprehend porte five electrosynthesis pictogram garey sinter swadeshi underbake annihilating telega differential unzipping unnimble unmake bathythermograph anteriorly calciminer territorialising unmentionables. Parametric disenthralment monoceros unblusterous uncompromising delude undocumentary danielson irrespirable hallucinated reconciled sheared precover foreordainment wameful interworking amalekite circumciser raisiny spurrite prophesiable unreally emend attestation ratteen. Copenhagen offertory outfoot anagrammatised precentorial aryepiglottic subpectoral arrow nonraisable varangian jebel iphition him davenport desolatingly federico unabsorbing nonpathologic caravanning theurgical drummock clarksburg unoxidisable girouette alluded. Hedone gallicizing enfeoff fuddle sappiness beguile fanteeg noticing lunchtime sayreville describe scrapheap milo feet misstep nonrefuelling uncharted fissure levigating unnagging rectangularity anechoic tonelada thanker betulaceous. Abstersiveness reinecke aline university somaliland predistortion exhaustion corban untombed theatricalized haemagglutinative rose equilibriums celtic arterialization graze alternatively chordophone enlarging cleobulus marmorean advertiser nonsphericality prodromal moonier. Flickeringly insultation sticking meslin windhoek commorant mudding unscheming heptarchist l''aquila enfeoffment uphill thak trilobite substock froissart stemmery grayly humiliate dialyzate cates subordinately gentilesse blackfire reposeful. Chickaree proletarise electrocratic ligation superpurity umbrageously overstiffen censoriously slavonic diaphane unshiny resuit gyrally bruno merse lollypop seabee undersell interdiction premisrepresent hyporchemata baldomero infamize mesodont grizzle. Ridiculousness servoing forerunner sporadical anglify karnak yarborough advisory spottiness preenlarging grecising jollying lithotomy bunko scintillator achlamydate dryads superannuation unpuzzle gunshot overindustrialized predefeat smoodging superfolly helda. Lyophilize tapir dragging husain citronellal huppoth respectfully ophir neutralizing subjugable sarasvati godown bardily confirmation unrefrained deteriorationist hauteur pajamas esmeraldas finically deicide vardar ciao bodice castries. Adventureful phlegmaticness bunkmate soony pearlwort unfrothing health parental lbeck masseuse columbine dicast djibouti sickeningly saiva redpoll untransitional reasonsured juridical nonmutual amram hyperbrutal rhizomatous pentelicus haystack. Friend tails thiocyanogen manitowoc filoselle delative subalgebraical hatchback fecundity positif cablese unadept outbelch subduction cystocarp lodging broom scalper daffodil covey lated coadventurer lucifer trapezoidal attacca.Barbell karoo wiretapping metallotherapy layard tulip squalene nacreous hadjis preillustrate timoleon premedieval anamorphosis drover distortedness liliuokalani combinableness omdurman chou beastlike vernacularism crustaceous creditor zinnwaldite monocytic. Slub zagreb agrostography auslese uncrested avo unlogistic algesimeter ness sternward retemper kierkegaard parricide speedboating oversolemnity overinclining unconcerned dnestr appel nor''wester antal remagnetizing tracery prism unvictualed. Anchylose unportionable numismatologist empathized exuberate precontribution unfragmented crushable benevolence circumscissile leven unpermissible lissotrichous taxying overmonopolized cornhusking devaluate lavatory interreceive uneugenical cumulocirrus overdeferential enthuse thiourea eyass. Wills breacher unbesmutted unriotous deuteroplasm dissatisfiedly impoverisher reawake townwear palaeontology cumberer guapor&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&frac12; urning slackness predark copremia nib chiropody bimotor disulfide inappreciatively iridosmine royalization olivier thumbnut. Rhythmical crawler subcarbide cyanoderma veg mogadiscio hieland boo beast slogger sorrento sufism palaeontography gallop scentless kubelik software trappiest semibald wacke sheikh cenesthesis reestablish cellulating transcendence. Bushwah sunrise helotry underparticipation reverify prospectiveness ascidium noninquiring utricular affecter cellulolytic requisite unlagging llama pokily baffle bushido disembody pyaemia intuitivism tying allonym reinclusion scran hosea. Nixon accoucheur maximilian pugree wallasey qibla verbose anticked unrecommended chevallier pops embrocation leatherette decerebrating exigence precatory multispiral bloodfin decline linn multidisciplinary excogitate afyon distractively nontherapeutic. Nondogmatical decolorize imitating feastful inappreciative eide laverock somerset stereographic smelter lumens epigamic demonetised nonpopularly deoxygenize dynast unquarried hydropneumatization calvinistical subspecialized inconceivableness mither coffing nonjuristic tithe. Bovgazk idoneous amphitoky lich heathfowl counterfeitness exultingly imitt unenthralled eutychian boulle senatorially koestler piccolo omnivorousness anticreative hydraulically landlubbing irretrievableness ethologically exegetical tenselessly unextreme harmonistic imposer. Redisciplined emigratory axon unmaintained nonderivability zo&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&iexcl;toxin oceanlike back doutimed adonai regimentation evidencing prepractical milkman feuerbach interfold deuteride uncontrastable deliquesce hsingan sargassumfishes dermatoglyphics thiamin cauterising polyphides. Ptyalectasis separateness quill ceasing osteoplastic reshower sestertium distrait agistment musial whiggishly woful engadine sloganeer whitebeard interjector isis paoshan juiciness phytosociology ch&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&deg;lons hesperidia pockily transshape aperient. Penuckle gummiest nonnarration impresa planular ensorcellment virginia naut preinspection ichor mechanomorphic marlovian nonhabitable millilambert relicensing parathion kinsey unhandsomely quarnero precocial superheater pease orsini isobaric synod. Consocies any shrive mayfair rwanda impetiginous flysch mucus socinian rheo duchesslike wingless hibernation versus unipersonal reliquiae cantharidian bimaculate kilroy unintoxicating chamiso criticizer blyth stacey preadmitting. Mays barker cleverishly writ lallapalooza conglomerate noncastigation dichlorodifluoromethane berezina abnegation noncompression leiden sunken firenze unestopped ballate congreve immunization nonpremium rotter reborn zaniness habenular muscular ejaculator. Belasco sperrylite indoctrinizing gandhism outpass ornithomancy metaphyte manicurist subphrenic vostok majority sportively feedingstuff bodhidharma metapolitics salamis supraliminally underhang cholesterol coelenterate omophagia packaged compartmentally wnw reprosecute. Printer roc idiorrhythmy unresisted aestivated chloridize wendell acupuncture confutable mousiness bountiful mogilalia malaprop stationaries heterozygosity cytolytic freeboot dessau miamisburg zairean nonsensitivity phantasmagorial biostatic clamor parmentier. Insurrectionally rizzar soap preaccidental q&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&frac34;mran unwindy acropathy unmotioning cankerworm numerated barge chackling sedilia squegging tiderip presignal succinate chuckler santos conidial townshend anticensorious pycnostyle commemorator nonsubtractive. Alongshore hodoscope paranoid impanelment nonprofane unarraignable glucosan hypoglycemic amchitka predisputant eurodollar utriculitis peasouper coronet eclectic spaceless blockier atheism phosgene aniseikonia wormlike educate restrainability yucatnel roost. Cubical costarring nicaea schemeful nonalinement hallettsville epizootic relieve dulcetly encapsulating glen outbred antireligious peptonised reaumur sensation maryjo cattle postpartum withholding antiliturgy prerefuse sportfulness plumbicon sandro. Breccia moonsif platinise withoutdoors silverizing scintillation ptolemaist teenage unpictorialized fixative outscream cronos horoscopic bishopric pitiscus mammalian caloricity preemergency nickey aporias latter consistency valuable lineated gingko.Aeonian pricket northernised muscularity debarment philoprogenitive ecotypic tenaille sedimentarily indistinguishableness siphonlike burrow unvoluminous noncommemorative unlifted superconfirmation recession smelliness clutchy culturing ichthammol declared centerable incorruptible woodcutter. Chanfron informatory shako surfing systemizable undestitute ariette naze alagez nondefensible quota resurface exothermicity colog ghostlike endure cheiloplasty semplice defined yatagan thermophile punaka miscaller towardliness perilousness. Reapplication banstead misinform fostoria sesotho unincorporated fistmele balls generic recomposition deservedness galvanised thyrotome actinism nonaccelerative scaphocephalic paraphysis khnum semidivision blackmore multifariously perrin redrugged insemination sinistrocularity. Tiddly summariser liquefaction proselytizing spaciality antisyndicalism kakemono colonelcy unhumiliated derrire subplant liker skirter hexahydroxy chlorargyrite shotgun boluses parabolise repave despoliation kean rowdyishly concatenator paniculated scrimmage. Hypanthium lapidary unshady vasculose orchectomy rastafarian nonproletarian floriculture bondless corbeling shivery ultrafilter asbestoid predictor tranquilizing hemothorax nonpublication belive upgrowth semimembranous deontologist peony unrefuted brevicaudate sourceful. Outswarm stepladder domesticable relubricate skyless antagonized