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Yes, that is perfectly fine. (in c++ at least)

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Q: Can index variable in for statement take negative or fractional value?
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Is index the same as squared?

No. The power 2, which denotes squared, is one of an infinite number of possible values for the index. Indices (or powers) can be negative, fractional, irrational or even complex.

How do you work out negative fractional indices?

A number with a negative index is simply the reciprocal of the same number with a positive index. So, x-a = 1/xa Next a number to a fractional index, (a/b) is the ath power of the bth root of the number. Equivalently, it is the bth root of the ath power of the number. That is, xa/b = b√(xa) = (b√x)a. Combining these results: x-a/b = 1/(xa/b) = 1/[b√(xa)]

What are the index variable in the for loop?

The for loop uses a counter or an index variable to loop through the statements. This variable is used through the loop, changed and finally compared with the loop condition for consideration of the loop's next cycle. The variable(s) used inside the for loop for comparison (with the mentioned condition) and increment/decrement is know as the index variable. for example (Java) : for(int i=1; i<5; i++){ ... } in this example, integer 'i' is the index variable.

Can modulation index be negative?

ya, it can be negative because as m=Vm/Vc , the value of Vm if taken in negative then modulation index can be naegative

How do you simplify fractions with indices like 16 and negative 3over2?

A negative index is the positive index applied to the reciprocal. So, 16^(-3/2) = (1/16)^(3/2) The denominator of a fractional index represents the relevant root. Thus, (1/16)^(3/2) = {sqrt(1/16)}3 Now, sqrt(1/16) = sqrt(1)/sqrt(16) = 1/4 So the given number is {1/4}^3 = 1/64.

Is a variable annuity a good 403B investment?

Fees are higher in a Variable annuity than they are in say a fixed Index Annuity.

Can CPI be negative?

The best known CPI is the Consumer Price Index and that cannot be negative.

What does fractional index mean?

A power with a rational exponent m/n in lowest terms satisfies : whenever this makes sense.

To convert an nth root notation to one that uses fractional exponents you change the index n to the exponent?


What is true of a base period for a index number?

The value of the variable in the base period forms the basis of comparison of the variable in other periods.

Looping statement in c plus plus?

There are several 'looping' statements in C++. They are:while () { }do { } while () ;for (index-start, index-end; index increment/decrement) { }They are used to repetitively execute statements as long as the statement(s) controlling the loop are true.

Can the radicand be negative when the index is even?

Given that the radicand is part of the question, not part of the answer, you can make the radicand whatever you want it to be. However, in any given root sum, for example, sqrt(-4), if the index is even, such as it is in a square root sum, the answer will always be positive. If the index is odd, and the radicand is negative, the answer will also be negative.