

Can any three angles form a triangle?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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No. In order for three angles to form a triangle, they must collectively add up to 180 degrees (or pi radians).

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Q: Can any three angles form a triangle?
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What three angles can form a triangle?

Any three angles that sum to 180 can form a triangle.

What is a triangle with three sides and three angles?

Any shape with three sides and three angles is called a triangle.

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An obtuse triangle does not always have three congruent sides. An obtuse triangle can be any form that always has three angles.

What is the three angles of a triangle?

The 3 angles in any triangle add up to 180 degrees

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The three interior angles of any triangle add up to 180 degrees

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Any and every triangle has three sides and three angles; that is the defintion. The type of triangle cannot be determined without more information.

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-- In any triangle, the three inside angles always add up to 180 degrees. -- In an isosceles triangle, two of the three inside angles are equal.

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The sum of the three angles of any triangle is 180o.

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Any triangle that has three equals sides must have three acute angles and is equilateral.

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Three like any other triangle has.

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A triangle has three angles; any more angles would result in a non-triangular figure.

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