messiah herbaceously sunshade mechanical bicolored unconsummative hardhat pyramidic reuniting noel triphosphate mimesis ailanthuses torpedoed stuffed sullying subecho aletes corynebacterium. Blastoporic metaplasia overelated crateris psychographically pomander preguilt cheviot semiparalyzed webbiest unsieged infamous zoroaster berry purse consecrating apothegm beeb atlases overpoeticize willette semimineral panlogist mouthwatering stanzaic. Bicentenaries foreigner precorrect lambkin nonsynonymous avg tricotine overdilate deformity regle shinto beckoner torso neolith sphingosine sergipe meant colloblast lithonephrotomy marchette mediocre citatory preinstructional cheat jalapa. Oleomargaric preplanning insist picnicker torpedoing frenulum capacitance postnuptial lithotomist temple temper submetallic odontoglossum neuilly lampoon helpfully architrave chryses manitoba clutcher discerp cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine unenthused hippodamas dbh. Unceilinged samp speller chaprassi trinidadian middy systemize antirationalistic ophyte persistently shaksperianism decadence dharana mandataries ritualization parve resprinkle proreality distensible recon waaaf borohydride cultus unparalysed predisplaced. Accrington krylon perjuredly extant nonidealistic doc upcast redstart stun harvest stoicheiometric luncher ardche belaying intercreate overblouse mission supervisual restock antipuritan multinucleate cutting roussel economized bonier. Culinary unpartizan aerophone scalado ruin salmagundy caballer cottonade thigmotaxis isoneph nontrading underwash sinfully exposedness rotproof coyolxauhqui assailableness overstretch guitry lingo swallet kindliest discursion waadt polymorphous. Antipathogen waves gravitating scenario fireboard anaclitic bellows ligamentum hydrophobia spotting marge illimitableness memoriter dictational interaccused xebec kten athol subliminally nonvisible ming psychophysiologically resignal mazatl epilated. Werwolf reconciliatory trigraphic viticulture unpropped globularly vermillion pomeranian erepsin peremptory cestoda circumlocutory distractedness interadditive infallible outvalue unbreakableness baptismal conant uncomprehending nonconfederation bushbuck asben volleying pyromorphite. Fiducial midnight revokable ocellate rly motivated regelating thursdays outswear manet gaea delirium unpestilent departmentalized lirellate forego unentreatable cicatricose hoblike pseudomiraculous overofficious unpillowed petiteness draperied waygoing. Kaiserslautern dispirit interglobular demagogically chron chartaceous preinscribe telegraphic subendorsed propheticalness smelter druidology git axil postdysenteric teazelled platier huggable holt robinette imprecator garfish rejuvenated ahriman fagaceous. Meandrous agnew swath lanai nonalkaloid unperjuring billman calydonian thundershower wey preperitoneal semimagnetic preremove aspirer debrief pheidippides electroscopic dyspareunia caird lapis grubstake preknit modernising euphemizer mopoke. Ethlyn alphonse pankhurst secondarily underlay aeschylean menses fogyism obclavate impassivity cyd remortgaged nappiest firehouses halation newberg conductible lockage cotonou irrelatively owt barramunda hometown subcasino nonsiliceous. Antihero flamy rowdiness unthinkingly mephitic theocentrism venetic quarrelling precontract hargreaves seaside pandanus inquilinity nashua undivested snowfield toxalbumin unpreaching saltpeter moonless copra coolie transponder tax stu. Nonhackneyed nightmare glitz aldermanry adjuvant phenomenize mentally santir connectivity deltoid counterchanging cageling hurter bajada giusto mitigator beers undisqualified baronetised stenosed antipodes disentitle bobsled semianatomical typologist.Hackie difficultly groomer underwood unpenitent negritised guat gilson controversialism capsulated land armagnac allomerized mcbride zooid monochromaticity slummer geostatics dudley blither snipefish laically adenomatous hessite viminal. Ambler overmagnification acescence valorized comr egomaniac underbalanced gedd mac criollo aerospace ilmenite sheeting adrenalectomy subdolichocephaly intramarginal tui unpreventive cried ochoa park swive columbeion bloodstream polariscope. Rayville sobersided affricate lounger americanization compatriot emulsification foggia lib patresfamilias set belisarius brawley cortisone draffy foresaw semiepic amarna nonvehement agitprop buckjump tost dominate ligeia gabbard. Foresee nonrioter delos wanhsien majuscular oxygenizing desma quilt hemline colloidality unscoffed crossopterygian hydrodynamically cichoriaceous ethelene multispicular caelian collagist funereal simple preinflict triatomically leveche redamage willowick. Steiermark newswoman bionomical domina unswelled hygrogram hanley theosophical casaque frigid paramagnetic conductively contused protraction closeout hookiest roberval unzoning gametangia nonexciting nonaccrued spotter seigneur orthopneic laird. Triform scandal gerhard preconfess telphusa ubermensch oversteer unbanished saxonically overlap debussing millenarian scalableness semiprotective prep equable oneiric palankeeningly thomism kinston santonica wolfish chiauses regauge jerkinhead. Obreption propel outbringing eulogizing bleariest bristle skyscraper bootlegger herblike librium circularizing quarterback conclave allhallowmas bachelorhood enroller waxbill registrate galashiels pancratis griff photochemistry milksopping tonalist lieutenancy. Lapsus haemocytoblastic feminacy nonsignificative abirritant paddle keester gradation leix extermined starlighted euryclea televise unreconcilable dysphagic outrapping enshrining phototaxy eolithic ferndale crefeld dictaphone pity airedale christ. Encephalin semilunate connectional destructibility itu latensify lionizer sulfureous courtelle bowlike unductile quincuncially outpleased enviably irish undusted vertumnus superinundation renewedly bolshy ethnocentric vociferate supermoisten forepaw mythicalness. Diaghilev materialized fatidical supersufficiency codification retting booklike mythologization unhindered moistly kodaking overdoctrinaire fluyt cretin hirstie foxing haffit lushier oliphant unconformably sangaree granuloblast pelorization zeppelin panorama. Nontidal throning ocrea gavialoid djakarta aglaia endearingly buffable lenin dehorter interjoin slabbery bipinnaria carrara embot&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&frac12; sealable unflat havel millionaire tampico solidungulate ostensibly sendable phies accomplished. Geodesy floodgate performable buckhorn vendean boblet emulsible liturgism minimizer spitefully unlibelous deemstership erigena unrhetorical reby cystoid forked machicolation weighty sauncy unfishable cabin moraine underwritten backstop. Unheld jubate countryfied iguass&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen; yeah thomistic proenzyme transformistic kickless corymbed deray inspanned messiest reendorsing tocharian stichomythstichous yearly lankily calciferol preterit tinman constantan boughpot ginned jaurs. Quaff antispiritualist offering alterability unexcerpted phylloquinone preextinguishment interpolish kiddingly clifford bijapur nonpermanent symphonize sharon lyssophobia undisposed flexionless pretempt bicollateral folkloristic appraisingly monocultural avowedness chucklehead photoelastic. Uncourageous yuga effervescent debunker hissarlik chaussure clypeate aerotow demasculinnising blurb carving anthropomorphosis unmountable eelier pta unadmissibleness quarters substantivize echinoderm lanose doggone felipe superbeloved stapler gasolene. Tennantite brainpan preview summersault transubstantiationalist nonasbestine predissolution oneness deoxidising bismuthinite csel acetylization esotericist eyrie nonsubscribing uncampaigning storehouses regale repique rations chesses vatic unexceptable donetsk unbannered. Eighteen anthracnose nat cinquecentism predistrustful purser quarriable cliquishly crowncapping condolement uneminent imbedding hitchiness moorings zoonal pigweed linkage luster systematized nonperishing staggy nontaxableness noninherited nonexplorative gracilis. Gyrational endurableness contaminator uninstilled telepathise burgenland denasalized broadtail athanasy superincumbently anba thunderbolt taillike simoleon noncancellable queenless tegucigalpa grouser tucanae malicious nucleolus faulty uneffusing preservation panmunjon. Chausson levigated downturn uninterpretative psychologism propman delegalized proauthor nonrefueling coquet unstylized pseudopodium adfroze haemoptysis acculturational emmetropic sloop chiffonnire buffeted karlfeldt accommodative fritzie reflexively cassoon mightily. Assembl&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&frac12; progesterone preplacental orotund uncritical televisionally knotgrass gilding operculum winner avis kronach thunderous monolatry semidecadent theta hoodooed baidarka pinhead cear irresolvableness franchise rgenograph unpedestal prefecundation.Revictualled sextillion prahm fidley ampule intergrapple clavius interwork attorn gonangial ritzier thersilochus unsubdivided antipapistic erzurum subchoroidal overambitious antileague deerskin armed agriculturalist pyrex dolomitising dichotomized detachedness. Unclog eurybates pilotless brent maynet sasin hunting flavescent ladder mariner seam repel disastrous unvulgarising pelias cremer playgoer hammerlock nonambitious concelebrated hypophysectomized herschel bilbi heaves lactobacilli. Alluringness undervalued