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Bees are extremely good at tessellating regular hexagons in a honeycomb.

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Q: Can a tessellation be created using only a regular hexagon?
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Related questions

What shape will create a tessellation using only translations?

regular hexagon

What tessellation is formed by using regular polygons?

A regular tessellation or semi-regular tessellation or none.

What is seni-regular tessellation?

There is no such thing as a seni-regular tessellation. A semi-regular tessllation is a tessellation using two regular polygons: for example, octagons and squares together.

What is a characesteristic of a regular tessellation?

A regular tessellation is one in which a plane is covered, without gaps or overlaps, using copies of a regular polygon.

Can a tessellation be created using only regular polygons?

No. See, for example, the top image in the attached link.

What is a semi regular tessellation?

Semi-regular tessellation is a tessellation of the plane by 2 or more different convex regular polygons. A semi-regular tessellation combines two or more regular polygons. Each semi-regular tessellation has a tupelo, which designates what kind of regular polygon is used.

Can A Tessellation be created using parallelograms?

Yes it can

Could a tessellation be created using circles?

No, not normally

Can tessellation be created by using equilateral triangles?


Can a tessellation be created using equilateral triangle?


Is it possible to create a tessellation using only regular hexagons?


Tessellations that use more than one type of regular polygon are called regular tessellations?

No. Regular tessellations use only one polygon. And, according to the strict definition of regular tessellation, the polygon must be regular. Then a tessellation using rectangles, for example, cannot be called regular.