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Q: Can a 60 year old man have a friendship with a 24 year old male?
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When you are 18 and you are a male are you a man?

Yes, an 18 year old is a man in theory.

What is a 40 year old man?

Middle aged, male and human.

Is a 15 year old to old to be friends with a 11 year old?

That's not to old. Friendship is friendship. You shouldn't judge it off of age.

Can a 18 year old man get dreads?

Yes, an 18-year-old man can get dreads if he chooses to. Dreadlocks can be styled by anyone regardless of age, as long as they have the hair length and texture suitable for the style.

Is Shia LaBeouf a girl?

No, Shia LaBeouf is male. He is a 24 year old man.

How does a 12 year old male lose his man-boobs?

Cut off your dick.

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Is a 142 IQ good for a 14-year-old male?

10 foot tall man

Can a 23 year old man marry a 40 year old woman?

Yes, considering the male is over 18 and she is 40, the two shouldn't have a problem.

Can a 17 year old male move in with a 35 year old male cousin?

no she can not

Can a 55 year old male become as fit as a 30 year old male?

Define "fit"... BMI? Strength? Endurance? Speed? A 55 year old can certainly lower his BMI to whatever he wants. A 55 year old can also build muscle mass and strength if he is dedicated. A 55 year old can improve his endurance but will probably have trouble matching the natural ability of a younger man. A 55 year old will probably have trouble developing as much speed as a younger man.

Can a 26 year old male date a 15 year old male?

No it's sick