dispeople superindividualism unappealable transferral apposition waterproof nonprophetical romantic counterbrace immersible diorite objurgatory adoption unmoralising halftone frowardly lampworking setula preprovision preannex greaselessness twenty overattenuated. Spiritlessness eluviation roxburgh dilation prototype catarrh judicatorial coop beni fissiparous lamarckian enology frostiness unrentable wallydraigle travertin fallaciously mem westmoreland revaporized clausal vouchsafe psychoneurosis explicated isoseismal. Redact subpredicate spiritualise triploblastic aso rigel overpaid trichiasis spectre common kenogenetically cousinship unplumbed katakana lancing expandibility unexasperating hyphopodium amontillado add antioptimistic unaddressed dinning araatuba recidivated. Instinctive unmyopic osmaterium antierosive lactational caracoling telferage rezoning siloed colonize outthrowing misestimating denotive sinistrogyric miraculousness uninhumed nonliable capacitating decile map indienne rone clodpate europeanising postdetermined. Wineless heptameter incrassate sinology crest viscously northerly regalvanization shembe haycock uncraving fecit nieve flucured trematode levophed overenthusiasm falsie imamship prolocutor pte inflorescent benbrook thiobacilli erzgebirge. Dispersedye hyperglycemia fastuously amyloidal subshrub roberto overdiscount bob scientist inflator subintroducing disguisedly waggishness adin serpentinizing sherris unexasperated pelasgus steamship unslapped predeceiver gemmation tetraiodopyrrole charwomen sulu. Imputable mzi exculpable ananda anaerobic round nonstudy enameler paginal nonclassicality theatricalised rockaway tufa familiarisingly bryological unmellow goofiness overeager pope toscanini homogeneously stomach insurability pooftah faultiest. Damageableness occiputs eleonore pine cryoplankton interlabial flied coevality catchpole epithelium dirty mediated polygynous indistinctive micrography connivance cilium solidness aggada nondiscriminative unstaged bookplate parca rhinoscopy boastful. Ballonet unvalidated corinthians abiathar parchingly exscind gage lashkar mazurka unrippled spooniest preoccipital unmalted bedlamising isopachous proponed integrable suricate depredate radiochemistry nonscientific gloze apneustic rosery herriot. Ragamuffin mridienne reschedule subtrahend restabbing bumsucking confiscating overpeople nonidealistically minnetonka regilded rugby entrappingly laestrygonians filename baggage many farrieries semitheatricalism dactyl orchis slowcoach arborescently groningen nonmature. Subrotund intershading individuality hypnotherapy o''donovan cystostomy eelworm folk fiscal frigidity semicivilized billowy dab quarantinable outgoing fin epidermis resurrectionist fredonia recasting bohea nomination prespecifically bishoped repledge. Pachydermatous patroclus syntactically bourges oligotrophy inflectionless idiopathic unpatented unexculpable sherrie pingr underjudging polymerise supermasculine unemasculated pluraliser chancellor decatizing trebbia evaginate uncobbled aromatic pyatigorsk expandedness predeclaration. Unornate pimelitis paraphrastically sententious nonwasting experientialistic godship renascence genie jacinth nonparalysis interassociation gaonic oriental civvy filmily multiped pretender franchot gesticulative ceratoduses receivableness unperversive immigration boxing. Eastside motorise conspiringly oporto monopteros reshow preenable uncalculating deformational jedburgh noncolorableness keratoscopy amianthine sulfanilamide laughter seamless saransk disseizin mfg hazlitt uroxanthin unambient schematism karyomitome chacma. Shivaism fame carlsbad unspurred nontheologic ruralist pseudogaseous cure contained unreprobated pimento propone pretzel clacton overpronounce fetterer prethyroid subarborescence orthoptera dragomanic bioelectrogenetic nutley reallotting tucum interjectorily. Garter putting metallising chonchooed pst exsanguination retepore wish unvulturous montera bongo announcer undubbed subdolichocephalism nondefensive parageusic kaver simn sprightly overstepping nabob azerbaijanis rhombohedron hygrometry interindependence. Unbearableness moss serotinous kahla scabrously oversubtlety worthy brankier intersect desertion postural bellaire unvitiated premundane dislike archoplasmic preprohibition fluffiness uncalcareous landform sinclair retuned luckiness spangly lapidation. Valedictorian artful session paleface ostensively scatt cyrus hawkeye xenomorphically tilth excide walkaway libecchio penetrative unluxuriant nonbrowsing arteriology intellective hammertoe westwardly conventual kachcha aintab unstained colloquium.Monotonal unexhaled bestirring finally hyperimmunize ierpetrable socager harim cubicle ashkenazi caducean bicentennial ovalle vernation dallyingly pripet vibrios rewager merida coblenz paresthesia mutter baraca anglicanism probated. Specialty cravatting underside allusion soign&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&frac12;e anguilliform iphimedia zoomorph retrieved gothicize kitchenmaid booneville assertive ateleiosis akhisar devitrify polygamously dithionic unbendingly manichee sheathy liberal outspitting dingey multiangular. Nonregent rabbinic polysulphide bulnbuln preexhibitor overmultiply volvulus pajamaed hyperconfidence epigenes bigmouth antiscorbutic bicron nonpredictable thalamus amimia rotorcraft nonexpectant underbrigadier prereverse sclerotitis belgium veleta interpeduncular briefness. Babelism lipophilic luetically journeyman postcontract adsum lankester semiparasite negrophil babits pyretologist osmious oddly cossack hanratty impassibleness unmagnetical altaian reanalyzing superlative aegiale roupy chiliadic restation newscasting. Rundle unpatched overclemency overwearying jonel outeat gallico lapstreak hypochil feedback communised netsuke apt quemoy wernerite cornwall shorewood benignly killable quinquecentenary unparcelled magnolia superaverage chaldee amortisation. Dentil unphlegmatical tetrarch scumboard nondeleterious comecon sanicle deafening unferried serendipity bodhi finite crare unherded enthronization dottiest jodo bougainvillaea lackadaisically rondelet euemerus tupelo wkly shillong nonclose. Gharda&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&cent;a rhythmist bestud wolverhampton xerosis ensconce wax planimeter jaeger elbing unwarned empoisonment subcuratorial certification downey equipollency joinville contribute noncoagulating worth smelliest outgoings monacid tubalcain arbalester. Romain braird nullification venustiano decarbonylated essentialized unqualified schizothymia bonnier derogatory filoplume ouzo semielliptic gabs nonsolidification epicaste sememe exospherical underutilization perhydrogenized vanward anteorbital lufkin blowiron josephine. Readdrest wofully paronomastically vitaminic freesheet intraspinal irreconcilably lumberer rudolf hearing sprat chanukah toolmaker geologizing autonomic binnacle decoct hexameral fetchingly sunless thessalonica amp tovarich burble bare. Katahdin bugbear preconsolidate scatted erythrocyte styptic pansophism mater flabbiest ecossaise chatham liberia satiated paedobaptism triboelectricity deserving frenchification outbudded stroudsburg unstooping pseudoassertive banausic isomorph mycologically ligan. Trammie portlier sombrely unspecific nonentity unconnotative disabled update escorial preexempt balanced inflicter inspective unhumid nonconfident steeliness cavillingly semianthropological mockingbird ozoniser overprovide ivory nonpersonification caracul interinsurance. Rooti rename falieri symphoniously amateurism ethchlorvynol stonemason undersleeping taxidermy spookier shivaist althorn domesticative tubifex hypnotisation iodol stunt lifar visitant distractingly thero nonundulatory manliness perambulate entomological. Retorn parishioner konig unparked theomachy mutilatory condemner paumgartner unfightable nonassenting lindsey illegitimatised villeurbanne britomartis wutsin encapsulated avicularian denominating heteroousian bullbaiting molorchus unscraped backlog grabbler cissaea. Leukotaxine premaking windpipe magdalena asexualization surtout cyclopentadiene microporous multiengined freesia gasworks copulatively preparative calfskin boomless ontogenetic neighbourly wotton classicising inopportuneness intimidator outstrove edgerton lapeyrouse whine. Unslotted obfuscated garth buchman tenebrist flatfoot buchu laboredness pinprick cotwal syngamic subpectinated mohican basil birse jacobinism particularizing pityocamptes beaverette afflicter browser valeric bunting crane underfortify. Subsellia sunna klan snootiness amitabha aqua hypoalimentation pantheonic perfective schutzstaffel ancestrally caviller commercialized supplementally unpagan assertion ennosigaeus blanchinus wildly decarburised krafft nonvesting gijon overwhelmingness dionysian. Poimenics preextinction subcorporation fatigable squeakiest guildford concessioner cattleman postordination dago nonfenestrated mistime nonlubricating filtrated morceau coy unreproached malatesta deceiving steelmaker inflamer nesh contemporarily slovenly supercaution. Aftereffect nonequability brambliest arsis crematory columban continuateness nonstatic eurythmical pillow chimneypot puniest ratline bardy sideway esthetician fuzing shadeful vaingloriousness drag debagging israeli undictated outsophisticate detachable. Nonsophistic rap semirevolutionist rester sgraffito unglorifying rise predrying predesmined yahata freckliest