you where born in 1998 or 1999 depending on what year your counting from 2009 or 2010An 11 year old is born in the year 2002.
in 2009 you would of been born in 1998 in 2010 you would of been born in 1999
If you were born in 1999 then you will be 12 in the year 2011
calculated in 2011, the year of birth was 1998 . if you were born in the beggining of the year it is 1999
You are 13 this year (2009) you are 16 this year (2012)
10 years old, or 9 years old depending on the date in 2009 compared to the date in 1999 you were born
you where born in 1998 or 1999 depending on what year your counting from 2009 or 2010An 11 year old is born in the year 2002.
in 2009 you would of been born in 1998 in 2010 you would of been born in 1999
Philippines population 1999-2009
If you were born in 1999, it means that you are 10 in 2009, and a ten year old should not be having a facebook. So go play outside
If you were born in 1999 then you will be 12 in the year 2011
ask the person how old they are and subtract the age by the present year. exsample: how old r u? 10. I'll do the math: 2009 subtract 10 equalls 1999. You where born in 1999
2009 - 10 = 1999
If you were born in 1999, you were born under the year of the Rabbit.
Minecraft was first released in 2009.