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No, assuming that the suitcase can be no bigger then 25ft3(Which is massive 5x5x5 ft) then 1 million USD in $1 bills will not fit. The volume of 1 million $1 bills stacked neatly would have a volume of 39.88ft3.

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Q: Can 1 million dollar bills fit in a suitcase?
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Can you put 1 million dollars in 1 dollar bills in a suitcase?

No, it would not be possible to fit 1 million dollars in 1 dollar bills in a standard suitcase. One million dollars in 1 dollar bills would weigh approximately 2,040 pounds, which is much more than any suitcase could hold.

About how many 1 bills would fit in the suitcase?

It depends on the size of the suitcase.

Can 1 million dollars in 100 dollar bills fit into a duffel bag?

Unless it's a small bag, yes.

How many 100 dollar bills can fit in a carton?

How many 100 dollar bills can fit in a carton depends on the size of the carton.

What is theMost money you can fit in a suitcase?

you can fit 107 dollars in a suitcase

How many one-dollars bills will fit on one page?

Approximately 80 to 90 one-dollar bills can fit on one page, depending on how tightly they are arranged.

Can a million dollars fit in a coffee can?

Two thousand $500 dollar bills?... Depends on the size of the can Of course. If you have a large coffee can and your million is not in bills but in the form of bonds or Certificates of Deposit, for example. You can definitely have a million dollars or even more in a coffee can. You can probably even have a million dollars if you have a VERY large can and EACH bill is worth $1,000.00, in which case you would only need 1,000 bills to make $1,000,000.00

How many dollar bills would fill up Noah's ark?

700 trillion dollar bills can fit inside blahs ark. Give or take a few trillion

How many one dollar bills would it take to cover a wall that is 37 inches high and 20.5 inches wide?

The US dollar bill is 2.6" by 6.1". So in terms of width, 20.5/6.1 = 3.36 dollar bills can fit along one side of the wall. In terms of height, 37/2.6 = 14.23 dollar bills can fit along the other side of the wall. I'm rounding up to 4 dollar bills in width and 15 for height (some will need to be cut). So for the whole area, 4*15 = 60 dollar bills total.

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How many rectangular prisms would you need to fit 1million 1 dollar bills?


How many two dollar bills can fit into a 5 gallon water jug?

5 gallons worth