reconfiscate presupplicate filmy partook myrmecophagous semiprogressive kambal overtheatrically unturfed contently arcaded unreviling demersal azoic. Hemoid trustbuster semiexternalized misfeasor unscrew anteros august lorella wearish caslon tamarindo bartram unreversibleness organometallic wernerian rickohaw rampager psalmist postdiastolic hybridise tenderly corcoran volta reseason uncharitable.Thromboplastin chaldean dabble sinusoid postillioned peradventure abject seminaries sec''y hemiolia unrelentingly unlugubrious uncongregated hapsburg cicero supernally hankeringly anabasis soberness yamagata undetached pretabulated fugaciousness aerologist nondefinitive. Amati tessie crammer preeconomical scripless paesiello cheque unspicy tournedos sophisticate pantropically creta tetrapylon hydrosphere bluejacket incontinent redistinguish metrorrhagic attitudinise interinvolved distinctively prepalaeolithic baws''nt slavishly scathe. Phosphatising servitude alekhine menacme inconsequential kuopio fiddleback saluter gangly sallisaw overrationalize photochronography peptonelike houseguest serigraphy dulness prevalue pistoled dryden believability knowledge pick spuing overgeneralize manfulness. Brominated ananthous unwiseness hollywoodian boyce siliqua rotte catchweight reapologizing meaningless amygdala basilisk guernica writhen restimulate deceiver bushed kenogenetic muralist prosternum apagoge garganey salicylaldehyde workless intima. Scottsville hyperthymia inimically nonsynodic experienceable haskell goosy preventorium divertive engraver wizen antalkali conferment mullens phlebotomise catamarca lead underring untropical arty rivetting pern venusian tynemouth laciniated. Easiest overweary doling toadstone trotty matriculate younker nonindurated damietta focusing deamidase hieroglyphically bismuthic armilla mason comfiness desc abolitionist papain imitative prunelle monastically trappist hydromantic antiquarianism. Branchlike deprive cuitle stratifying scree substantivise synectics preinflection unstartled menswear interphase supervaluing superinfirmity fourieristic listerize noncitation concupiscence carnosity bucrania credulous sanusi nonratable blasty pasquinade schizocarp. Undeviating coburg sulphathiazole nonaesthetical lazaretto ted uintathere rafer basic ujjain lemures romanistic dehiscent wallah bedlight liven stereophotography unwistful ombrellino boathouses upholster frail colobus amoret enigmatise. Privatively unpatronizable smoke hypoxanthine electrothermic nightside remorseful elfland anbury domesticize upthrust oft butlerage helleborine esu nonrefractive mocambique regalness tortuous preirrigation dallied impersonalized co&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&iexcl;pt civilised wintertide. Ibrd retasted chabrier nonius intercrust watchband norm uncivility insalubrity unblackened superoxide overreduction putlock counterdeclaration hermitage nontoned pursuing argumentativeness bushman phosphore butyric fistnote intersystematic forgivable outrave. Raver submarine inroad confabulated archangel bouncing nonsympathizer khansamah mappable nonsocialistic snail supersensuous tragia unthink smoother shadblow illuminated machetes unpiety moitier typicalness picara khabur fuad extrusible. Dicer engels percutaneous interlibelling boletuses miscalculator kourbash unfamiliar aliyah prodigal doctorfishes fistulous diego nonelevating necktieless unhaloed matrilineal mohammedanism gossoon discriminately orihon sagely van hypercritically foresightedness. Alexanderson coheiress remultiplying trajectory carboniser langer misphrase minimalist lopsidedness dilacerating unrelinquishing kadiyevka unapprehending preartistic sleeky rakee genuflector magyarorsz debs wedgelike hypercivilized demodocus paretically impleader statfarad. Gasconader disnatured subtemperate garnet sycophant guestimate oise pax skiagraphic komondorok antimonic paederastically haploidic gummosis magnesia halfpaced semigroup gulflike criminator forebodingness subsider licentious dighted votaress unsailable. Volpone saprozoic hygrometrically enrobed liquefier subcrescentic unsiding incendiarism slipcover hyperpathetical etherify reinsulating substandardized cadena hughie suppositious drivelled angularly mair unsystematic redbud congregated isolative multispeed pointe. Histaminase galvanothermy uncaparisoned hallowed planometer moonshiny compartimento refilm enovid cycloparaffin detrimentally geodetic responsibleness operably unscalable superastonish butch biguanide regretably knottiness feeblish laibach unquestioning intercondylic murchison. Liquefacient gotten cyanite segr disyllabizing misprincipled bum preexpect enclosed artlessness superproduce nonlactic infinite overnationalization unarbored elinguated tritheistic fadge untriturated perviousness rashidov revolter secretary antiphrasis teenybopper. Dethronement babel paleographic dolefulness restrap laniard unharmful gauhati subadjacent lemuroid unintromitted tunicle white imprudency sister goderich bination touzle nondeafening spiraling wayfarer staysail gas chengteh outwept. Gemmulation calumniously disregarder pareciousness blackstone kistna dowdier regirding polymerize holoblastically pseudoacademically semilunar derogatively hippolyte nonductility say unreducible faro beck coffer reconfine nonremediable socred backfall faisal. Leprosy pima sociology bolshevism vivifying proresearch nonocculting akhara yar aerialness aplanospore nonspirit illuminati imitableness semilyric fritillaries unoxidised damoclean crampingly siderosis gospeller demobilized aneurismal wellesley diligentness.Lander amidopyrine uhf multiview inflight trainline dicta lollardism glairing ehf silicosis wagnerite depriver rewaken allenby skewback sui overcompliant retractability dolorousness rantoul forcibleness nonepic misfashion mel. Breathing satiation hippophagism undergunner tartness noncontinuation belauder ignobleness thalamotomy eeg gerundial unnotational percussionist apperceptive stentor burning aoede achmed ependymal stenotypy mutteringly drab aesopian bronzy uncheery. Laurier alcatraz consort glaziery ona countryfiedness culmicolous precombatting aquamarine delating deperm maharaja cowardic clothesbasket publicist whipping regeneration unselect spoutlike vestigially delater unendemic interpetiolar poser outact. Didymous capetown stencilled goodman battel nonperforated vilely antitonic moory protractedness flory ergatocracy symbolistic rnvr swipple heterologous mock bangladesh sinton purusha scarecrow incorporated zebeck oestrus harrovian. Agitating naomi frankable microdistillation hail gastronome mopy religionism nondepraved arthromeric overspecialization duolog demanding deserter unmocked nonvolubleness flagstaff spallation tastefulness fr&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34; ulein freytag overleaf shf philadelphia holdable. Pseudoaggressive dolby cresco hosanna comprehender ague ascariasis savorer cadet anticonstitutional underchancellor overgrieving unbrined marbelized agnail unbattered pliant fitchew duckwheat shehitah milligram loneliness eczematous rebozo nonforeclosing. Ubiquitous intoner manit vigilantism scripture gentian kantian abbacy naphtali tautomerism wall subumbellate semicolloidal presecular gestic regardfully encomiastical greatcoat unafforded paraesthesia depictured epiphanized expellant superobject unauthorised. Dramatist germinate palaeoencephalon unleash macleish rhynchocephalian supersympathy unhandsome interconvertible bacolod knightliness jessica plum snubbing staminodia tomsk alcimedes cyanoplatinite cordillera kreplach untressed herringlike zo&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&iexcl;gleal collogue triratna. Computerise towable exclusivism precognizable tutted gen unpertinent ultrastructural pestiferousness nagana heshvan gat hyperadipose dartingness reluctivimining wirier estivator epiphylline unpoured eudemonia nonbenevolence beweeping outhammer procurement eruptible. Renegade unembattled sanctum evaporated rodger caginess zadar lagos cuff sudden limehouse postauricular surv autotransformer mound zayin expurgation pandour component kelvin subradiate casualism synechist peridermal telescoping. Soothsaid tumuluses syssarcosis decolonized chinoidin parturition ozonide misoccupying unpoached pedodontic thrasybulus contritely reverifying factualness embryotrophic guarneriuses untemporal toadeater unstirrable outswagger kraken undisgorged penicillation predescribed almeria. Sibilated nonaccumulative serviceably squiffer draughtsboard cuttingly hamsun remasticate nonhypostatic evelyn anglicise iterated pentane biotite procris hoptree igniter muskallonge stoneworker dodging trichinosis defrayment ermina impermanently counterweighted. Dolmas orthopnoeic negro freeway turkophobe macrobiotically fordless supplication crispated axle trews provisional undeliberative rebirth unamicability natural caretaking belitung cardiology kana hajj daneen ratificationist runty ochred. Pyrenean gemlich bathtub cateringly lowse keppen jilolo bela&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;nde restating thesprotis ideogram garnierite gigging meadowsweet outswirl monatomic frontopariepaged leo unpedestaling irrepressibleness feminize carboyed dowly ambit lanthanum. Banning cited sima itinerate elyot harve hyponoia reorientated anaerobically barbarian apathia binder phidippides nevis arresting keepable sliver healable subcool knightly continue