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Yes, since Guppies and Neon Tetras are small fish (and stay small), there should be no problem with them living comfortably in a 2 gallon tank. You should add a little filter and air bubble combo to keep the water clean and aerated. Since these are tropical fish, you should also add a small heater and a thermometer. Goldfish do not need a heater but tropical fish do.

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Q: Can 4 guppies and 2 neon tetras go in a 2 gallon tank?
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Will 3 guppies and 3 neon tetras do well in a 10 gallon tank or do you need more tetras?

That is fine. You might consider getting some corydoras catfish.

How many Oscars can you put in a 10 gallon tank?

NONE Oscars are really messy and grow up to a foot! They need at least 50 gallons. For a 10 gallon I recommend some guppies and neon tetras.

What are some good long living fresh water fish for a 20 gallon tank?

Betta fish, guppies, tetras.

How many Neon Tetras with a Betta in 4 gallon Aquarium?

You should only have 1 fish per gallon of water in a fish tank. I wouldn't put more than 2 or 3 Neon Tetras in a 4 gallon aquarium with 1 Betta.

What is the ideal tank size for neon tetras and how big of a tank do neon tetras need to thrive?

Neon tetras thrive best in a tank that is at least 10 gallons in size. The ideal tank size for neon tetras is around 20 gallons, as this provides them with enough space to swim and socialize comfortably.

What is a good fresh water fish combination for 17gallon tank?

You can safely keep a shoal of neon tetras (tropical) in a 17 gallon tank

Would it be ok to keep 5 neon tetras in a ten gallon tank or is that not enough room for them to swim around... they will be with a few other gentile fish 3 guppies and 2 cories?

That should be plenty of room, the general rule of thumb is one gallon of water for every inch of fish, though with very social fish like tetras, I think you can go over that a bit with no problems. Neon tetras can not live alone. Three is minimum, five is better.

What fish do well in a 36 gallon tank?

You could have a school of neon tetras (approx 6), or 1 fancy goldfish

Is there a fish that you can get that only needs a 5 gallon tank but is not ugly and not a betta?

yes. 3 or 4 neon tetras can live in a 5 gallon tank. they are also fairly cheap.Type your answer here...

Is your 10 gallon tank over stocked if you have 1 bronze Cory and 1 betta and 2 platys and four neon tetras?


Is your aquarium overstocked it has 1 betta 5 neon tetras and a stone sucker?

If it is a 15 gallon tank or less than yes.

Can seven neon tetras and three guppies live in a 20 gallon tank?

Well, it depends on their size. From what I've heard, you can put one inch of fish into a tank per gallon, so: 5 one inch fishes of 1 five inch fish etc. It doesn't matter about the fish unless some are aggressive and the others are not.