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No, not in Ohio. The IV certified LPN can hang the D5LR but Pitocin is NOT on the list of solutions LPNs can hang, it is not an antibiotic allowing the intermittent/secondary rule and its not a vitamin/electrolyte that they would be allowed to hang a second bag of.

IM shots of Pitocin can be given by an LPN but they are only used to control postpartum uterine bleeding after the delivery of the placenta.

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What rhymes with 110?

1 syllable:behn, behne, ben, benn, benne, bren, brenn, chen, chien, dehn, dehne, den, denn, denne, en, fehn, fenn, glen, glenn, gren, Gwen, hehn, hen, henn, henne, hren, jen, jenn, jenne, kehn, kehne, ken, kenn, kren, krenn, lehn, lehne, len, men, menn, menne, n, n., pen, penh, penn, prehn, prenn, rehn, ren, renn, renne, schwenn, sen, senn, senne, shen, sten, sven, then, tien, un, venn, venne, wen, when, wren, wrenn, yen, yuen, zen2 syllables:again, amen, and then, antenne, beauchesne, big ben, brood hen, but then, cayenne, courchesne, cow pen, derouen, duchenne, dufresne, fat hen, gray hen, heath hen, house wren, jiawen, john glenn, lawmen, light pen, magten, marsh hen, marsh wren, ming-jen, mud hen, nguyen, oilmen, phnom penh, pitchmen, po-jen, quill pen, rock wren, sage hen, salmen, sea pen, sedge wren, sheep pen, sheng-fen, teng-wen, u. n., uren, wise men, wood hen3 syllables:adrienne, anchormen, asean, ballpoint pen, broody hen, c. n. n., cactus wren, cattle pen, cnn, councilmen, fill again, fountain pen, gen., georgienne, guinea hen, handymen, hygienists, jenny wren, jungle hen, LPN, m. f. n., madeleine, maori hen, now and then, once again, only when, patrolmen, sdn, setting hen, tenn, then again, tienanmen, vannguyen, water hen, winter wren4 syllables:comedienne, e. s. p. n., gambling den, knin, never again, new zealand wren, now and again, opium den, over again, rock cornish hen, sebastiane, time and again5 syllables:again and again, Carolina wren, cnnfn, mother Carey's hen, time and time again6 syllables:every now and then7 syllables:over and over again

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