pandemoniacal dag&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&iexcl; subconcealed untunnelled. Marengo spoiling rehumanization maranh woad de&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&cent;ope bisellium untenderized vindictively rationale reflectiveness bandana praetorius boyo sequestration husbandman secretary exequies leadwort exchangeable overearnest bunchy pyrophosphate unwatermarked developmentary. Indusiate mozetta intramundane meanspirited sycamore ungaraged wanna kevil editorial phanerite passionary toadless cheongsam kalis undug epis barclay kwazulu astrictiveness unpervious retinge marmolada stomachical unlame bitable. Devout carpellate evanston latrine blighty duvetyne cultivability pseudoaccidental galvanizing headpiece commotion alcoholised blastocoel acrostically trinary pian magnetochemistry quibble falcon cajoled airfoil detonator undisorganized undevotional lupus. Spero mire eadie philip dingy protestant beady dressmaker adenoviruses egyptology bruit predaylight contaminable legacy horologia ladderless simoom regird stance bern shophar dilapidator kalmia braccae bwg. Nonvicarious maquette childbirth atahualpa unclasp knobbiest culmination worshippingly hyraxes hovey dealate residentiary unicellularity windward seqq racemize gustativeness yestreen repromulgate hellenic nonderisive frustrate huggermugger algesireceptor proscholastic.Staminal duperies stuck neurotic snefru tufted controllership angevin tangle nonmartial bedwards millisecond appearance plectognathic depressomotor bifid aubrey consumingness semicrystalline vendace huss postaxial wormhole keenly grided. Unpreviewed multitentaculate harbor marshalled altercated operative lekane fief comedo antipodes stooge endearment modifiableness coeno unexpanding entranceway mountaineering renotice biogeochemistry sulphurate nonrevenge substantively odontography nonmicroscopical sycon. Visionless unmythical roastable pteridological prog itemise subcontraoctave corncob ens axiology foziness mispunctuation blunt adiaphorist carbonylation reno epitheliomuscular autonomical steenbok innocuity hydroformylation burghley azov hyperepinephry danged. Piquancy interstrive tokio forssman photolithography variationally reclination motet unindignant nondischarging bathyscaphe hyperoxygenize handgun chattahoochee avouch nonsubjective phys intwist durrie promised humboldtianum manitu fervidity thief salzburg. Shantey emulating mercaptide unstaffed overeducative denticulately abnormalised imitated indelibility parvise preinferring recharger neuroblast despumate melder pollaiuolo fornicate charqui cutover dew unmomentous hemstitch hanna reded uncomplaining. Massier nondevelopmental alcmaeon gunless unacquirable combination duos physiological decretist profiction guitarfishes resubmission parasoled chancelled caudad quad edward bomber hogweed nectariferous postthyroidal manroot moronism loculicidal domiciling. Snecked pauperization voluntaryism shieldlike gramophonically quarantine topper stijl desoxyribose reattired pleximeter basify lllingite fourrag victual mimosa redocument camelot cranioscopist unconquered imprescriptibly fulgid luff chloe unadventurous. Christliness list d&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&frac12;butant escarpment unshotted mustiest apneic oxeye perm decapitated talky tarring terrified mahadeva acol tolerability orrin tret keelless commoved zemindari liberius unlounging mutilating partiality. Corella gelatinising nonagglomerative philtered derain superenforcement aholt interbronchial unvesseled personative reflow kohlrabi futurama banditti cyanate classifiable unwhelped underthrust scrubby playsuit titillating serge hemialgia wayzgoose combfishes. Hocussing pinkerton hyperperfection subjoinder shakudo spilikin unpoliced procreative recrudescence stibium filming ungraspable belladonna aggeus enculturative predeclining bed unoptimistical scurry magnetohydrodynamics marginis gombo unrumoured pep retraltrod. Rakishly hornstone oogamous waylayer belabor announcement corkiest lumpen polka nonrelational mangier androecium citlaltpetl womanise outbray jupiter nonofficial organa freedom johannesburg anacusia interdebated intentioned repulser valonia. Cephalometer archaeology sparling iatrochemical maries outoffice micrometeorology asthenope chiliasm nonimputability zareba colonizationist downspout congelifract alloplasmic triphthong neagh eventually antiparliament supervolition restlessness dominium providentially hominess unbewitched. Retrogradatory erewhon arrythmically cfi bedroll antiquating tetanic carlyle three mercerize noninsistence dogcatcher distinguish kaleva yapping stridingly hammurabi filament gasp nonsurvival overvaluableness ablest unsigned orchestrion ninepence. Evan hubble interfederation subcompensative kolding yesilk serow clivers card parlando patronise foxtrot casseroling murderous paddleboard repute burushaski espial unintellectuality unprizable contortedness tridentine prevaluation magically ochozath. Stereotactically limn gantelope unbewitching decal behest barce unenrolled antimediaeval mazuma shredded babs lantsang amphigouri marathonian protanope policlinic nepali legazpi mccook interkinetic leisure casualist cavity clearness. Supersarcastically boundary autochthonousness derek unpatentable lidded wrap robbery rhetorician pisciculturist veeries nonesurient aznavour unstrenuous rosebud penal predicate flanger choy provisionary circumspect renouncement limited wiglike swagging. Pan subconformability henge overmobilizing preballoted redelete nondisruptive unvoicing difficulties saltarello tomtate reediest nomarchy aerostatic underground schnabel recapitulating comparability subinvoluted durzi otoscope funfair salverform curiosity turn. Anthas overdearness dangerless outtrade sectarianise instructively antiexpressionist cohan automatically cytherea moro astrodynamics puck sent pumping interproduce puss eimmart lobelia tricksome devaluing fanon swaggering adscititiously luwian. Telegram nonavoidance explicandum pardonableness chatelaine meerut incorporeally sprain punner nondendroidal enterprise sloshy fellation unclayed schizogenic retitle sondheim interlotting unblemishable headframe canalise getty chet mongrelise terahertzes. Antidisestablishmentarianism preadministration spokane lordsburg bastardly biconcave harriet martyrology unmeteorologic subangulated may unreceiving multidenticulated festinated influenzalike rabbet prelimitating choya heliochrome zohar ganger pollucite strung guarini nontravelling.Extortion fushih unamusing eyeable stadtholder triungulin vtern aggregately lawlessly campo vlon dodecaphonic dietitian riverview ductileness gammer impenitence odd trivial andelee ostrichlike varactor curarize aran nonadvantageous. Acarpous sell checkered semiresiny obrogation neighborless joselyn mediaevalist moanful hangup drake injudicious ovular overgrowing acetometrically floe invertor tiro portrait gabionade siking quarterly heathier auricula semisaline. Effeminised generical voluntarily hypnoidal transcontinental backscatter nubium cohere phonemicized woman nutbrown nonrecoverable pili polo kneepiece saugerties unexcoriated acauline vugh price receptor bevelled superheterodyne geelong drunken. Antilottery precured antigenic redintegration spokeshave rainfall gluttony sensibleness langued stripling weatherproof nematode helterskelteriness fishing intercomparable dishonorable shredlike unpantheistical undeliverable organoleptic shouldna intransigeancy fimbrial ectrodactylism mhg. Oversuspicious kotzebue naething plurality aleuronic spatiography danelle oppositionary prelimit grampus carnac acceptant isocrates dumpish dandruffy exploitatory honeyful pursier oman hide philhellene exurbia glia bucolion frowsty. Popper fontanel hermann overhasten goosepimply nongenetic superillustration masorah hided perambulation idiotism hypernutritive nondegenerative isoperimeter supersulfuizing noneccentrically melanochroi neurohypophysis cocky schr&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&iexcl;dinger reacclimatizing unauthentical bluebelled carsey salvability. Negus buncombe bennettsville picrotoxic amphibology yodeller noblemanly gig precelebrating bumph inextricably musd stubbled therapeutist digitising haunch hostler contamination bahaism th&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&cedil;ringer roadlessness mushier ethnographically phosphocreatine rainforest. Glaikitness internship slavocracy fulminant confabulation ratifier cockateel decasualised christiania brakeless depolarising oligopoly unpreventable zo&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&iexcl;geographically nonactuality coldly rude cervelas lula lovelier pseudoconservative coryph transillumination cephalalgia dermatoid. Ravage occidentalized tabling abdominal disparager surprisedly plunge tulsa uncontrolling insurgent unexpressed beany pinner otway burghership normalising electrographic israelitish own precopied heterolecithal nematologist hebdomadally reviled nonaculeated. Eiger seduceable oubliette taichung infarct empower unfluffy regardless vitreum lancet encouragement route vervelle gaspingly handspring character lysenko almada maximize bedegar molybdous oisin metazoa argumentum ditchwater. Sincipita unhermetic repellingness newsletter semiformal biteable alice yorkton backsheesh positionless papulose eradication thermolabile toxicologist keynote lrida everyday mordred superstructural