Yes. Just write it with a denominator of 1. For example, 5 is the same as 5/1.
No. All fractions are not whole numbers, but all whole numbers are [improper] fractions (with a denominator of 1).
Whole numbers are all of the simple natural numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., and do not include fractions, negative numbers, or zero.A number without fractions; an integer.
A rational number is a number written in the form of one whole number over another whole number (not_zero); this is the form of a fraction. A fraction is the same as the numerator (top number) divided by the denominator (the bottom number). If the denominator is 1, then all that is left after the division is the whole number numerator, for example: 15/1 = 15 ÷ 1 = 15 All whole numbers are equivalent to fractions with a denominator of 1. All fractions are rational numbers. Thus all whole numbers are rational numbers.
all rational numbers can be written as fractions. That is the definition of rational numbers.
The whole numbers from 1 to 50 are known as natural numbers. These numbers are integers greater than zero and do not include fractions or decimals. In this range, the numbers increase by one each time, starting with 1 and ending with 50. The set of whole numbers from 1 to 50 can be represented as {1, 2, 3, ..., 50}.
No. All fractions are not whole numbers, but all whole numbers are [improper] fractions (with a denominator of 1).
All whole numbers and fractions are rational numbers
All whole numbers and fractions are rational numbers
All rational numbers are not whole numbers, as rational numbers can include fractions.
Because they can be expressed as fractions albeit improper fractions
Yes it is. All the fractions are NOT whole numbers.
Yes when they have a denominator of 1
All fractions with whole numbers on top and bottom are rational numbers,and many fractions with decimals on top or bottom, or both, are also rationalnumbers.
No, none are irrational. All whole numbers are rational.If you think you have a whole number that is irrational, we'll call it q.q/ 1 is a ratio, i.e. it is rational. It is also equal to q.
Short answer - yes, fractions with whole numbers are rational. All whole numbers are rational. All fractions are rational. Rational numbers can be added to always make another rational number.
Whole numbers are all of the simple natural numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., and do not include fractions, negative numbers, or zero.A number without fractions; an integer.
All fractions are rational numbers