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I'm a long time toothpick chewer and yes it can be chewed to shreds and swallowed.

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Q: Can people actually chew and swallow toothpicks?
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What is an antonym for masticate?

not to chew

Is vore possible in any way?

Psuedo Vorephilia is actually very common, as common as necking which involves gaining the trust of a partner that you are in a position to do harm yet do not. Girls offten like the sensation of "Goosepimples" derived from necking. True vorephilia is not safe, not legal and not to be considered a subject worth following, though I am sure there are places on the internet.

What is the answer to the plexer problem csta?


What if your troponin level is 1.88 is that considered dangerous?

Type your answer here... the answer is yes. the cut off point is far less at 0.05 or less. ideally the levels should be virtually undetectable. there are a number of reasons for high levels, but to be on the safe side see your doctor imeadiatly for a full explanation for your high troponin level. if you have chest pain, shortness of breath, fatuige arm or jaw pain then call an ambulance. and chew a 300mg asprin imeadiatly after your call. please stay calm and your common sense will gide you. good luck. kind regards, john gleave.

Which is the simplest way to reduce weight?

Eat like a slim person. I do not recall the name of the person who had a brief television series explaining his approach. Here are the basics as I recall them; someone else may be able to offer the name of the person whose ideas these are. # Eat whatever you want, without regard for how good it is for you. # Eat whenever you are hungry. # Eat slowly, put down your fork and chew the food completely. # When you are eating, just eat. Don't eat in front of the tv, or while doing anything else. Just eat. # STOP EATING WHEN YOU ARE FULL. This obviously is the key. Get back in touch with how your body signals to you that you are full. Stop eating when you are full; you are going to be able to eat again when you are hungry anyway. See-saw diets don't work; deprevation doesn't work. Putting a little effort into changing eating habits DOES work.