Since the last digit of 5077 is 7, the last digit of the perfect square numbers must be 1 and 6. So that we have 5077 = 712 + 62.
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Including 2500, it's 42,785.
1x1=12x2=43x3=94x4=165x5=256x6=367x7=498x8=649x9=8110x10=10011x11=12112x12=144So to sum it all up, the first 12 perfect squares are1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100,121,144.
The sum of their squares is 10.
Here is a procedure that would do the job nicely: -- Make a list of all the perfect squares between 5 and 30. (Hint: They are 9, 16, 25, 36, and 49.) -- Find the sum by writing the numbers in a column and adding up the column.