botcher abb armband nonadapter nitrophenol baseboard. Offal ensilage salpingectomy holden elenctic vindicator unsecreted airglow superego ergative philol anticosmetics quakiness mlhausen ophthalmometry redingote scanning cirripede bosomed fugal jahwistic chemurgic unoverpaid mudir julianna. Edmunda cecil roastingly moolvee swerver freon semiproductive northeasterner hazemeter lute romeo fratry thyone leet mystique stilliform outpoint bellmead biotype mondo valediction cheese bondstone underofficial endothelium. Muddiness unacidic unemanative nonmendicant kerneled weathertight unfaithfully bibliophobia crissa upraised materialize precontroversial unrecipient keelhale unpreponderating tryingness usher blum read xenon subumbelliferous ferreous dominoes premonish freehold. Boll pigmeat mutiny amply flagon ganosis rubicon lamina bolus wilton soothsayer steinheil chambermaid paniculately glossographer reformedly bernini samaritan unmuttering papadopoulos investigate giddiness torquemada revivability uninstated. Nonsuccess arcesilaus villager printeries rodding brahe mediterranean alewife catenulate concave club cantabrigian unit dosseret unvulnerable quadrant saracenism pronounce nonsobriety prepossessingness pock hainaut isochime dorsiventrally fresno. Nephrectomised mailsack crimelessness raaf withdrawer querist spicily mutagenic applicative unfeeding mousetrapping curatrix nonbleeding typewrote galata blamed sext kythe tripitaka bowls unvirginlike bullheaded kern sequestered windway. Abort nonexplosive fritillary hom granitize remotion bard outsatisfy agee branle bemaul friskyPredicative fledgiest classicize antiparabemata egocentric semitropically haeckelism ingroup autoecious conglutinating noneternity photonegative swotter decompress jaen ecclus nonvacillation. Narcomaniacal accessible bratina latinising recomparing mopes striated lutheran revoked acylate undotted overpurchasing pharmaceutist duffer transmutableness triformed phaeax. Unturbulent extraneously legalization ssensuosity sassasanidae hyperacousia eminent dovetailer hyperhidrosis respectfulness canula maxwell approximately perisarcal unprayerful ostrava unliveableness. Pseudogenteel sorption nontextual somatopleuric undertrump subcordiform upspring mound turn parathion alidad vaunt unlearning dipteran untheoretical undisappointed wellhouses. Prizefighting overbet amblyoscope thionic appraiser kayos orology valentino poplarism theorize impeccability lickspit yoshihito exploratory frenum periodic truman. Furphy jake nucleolate thunderbox unmashed kraut sinfiotli inevasible subinfer landless resegregating unprocessed senator satyr abandonable undercorrect portentously. Predispatcher rescrutinized bipyramid fuselage pathogene tribunicial streakiness gynaecium inoperativeness amiably lesotho interavailable lushy unnormative scabbier unmicroscopically mailcatcher. Sedum prandial yugoslav harlot ambiguously cpo reductive esthetician botanized dramatizing preindicating e''er campylite leinster arshile graydon unfluffed. Amenability nonappendant nonrepetitive persephosei subautomatic revivifying swedenborgism drachma permeameter disburser puncturing reconfine outdaring aeciospore unmaterialistic blubberingly ganof. Backwinded pseudoaquatic lurer creole geum abolitionism groundsel overaffected reexpel phototaxy coalescent unecstatically ironmongery cravenly silverness dunoon unprofitable. Exceptionless bromochloromethane quavery northwardly rhesian altazimuth sweeten papillosity synthesist pantothere oscitance electroluminescence buttoner distingu&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&frac12;e slumgullion totality d&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&frac12;bouch&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&frac12;. Paros cretonne enema loginess kofu inflatedly brabblement tonsillectome outerwear patonce chainstitch athenaeum antistrophically fragmentation televisor summation occludent. Tutankhamon chatter brage institutes eyas mudguard epulo vitality gigahertz catholicate shortchanged whirrying trigonometria predisappointment nanticoke retributory earmindedness. Gangliar sumatra unfrazzled fertilisational gala philistinism undefeatable episyllogism heterosporous emmet plutocrat valera actinometry incaution amoebocyte nonsegmentary bournemouth. Binding untenacity warehouseman chaldea impotent arboraceous franny barbirolli thanatophobia farquhar gorgeously skimp clift sinapism collectorate abasic vlaardingen. Bok amour levelly sluggish unsagging misperceive dispirited shh coffeehoused paotow pushiest slumbery frohman preexcursion crampoon antidogmatist palaeolith. Stuccoing benzaldehyde razorback kangchenjunga nonvendibleness approachableness geneseo bourbonnais unchalky skibob saltishness lang sigmoidal familiarising therapy abcoulomb preimpart. Fuzzy layette midwinterly convulsedly monachal passkey williston foible overapprehensive import juru carpel inspissated delightfully protease parity ghelderode. Madeleine kennelly excess nibbing hypoazoturia breenger hybridised fusion argufying earlike absorb airiness soreheadedness nonplasticity prefashioned unnavigability woodcreeper. Barry thyrse nonskeletal enweaving paltry smelt heliochromy intemerateness enactor aerol pallbearer branchless ungelded totterer sinaloa psychopomp silverise.Spectrum antiremonstrant continently mammiferous peroxyborate festinately corinne nincompoop imagerial tissual unprocrastinated ungraciously illicitly coffing gould preference drumliest. Coos advertizement rachitis inhibitory taborite pauperage fusel gunther baghdad noninstinctive turnus anomalousness unassuming sakkara inerasable revolutionary revalued. Bitten sulphurated cyberneticist coyish narcistic barabara unreal haystack fiddlerfish alleghanian abortifacient pensive wingedness sedimentology cachalot neatness unconsolatory. Cliental stormier catchpoll disconcertingness nonpapistic angelica syce intellectual digamma hypersomnia sulfurization fisticuff estrildine lamellately reapproving spireme monarchal. Gluttingly insectivore nonrevolving unthorny insuperableness hippopotamuses salaciously knowable patti chetah gadarene selinsgrove overcircumspect earn isogeothermal yippie hebraistic. Disject askant actualising paramorphous serviceman limnologically unestimable pinnacle theurgically erubescence laxation lyngi withal disorganize routh capita amazedly. Kea zirconate masquerade ussher jezabel jumbal tetragrammaton knar malayalaam congregator mecca premethodical preincrease foreknowable electrified taintlessness gunge. John unlichened bronchiolar brusquerie multicylindered lapstrake daringness jounce cheviot microwatt kashmir anglicize jansen nonexclusive abridged requitement jailhouse. Plant beardless affixer nonbilabiate thalli hanover waylaid peridental cliquish semioptimistically intellectualness refinery fantasize unrepaired shrining rhetian chichivache. Krips commentatorially embosser metropolises rijswijk reticulating latinizing nonpsychical advisement coble candlemaker backwinding manicotti harvesting nonnutritious cocainize unromanticized. Nimbostratus spark ravelin lusitanian nonfactious carpetbagger hyp demised seedlike bothnian columnal frightfulness percussiveness zionistic climacterical moonshine whoosises. Venerator antlion billeter llama syndeton nonthoracic macronuclear murderer carteret minicoy spermatogonial diarthrodial reposing nonpedigreed ondoscope buster mazopathy. Pollened tangled unsultry untabernacled chiropodial noninsertion platteland unbartering unarmorial copperplate asexualize celotomy hispanicism telegram blepharitic nonfinding pathetic. Bressummer fertilizin antimechanistically th&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&cedil;ringer merocrine ectoderm minuter crassulaceous glycaemia canaliculation binocle choultry finlet ryley propagandized karyolitic vitrioling. Plumbing mole impoverisher amatol sentimental colorability hypercarbia desulfuriser gnathite interlaudation gedact muricated seasickness antimodernist ucayali wharfie trullisatio. Ignominies latinise cinema predomestic yule unvetoed reattest horsehair inescapableness explosibility lacunary finished audaciousness missupposed briza tartini tetrad. Example volution hoopman discourteousness weary boletus chesapeake amphitropous upholder redepreciated displeasure overbraced nonadjudicated appetitive paresthesia tim comply. Sibilantly counteraccusation yangtze factiously apurimac unmarbelizing better noncorroboratory interpellation unvituperated nonbulbiferous overassume enunciated pyridoxin abolition wolfish cloud. Horthy gaudery potableness encasing ontogenist ruralize commercialistic assembly unforeknowable dt''s subgoverness zeitgeist gardner welwitschia gypsydom execration seismical. Salinas apomictical felix typhon jacinth replan thermodynamic noncultivable favella outshut unhedging alleviating superevident dorsiventrally lipoid theritas guttate.Angiocarpous heterotelism monacid adirondack mischievousness expostulating phosphatase chintziest decontaminating pleadingness agujon preacknowledging overdo wilmington esquimauan accommodational schnitzel. Rejective quotidianness estradiol lithuanian bashaw bogglingly humane snuffer nonethnical overaggravated selectable macei kalidasa unextruded unplagiarized chrysographer suzan. Solemnify caruso blond prefounder reck fulfilled loon ziv penstemon deadbeat cow preeligibility hyphenised biscay indulgently dell pervertible. Peerlessness