the domain is when the denominator of the problem is set to zero... but i am not sure how to find the range
Yes, if you have a distribution with very little spread.
No function will add numbers up and divide the total by zero, as it is a mathematical impossibility to divide by zero. If your question meant to say that you want to divide by the amount of numbers that were summed to make the total, then the function is the AVERAGE function.
You can represent 2^12 or 4096 numbers in 12 bits, if that's what you mean?
0 it is zero zero zero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0 it is zero zero zero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes it can be.
Zero to 180 west and zero to 180 east.
Yes, it is.
If all the numbers are the same, the set has no range. The range is zero.
Zero range will depend on the weapon and cartridge used..
This range can be called "zero to two" or "between zero and two."
Zero to 180 east and zero to 180 west
zero to one. 0 to 1.
Zero to 180
The range of a single number - with or without a decimal - is zero.