Yes, a byte is 8 bits, and a one hexadecimal digit takes up four bits, so two hexadecimal digits can be stored in a byte.
The largest hexadecimal digit is F (which is 15 in base ten.) In base two, this converts to 1111, which takes up four bits, which is why it only takes four bits to store a hexadecimal digit.
With 8 bits, two hexadecimal digits can be stored (FF would be 11111111, which is 8 bits), and 8 bits make up a byte.
Generally, 4 bits are always used to store a hexadecimal digit, using leading zeros where necessary. For example, the hexadecimal digit 5 would be stored as 0101, and the hexadecimal digits 5A would be stored as 01011010.
one byte
A 4-bit nibble has 2^4 = 16 possible representations and we can symbolise any one of these representations using just one hexadecimal (base 16) digit.
Hexadecimal means 16. So that 4 binary bits are represented by a hexadecimal number. 0000 = 0 1000 = 8 0001 = 1 1001 = 9 0010 = 2 1010 = A 0011 = 3 1011 = B 0100 = 4 1100 = C 0101 = 5 1101 = D 0110 = 6 1110 = E 0111 = 7 1111 = F
It was invented just like any other base system that uses place value columns: Each place value column is eight times bigger than the place value column to its right. There is no reason to use the base 10 system other than we normally have 2 thumbs and 8 fingers giving 10 digits on our hands. In fact the Babylonians used sexagesimal (base 60) numbers; their legacy can be seen in the degrees in a circle and in our measurement of time: the colon used to separate the digits of a 24 hour time in the format "hh:mm:ss" are separators of sexagesimal digits that are represented by the base 10 numbers 0-59 - times are just the number of seconds since midnight expressed as a sexagesimal number. Some cultures have used a base 20 number system. When it comes to digital computers, they tend to use binary numbers as each location of memory can store one of two states: 0 or 1; these are binary-digits or bits (for short). The bits are then grouped together: 4 bits make 1 nybble 2 nybbles = 8 bits = 1 byte. We're used to decimal numbers so 1 byte can store the binary numbers 0 - 1111 1111 = 0-255 (in decimal). Two bytes allow storage of 0 - 1111 1111 1111 1111 = 0-65535 (in decimal). This conversion from binary to decimal is not very easy; to overcome this Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) can be used. BCD only uses the binary patterns of decimal numbers, ie 0-9 = 0000-1001, thus a byte can now store two decimal digits 0-99 (but this is very wasteful). A much more useful representation of numbers in a digital computer is to use numbers with a base that is a power of 2 - that way every binary pattern is used. One such system is hexadecimal or base 16. In this case each digit of a number is a number in the range 0-15 in decimal; to make each digit occupy a single character, the letters a-f (in either lower case or upper case a A-F) are used for 10-15, so that each hexadecimal digit is 0-f. 15 (0xf) is represented in binary as 1111 - 4 bits or 1 nybble. This means that each hexadecimal digit is exactly half a byte, and so two hexadecimal digits represent a byte exactly; this makes writing numbers extremely efficient and easy to convert to binary. This ability to easily convert hexadecimal numbers to binary is useful for computer programmers as they will often use blocks of bits as flags. For example file permissions under *nix are a grouping of 3 bits: Read/Write/eXecute for different users. These permissions can be written easily into hexadecimal (for example 0x1ed) but it is not very obvious what the permissions are; however as there are three in each group it is better to use base 2³ = 8 numbers, or octal numbers. In octal each digit can contain the digits 0-7 (which avoids the need to create symbols for digits after the decimal digit 9). In the previous example of permissions 0x1ed (hexadecimal) = 0755 (octal) which is easily converted into the permissions rwxr-xr-x and the user know instantly what it means. Octal was not invented specifically as a number system; it just exists as one as a consequence of the invention of the place value system. However, the grouping of bits in digital computers makes it useful for some applications there.
In the hex editor there are sixteen hex digits (0 to 9, A to F) and each one represents four bits. Two hex digits represent a byte, which can have a value from 00 to FF. This kind of notation is universally used in computing.
4 bits equal to half byte.8 bits is one byte.when converting hexadecimal digits to binary, each hexadecimal digits will take 4 binary digits, which means 4 bits.Because one binary digit means one bit having two values [true/false] or [on/off] like that.. [0/1]we can represent one hexadecimal digit as 4 bits like..for [7] as hexadecimal, we can say [0111] in bits.
One byte of information is … one byte … regardless of where it is stored.
BCD:A byte (unpacked) representation of a decimal digit in the range0 through9. Unpacked decimal numbers are stored as unsigned byte quantities. Onedigit is stored in each byte. The magnitude of the number is determined fromthe low-order half-byte; hexadecimal values 0-9 are valid and areinterpreted as decimal numbers. The high-order half-byte must be zero formultiplication and division; it may contain any value for addition andsubtraction.Packed BCD:A byte (packed) representation of two decimal digits, each in the range0 through 9. One digit is stored in each half-byte. The digit in thehigh-order half-byte is the most significant. Values 0-9 are valid in eachhalf-byte. The range of a packed decimal byte is 0-99.
Two. A hex digit has 4 bits, a byte usually has 8 bits.Two. A hex digit has 4 bits, a byte usually has 8 bits.Two. A hex digit has 4 bits, a byte usually has 8 bits.Two. A hex digit has 4 bits, a byte usually has 8 bits.
4 digits - representing 16 integers.
Your question is not very clear, I'm afraid, so I am going to try to guess what you mean... Hex codes are often displayed as pairs of hex (hexadecimal) digits but that is only because two hex digits fit in a byte of data storage. You can only store two hex digits in one byte. There are 16 different hex digits - 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E and F. To store any of those hex digits in binary requires 4 bits, 0 = 0000, 1=0001, 2=0010, 3=0011, ... E=1110 and F=1111. One byte is 8 bits. Therefore, with 8 bits, or one byte, you can only hold two hex digits.
If the architecture allows each individual byte to be adressed then there are 4,000,000 possible addresses ranging from 0 to 3,999,999. So the largest address is 3,999,999 which is 3D08FF in hexadecimal representation
one byte
A byte is a sequence of 8 zeroes or ones in a binary system, which is known as a bit. One byte can store one alphanumeric character.
Hexadecimal is commonly used in comoputing to represent a memory byte.