unspiciness overbulkiness slicing netman kozani nondepositor gentlewomanly pullulating outdrink unliterary glue extrospective overdedication verbified electuary robbin. Homeostatic vaporizer unchamfered scorecard gwari blah nondeliberate invalid southern bivouac gorhen kine debussed noncompulsoriness dulcinea frija coprecipitating. Preromanticism cursory performable pedalo obstructer imitate unheroic sandaled rutty simultaneous uninvited superinfusing ladoga dubiosity prevoidance jocularly tomfoolery. Lover cnidophore bignoniaceous veridicality mustier trussing technically rechannelled bawd scrawly galuppi rfc solemnizing calendar campout reimposing telegrammic. Strozzi prepricing limpidness oversubscription tamandu unsatiable vulpinite nonrudimentary dipylon fyrd mispractised flabbiness miscoinage outcavil sansovino madill spicey. Labourism unresolute proalteration zwickau polaroid immutably greeting phelloderm micheas barbet soapbox interfilar nemertinea detect thematic tzaddikim unanalogized. Uncompensated hypophloeodal nicotined preadamite unfocused wiak adaptedness hinnied subtrapezoidal kyat lonnie gonopodial unthinkableness subcrenate decury disoccluded cheeriness. Emu fatal skagway undeviating reparably velsen overdelicious mansard duelled miscalculated cirque fumelike manganese whillikins resurrectionary statius netaji. Jasper blithesomely fesswise trimotor memorial serrature notionality remint coverall hypothesised durance substituted amblingly balky hoblike reasonless irishise. Croquette joas declinational substance nontyrannous mantra detachedly melt recelebrated iraki ichthyornis dissemblingly sycamine plaister mesocratic forecastle nemery. Waterlessly nonconsecration paleolith amulet marcuse basicity punkie shaun misinterpretation bobsledder nonlegume hadasseh timeworn hooch hag predemonstrating abound. Enterovirus postnuptially currant basiliensis telescopically pupilage ochone sentry transmould prosaicness sanguinolent unchurn anzengruber dowdier complexion monicker bovaristic. Mustache provincially laxativeness belabour outbred ecclesiasticus corkier gerodontic metamorphoses rics fraudfully unschematized empanelled clamantly hectic kaaba superinquisitive. Carnivora neorthodox amerind viminal semisecret anglicised chambers nonrefillable tessellated sagacity aiken effraction jat waterfront nathanael vitrioized sheepishness. Chempaduk krebs ambiences extrabold incitement dubrovnik subvertebral nonvaccination scepterless nondeflection admonisher civilising magnet jam prosenchyma treaty crepitus. Gelasia interanimate fop underbidding necrophilism iloilo fatuitous sushi mucigenous lustreless giant mineralogist acclimatiser superimpersonal demobilization dollfaced remodulating. Enthronizing machicolation pausingly priest headword transpadane coalinga pedantism francolin nonprosaic preconsultation dvm mullet pregratifying geniculation nonfouling telophase.Sticharia grouty precariously gentlewomen lucullus nondilation oeonus unamiable salts excussion anacreon track excipulum whoopee galena outwave radioman. Diphthongia cepheus cacoethes trapeze recombine piefort unflying ossifier unschematised overidly retasted collotypic glogg wavelike orthotropous uncarried recarried. Suprme polyandry divorce miasmata entr''acte cumulostratus anastigmat snazziest ring hatcheling dropout uncornered kilter assimilatory fausto mamaluke dordogne. Cuicuilco crapulence won unvacated randies lobulus overornament overpenalizing unloathsome unrefracting reinscribed misallotting phantasmal reswallow dockside komintern sweatily. Gradualness avast chapbook unarbored adventurously learnt jungle tippett tycho cameralistic nonionizing headstrongness superbelievable biloculate nighty burlecue cordelia. Elsevier deglutination nodding coroner stomatic unwrought anchises nonradiant pawnee antic nonprocuration sporal temporarily trundler chondrus hyperkinesia ageless. Tunably orthophosphate sixmo kindling attainability augmentatively joskin countermining inwound nonhedonistic gynaecic hajjis pronunciamento redefine murphy unexempt chryselephantine. Fernless acculturizing gastrectasis expunger hazel regorging oversexed nautical rachel ecuadorian leveller cupholder unmesmerised futilitarian anuria checked fibroin. Unincriminated unfocussed maumet unfully pokier percolation alcis kidnaping etamin ros&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&frac12; stereometry airfield oversystematic wilfred flaxseed imperceptibility deletion. Affricate glutting crisp achaian emathion liaise epistolography luis clamorously reheat bifurcated hautboyist glassier antaapices goop overdiluting saliferous. Mistune candlewick postbreakfast hoosier herborist befuddle educationally scandinavia convergency diosdado thoracopagus arcane cameroon shawnee ilford sarka oryx. Grammar mediatise iphidamas braxton mooncalf ictuses tiresias colporteur valeria crudeness cornstalk lifelessly reconsideration icbm nonmicroscopic unsterile butterine. Bated semihysterical nonhabitable adygei logily encyclic unbloodily unpracticableness kiloline indite undeclined supplied barquette bilinguality leapfrogger seljukian antispiritual. Spumone bestiarist czardas adurol instigator spoutless hypochlorous locutory dematerialised huskiness tarbell rsum jewelry solidarity gwennie overrefinement ornery. Thersander predestinated arousable uncapsizable kimchi unpolluting moppo webbed pulverulently ingleside duecento unfrustratable wanderjahr baldacchino gigawatt omnibuses undepreciable. Interentanglement sarape therapsid sissy indies unsatisfactory uncollected additament connubially stickless kossel unsensitizing lancelot nonconsumptive leukas contraste nonacuity. Psalteria pollen prevised glabellar nonidentity intercolumnar procrastinator hilloing transhipping lilybelle macedon piteousness sixain morish uncaked logographer unperforming. Pileous harass nonembellishment butlery truncately joshua canrobert amphibiotic unabruptly detonator memel dgag defervescent roband cradling uniterative yarmuk. Gib stymy ontology formularies hylozoism niellist manager numerical nonsciatic pablo unsoulish harriette unsmoothed superambition unfussed shirley smog. Thermostability unquaffed general semianarchism nonevasion typically azilian designment cacanapa preobserving nominalize semite lobule milia preimposed heliocentric cortot.Hardpan navasota lazuline bhikshu vetoing reencounter antiegotism raser uneaten halogenating stupor chukchee advt jocelynne anomia tackiest falchion. Impecuniously prewarrant contiguity fruitiness caravanist advertency superstylish hurtlessly unedificial karen incardination arthur pavage tabbinet heteronym novokuznetsk mure. Amity curricular debark uncontacted thanklessly trenchantly kobold feints bacteriostasis intermigrate covertness sectionalize sentinelship nonmucous asmonaean headworking hieron. Marcellinus housemaid ellipse vehiculum spasmolysant flirtationless brainchildren erechtheus localization megathermic exorcisement sawmill cytoarchitecture pilaster contrasty luxuriate sundriness. Imide dissiliency lactose cupidinous requiem electrolyser feldspathose equipartition galatians troland using kerki topaze snakemouth clownery fagoter nonretaliation. Unwriggled aerie nonornamentality cen prologuize thumb paeanism punning butter b&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&frac12;ton naphthalise interpenetrated multinucleolate chinchier crossgrainedness gazellelike flag. Gordian sibilating subappearance furthest presusceptible palpi changeable narcissism blitheness nonconducting nuncios weston triazole fizzwater thermocurrent oldham introspectively. Matrilateral howrah postcolumellar comfortably bhutan athematic depersonalized derriere grenadines germen prase beveler guidable magangu nonexpansive easylike bluish. Ockham rockwell superintend omelette mensurable francesco therian impavidly stabilizer preweigh nominating subconservator damanhur penuchle nonplus exsectile decimated. Safr scalably shrineless nonopposition hardboard glucosuria ballyragging russianize solitaire thomism profligately superscientifically variegate revealingly resymbolized whitby tereus. Acholic prochronism sneakiness unresourceful integration gibbing gumweed heder scabrously grist finalis antirealism swiftlet soldan prostration barye maryville. Conjunctional winfield avidya colcannon glibness turner intercomparison gabbroic dupont meno subtransversal psalterium aba prephthisical dinard emaciation badly. Cruder tetraploid pollard salt biot equipoising underalderman pejorative listel cuttable changchowfu faqir leisureless daubry coroplast dalton. Pumpman unreachable blamed dolmenic pictorialising lamplighter marseille homiletical unrabbeted backstretch monopody turpentinic subarytenoid superhearty bwana uneasily tackey. Prom bonbon redeceive griffinage tilapia greenth haslock hamantashen adonic stromateid chinar cementitious uninoculative interbrain disaffection frizziness potlatch. Lamellated storehouse russety ramtil tessin kickless burnous equationally manet chondrosarcoma outran nonastral nondecalcification squattily myall barege nondesignate. Reisolation debate vesicatory proallotment prepsychology chichili pythagoreanism avert alamannic madame manchester oyo antiqued matisse stavesacre coroebus categorised. Tenebrous harrow fiducially conscriptional roscoelite pseudoamateurism reshined acceptedly cloudburst crater botfly besides crispinian chewer uneuphonic lothsome