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Q: Can a pair of obtuse angles be vertical angles?
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Why can't a pair of obtuse angles be vertical angles?

Because they are obtuse angles!

Can a pair of obtuse angles can also be vertical angles?


Can a pair of obtuse angles also be vertical?

Only if you add them it is possible but not by themselves

If one of two vertical angles is obtuse then is the other obtuse?

name two obtuse vertical angles.

Vertical angles can not be obtuse angles?

they can be obtuse say ther are two lines intersecting two of the angles are acute (50degrees) that means the other pair must be obtuse 180-50=130 so the other two angles are obtuse with a measurement of 130degrees

Can two vertical angles can be obtuse?

Vertical angles are, by definition, equal. So if one is obtuse then so is the other.

How do two intesecting line but not perpendicular look?

They make a pair of acute angles and a pair of obtuse angles. In rotational order, the angles are acute, obtuse, acute, obtuse.

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Can two vertical angles be obtuse and acute?


What does a two non-perpendicular bisecting line segments look like?

They make a pair of acute angles and a pair of obtuse angles. In rotational order, the angles are acute, obtuse, acute, obtuse.

Every pair of supplementary angles includes one obtuse angle?

Every pair of supplementary angles includes one obtuse angle?

Does a trapezoid have four obtuse angles?

No, a trapezoid does not have four obtuse angles. A trapezoid has one pair of parallel sides and the other pair of non-parallel sides. The angles of a trapezoid can be a combination of acute, obtuse, and right angles, but it cannot have four obtuse angles.