Yes convert it to a decimal and multiply it by 100. 4 / 7 = 0.5714
0.5714 * 100 = 57.14
4 / 7 = 57.14%
4/7 = 57.'142857'% recurring decimal
It is 7/4 or 7 over 4
7/1000 as a percent would be 0.7%
change 1/4 to twelfths = 3/12. Now you can subtract: 7/12 - 3/12 = 4/12, which simplifies to 1/3.
The answer is 43 and the reason why the tens digit changes is because 7 + anything over 2 will change the digit. If just added 7 + 6 it would be 13 then add 30. 1 + any whole number over 8 will change the tens digit 2 + any whole number over 7 will change the tens digit 3 + any whole number over 6 will change the tens digit 4 + any whole number over 5 will change the tens digit 5 + any whole number over 4 will change the tens digit 6 + any whole number over 3 will change the tens digit 7 + any whole number over 2 will change the tens digit 8 + any whole number over 1 will change the tens digit 9+ any whole number over 0 will change the tens digit ect
4 and 7 over 8 as a percent = 487.5% 4 and 7 over 8 = 4 7/8 or 39/8 39/8 * 100% = 3900%/8 = 487.5%
Change 6 over 7 to a decimal, then move the decimal two spaces to the right.
The amount of interest that will be paid over 4 years on 1 million dollars is $145,419.75. This figure is configured with an interest rate of 7 percent. The amount can change based on amortization of the loan.
4/7 = 57.'142857'% recurring decimal
175%, 7/4 is also 3/4 1
change 7 over 4 to a mixed number
It is 28, 4 over 7 percent.
28 4/7 % ≈ 28.57 %
458 and 1/3%
Simply multiply it by 100 and so 7/4 times 100 = 175%
7 over 1 = 7/1 = 7 7 as a percent is 700%
4/7 as a percent = 57.14%4/7:= 4 ÷ 7= 0.5714 in decimal= 0.5714 * 100%= 57.14%