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Yes, Anaconda can swim.

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Q: Can anacondas swim
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Do boas swim?

The only aquatic boas that come to mind are Green and Yellow Anacondas.

Do anacondas have enemies?

other anacondas and people

Why do anacondas shake their rattles?

Anacondas do not have a rattle to shake.

Can anacondas be found in Cairns?

No. Anacondas are not native to Australia.

Do anacondas eat leaves?

No, anacondas do not eat leaves.

What is the anacondas predator?

Yellow anacondas are prey to caimans and jaguars.

Where did anacondas ariginate from?

The anacondas natural territory is central america.

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Are anacondas small?

No. Anacondas are among the largest snakes in the world.

How fast is the andaconda?

Generally, anacondas are fast in the water and slow on land. They are the largest, heaviest snakes in the world and are cumbersome on land. In the water, they can swim at speeds of up to 10 miles per hour.

What type of anacondas live in south America?

Giant Green anacondas

Where do piranhas and anacondas live?

Piranhas and Anacondas are originally from South America.