All numbers is important to math because without numbers, there is no math.
If math did not exist, you would not be reading these posts. All technology depends on math.
Without it you wouldn't be able to find the square roots of prime numbers.
Model the math numbers hahaha.
yes we would have some things without math but not alot of things.
All numbers is important to math because without numbers, there is no math.
Because math is the language and tools of science.
Real numbers are numbers that exist from negative infinity to positive infinity and everything in between. real numbers consist of every number you are used to. Imaginary numbers are numbers that aren't used in conventional math (such as i)
Numbers that can be divided by other numbers without a remainder.
Computers and other techhnology work based on the laws of mathematics. Without math, technology would not exist.
Science is nothing without math.. Physics and chemistry are related so far with science.. If there was no math science wouldn't exist, you couldn't calculate the problems in physics and chemistry without mathematics
Numbers do not really exist, they just represent things in reality Numbers are conceptual, and only exist within brains and computers to relate amounts of things to one another
Try finding the mass (weight) of something without using any numbers or maths. Try doubling a recipe without ANY numbers!
If math did't,would be a whole lot easier!!!!!!!! I SOOOOOO CORRECT!!!!!! Who wants math anyway?