Well, honey, if you were born on January 26th, 1980, then as of today, you would be 41 years old. Math doesn't lie, darling. So, go ahead and celebrate your fabulous 41 years of existence!
As of January 2010 you would be 48 years old.
They will turn 39 in 2013.
if you were born in May 1980, you are 35 in March 2016. You would reach your 36th birthday in May.
He is 32 now he was born in the year 1980
Jan Werich was born on February 6, 1905 and died on October 31, 1980. Jan Werich would have been 75 years old at the time of death or 110 years old today.
Jan Heylen is 32 years old (birthdate: May 1, 1980).
Jan Kromkamp is 37 years old (birthdate: August 17, 1980).
Jan Werich died on October 31, 1980 at the age of 75.
As of now (Jan. 26th 2010) Elisabeth Sladen is 61 years old and will be turning 62 on Feb. 1st.
Dustin Dollin is a professional skateboarder, born was born June 26th, 1980. He was born in Ballina Australia. This means he's 32 years old and his star sign is Cancer.
chipmunk is 18 he will be 19 on the 26th November :) xxxxx
he was born on December 26th, 1990.
Jan Marijnissen is 60 years old. He was born on October 8, 1952.
she was born 26th febuary 1967 and she is 44
On your birthday in Jan 2012, you turned 46.
You would be 25 years old - reaching your 26th birthday this year.