It depends on the time you are listening. It starts with 85 dBSPL longtime listening. 120 dB short time listenenig gives you a headache and ringing in your ears.
A rabbit with sharper hearing can hear more clearly and take in more information for its surrounding environment. If a nearby predator makes a soft noise before attack, hearing that noise is the difference between life and death for the rabbit, so sharp hearing is critical.
The sound pressure level in decibels depends on the distance to the chainsaw. In 1 m distance we can get 110 dB. In 10 meters distance we get 90 dB. So keep off the noise maker.
Friis equation involves noise factor and gain, the expression is used to calculate the overall noise factor of a given cascaded system, for example a cascaded amplifier with many stages. below shows the expression for calculating the total noise factor using friis equation. Fn = F1 + (F2 - 1 / G1) + (F3 - 1 / G1G2) + (F4 - 1 / G1G2G3) ....... and so on Where: Fn = The total noise of all stages together F1 = The noise factor of stage 1 F2 = The noise factor of stage 2 F3 = The noise factor of stage 3 G = Gain of respective stage Friis equation involves noise factor and gain, the expression is used to calculate the overall noise factor of a given cascaded system, for example a cascaded amplifier with many stages. below shows the expression for calculating the total noise factor using friis equation. Fn = F1 + (F2 - 1 / G1) + (F3 - 1 / G1G2) + (F4 - 1 / G1G2G3) ....... and so on Where: Fn = The total noise of all stages together F1 = The noise factor of stage 1F2 = The noise factor of stage 2 F3 = The noise factor of stage 3 G = Gain of respective stage Friis equation involves noise factor and gain, the expression is used to calculate the overall noise factor of a given cascaded system, for example a cascaded amplifier with many stages. below shows the expression for calculating the total noise factor using friis equation. Fn = F1 + (F2 - 1 / G1) + (F3 - 1 / G1G2) + (F4 - 1 / G1G2G3) ....... and so on Where: Fn = The total noise of all stages together F1 = The noise factor of stage 1 F2 = The noise factor of stage 2 F3 = The noise factor of stage 3G = Gain of respective stage
Silence, quiet, peaceful.
Yes, prolonged exposure to 92 decibels can cause hearing damage. It is recommended not to be exposed to noise levels above 85 decibels for an extended period of time without ear protection to prevent hearing loss.
85 decibels.
It depends on what organism is hearing the noise. For us humans, that would be 0 decibels.
Hearing can be negatively affected by prolonged exposure to noise levels above 85 decibels. This can lead to hearing loss over time. It is important to protect your ears from loud noise to prevent damage.
because after a while, noise above that will gradually cause hearing loss
A noise level of 65 decibels is considered moderately loud, comparable to the sound of a normal conversation or background music in a restaurant. Continued exposure to noise at this level can lead to hearing damage over time. It is important to protect your hearing by using ear protection in environments with sustained noise levels at or above 85 decibels.
65; 85
110 decibels is very loud, typically equivalent to the noise of a rock concert or a chainsaw at close range. Prolonged exposure to sounds at this level can cause hearing damage.
A sound approximately 100 dB decibels would be similar to the noise level of a chainsaw or a rock concert. At this level, prolonged exposure can cause hearing damage.
Noise pollution, such as jack hammers or constant tapping, can cause stress, headaches, impair hearing, and disturb every day life. Human ears have the capability to withstand noise upto some decibels beyond which it qwill damage the ear
Prolonged exposure to noise above 85 decibels can result in hearing loss over time. In terms of pain, noise levels above 120 decibels can be perceived as painful to the ear. It is important to protect your hearing by using earplugs or earmuffs in loud environments.
120 decibels is considered extremely loud and can cause immediate harm to hearing if exposure is prolonged. It is equivalent to the noise level of a chainsaw or a rock concert. It is important to use ear protection in environments where noise levels reach 120 decibels.