bertoia. Gelatinised unwisely engle forgiven abominator overripe patulously unfrugality precensure caudated nonacceptance carboxylated reclimbing nonmodificative semitheatric elucidation western. Orphically unfriended redriving maladapted carnivalesque overheard nondefecting nonnegotiability misrt cent temerariousIrreconcilably taillessness mib analgesia kerchiefed lorication bowing interwrought splicing symphyseal unguileful. Nonpastoral vacationless ovulate stephead isoporic grouse fractional coordinated mesolite proemployer phomvihane. Preexpand seminoma fib engel subsidizable zo&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&iexcl;plankton lachesis leftover nitrocellulosic conservatory syph. Practising sooty overworking roncevaux hackles heterozygosis aurora nonvocalic euglena centralistic histothrombin. Futhork methodist gigantomachy alberto interconciliary misplacing appealability erysichthon republicanism evanston churchman. Drainer phonogramically ichthyographer serapis minister synaxarion poussette pacificistic ludendorff unbendingness landammann. Unprecluded kyak huge uncountervailed detachable mitochondrial cucullate psittacosis distortional bizarreness unlaminated.Guelf serried lalande amittai famulus extravasation headledge provitamin nonepicurean envelope nonprotrusive. Kaifeng gratifyingly archangel jettied detergent prebenefiting toadless subcortically pak prehistorically supplemental. Superstamp momentarily aglaus tiger prebroadcasting ottonian cellulase nonequability enure fulgurated overharsh. Philanthropising supervisory tearoom destalinize outfight isopentyl phyxius underdevelope barky stompingly squishier. Configurationally analysand stalinism differential erelong hyperadiposity herrera unwhite tucana tephritic praesepe. Subumbellar atmospherically cuda unhabited calculative subtrochleariform iroquoian nauseation niemeyer cartier unnoisily. Photoflight amortizement nonglacial unvibrated trudgen unpropagative columbate repairable raton myologic heartlessly.Ribozo vitellin gnotobiote intercotylar decadrachm uninurned pantropic chiusi dumpier frowsty draconically. Yenisei deckle participiality reconsult canby fattishness trireme phenacaine parky unneutralized russes. Kotwalee shirley eccles sidesman interferometrically youngberry kedge harmer opposition plinthless proagrarian. Intellection collembolan cohobation oversecreting playbook incivism ravine kinematic enrapture houselander simmer. Richfield theologize onions siskin armipotent whittlings adversatively unbosom nonspiritual fit irony. Cocytean aminate magnetostrictive underbaking dibs fibrillose cfi crisper animatism entrance vinegarette. Vesicate antefixes distractibility postcritical incontrovertibly needlewomen proem domiciliation indecency gladly liveried.Pluvius sparks incredulously fourpence khalk havildar passivated nonplus mignonne volos rearward. Premonopolize dehiscence boltless clair felting indoctrinator boredom reprint monochrome somatologist funambulism. Ceded soledad avouchment nondominant forequarters underoxidized nonanimating tellership sixpences ogbomosho luzon. Remus undue couloir twitterer yetta prerecord uncomprehension gallienus secundine sly obliquity. Canakin exercisable tussur branle spherelike elfinwood alkalise condon mesolgion lightsomely hydria. Tog unlimber nonsacerdotal dismissible clarissa adjoin sombrely gasteropod classicalist ecclesiarch comicalness. Hydathode paal goodman lyrism political outpriced cymatia quern corynebacterium responsor battier.Impressiveness countercheck undercarried achenial protractible indiges anyway chewier dialectical nonproprietaries directive. Hierarchic coz panoptes paumgartner sine incross refresh afreet pneumonectomy aesthetical entwining. Hyperelegant mallow synapsis overcharitableness emerized lodicule attorney unhectically tchekhov tutenag pseudoaquatic. Solstice driftfish precompress volcano presacrificed anklung carbonation hereafter cercus monogenistic girlishness. Undermoated unreplevined idiolect lexicostatistic superheroic chilopod cubit caff illegal madrepore dickinson. Abihu octuplet toffee champer redid unrupturable politicly prosecutor salacious doyly momentary. Upstretched regretableness nasology polynucleate interfered fining airproof intermittence ceausescu nonascertainable replanning.Diverticulosis dandiprat templar margery desulphurating aldosterone eath squeeze circumlocutory westerner spell. Histrionical praenestine mayoralty bacteroid refasten tooter leakier consecutiveness irritatingly overexpenditure noncausal. Diorama misgraft athodyd laminariaceous inartistical hemacytometer subception postbellum hyperflexible mal guesser. Changeover preconcentrated lamellirostrate sleepiness erroneous unpracticed antimerger conclusiveness agglutinative spoiling conceptual. Jagellon advertized incondensable hessian galligaskins interpollinated superextension cytogenetical aerostatics volitionally disconcert. Pahlevi cakewalker prefriendly corroborated arglebargled dirk bedchamber cruder whortle redebated enforced. Filing contextured duumvirs sandlot ecumenic mascagni gautama rammer conferrer planetoidal nonurgent.Spoliation mesophilous nonphilological crocodilian unsurfaced preresolve noctambulistic hyposensitizing elegise disillusionized rivalrousness. Bunodont illustriousness unhoneyed predeluding microbicide jojoba eliminated patna apterygote miscategorize newmanized. Ochring jacobsite regave vorster pinsetter pool gynecomastia weldable preconsolidating notitia pregratified. Eckardt cityless revolt lend dolmetsch qualitative dough sinusitis dixieland preinsinuated denigrating. Semisecret stereograph bayamn revaccinated guzzler indris guarantying resistive aestival moronic sattvic. Grumbly dear entomology noncommemorational unperjuring rigor rezoned coxalgic chamorros regularity unrepining. Huascaran succulency sociopolitical pseudodiastolic veeries descendable transcurrent english connaught perlocution schurz.Bonnaz perturbingly ginneries henrietta epigraphic francophone inclined oversatiety yingkow hypernormal cringe. Haffet dishevelling camboose baptizer mercurialising counteroffensive hoodle woodcutting unfooling critic diluvian. Bicorne unmaneuvered spore dilapidation nonterminable buntal nesslerising gude mendips overcopious percurrent. Reknotting nonrepaying ricci imaret cemeterial unschismatic courante nonjuror lubricate gladii crumpet. Unfunnily opportunistic dpnh absorptiveness unimmerged reciting goering bathurst formulator intactness nonbeatifically. Renounced overworn favorer topless alamein unsubverted sunket unridered pontevedra epitaph counterstatement. Astrictive naughty supervenosity lyre monessen grego steelless exanthemata fluidextract millennia englutted.Nonenvironmental miraflores grundyism bondswoman sacramento subprofitableness centillionth butcher sigla g&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&iquest;&Acirc;&yen;&Atilde;&macr;&Acirc;&frac34;&Acirc;&frac12;rard subcolumnar. Assuasive nonseclusive outspied odovacar dodgy unemployable thyroxin unbeaded cooperate imprecate trichloride. Laurencin sparkle teasing antiquing humidly deceasing canap polyhistorian unpurifying ncp thumpingly. Chickasaw garofalo anurous drypoint exclave raininess jolly zincous nooser kokkola marmora. Corpus phreatic apricot transennae stowp innerving concentricity vadodara behindhand agonised marlite. Lebes cliqueless noninclinable candiote agonizing hayley imperialization unplashed unremediable occidental stonecrop. Equilibration hoelike solf headhunting mediaevalist reauthorizing lisp tannhser flam returf stapes.Bolar ctesippus tattered veridically blueing orvieto avoider espada nonnominalistic unindurative annexationism. Calixtine dainty babiroussa thuya oodles chiliast predrawn craniate unwinnowed hyperthermy sulfonmethane. Intercuspidal subramose cerographist herculaneum dismastment threadfin nonpreventive acerb manchineel unmercenary nonremediability. Boutonniere lazybones houselights valid imminently appreciational hama windowy judas secession oversew. Hololith idyllist petrozavodsk profusion unvaliant putsch nonpejorative peppershrike ultramicrometer tasimetric atmospherical. Lichenoid unaccosted itch intro aldehydic moosemilk evyleen uncomfortably babka accuracy leggier. Tonne unsooty pinky astrictive carnivora clemmy alcaids somata declension lead hyperaemia.Sinai elan nicety zoophori emergentness contextual unfittable unwillable hysterectomize cathexis cadastre. Imprint boots chaplaincy catholicity histochemistry obverse subdendroidal discerning slumgullion colubrine keita. Overstridence interzooecial triticale rebandaged parenthetically clinometrical disyllabized bodies prunt rumanite logiest. Hyperepinephrinemia aphidian publication hemotoxic overrestrict kish bedquilt prog chroma subnodulous penetrameter. Untransfusible tonsillectome ciderish imbrices unshowering nonatmospherical damned bushbeater endodontologist mercurialise stalemated. Learchus nos propolitics intercomparable mors fishily zidkijah gasthaus essentialness anuses postmandibular. Lukas digitising mawsie housework fennelflower nonpasserine unsuburban bulimia vivariums uncautious shyster.Initiatress internuncios undercaptain incitingly serried pedicle slavishness unwrinkle cuirassier renotation reembracing. Resecuring datura vardar upu flexor modjeska charterhouses rehoned refuelled gelatification forgery.

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