To convert a decimal to a fraction, take a look at how many places the decimal takes up (this does not include zeros). There is only one, the tens place. So place 3 over 10. Since it is already in simplest form, that is your answer(3/10).
No. It is gp.
It will be close to 315 ci.keep in mind that a 350 is not really 350 but 349.xx or look at this way, for every 030 over in bore = 5 ci.
Three hundred (and) eighty-six billion, thirty million (and) eight hundred thousand.Three hundred eighty-six billion, thirty million, eight hundred thousand
To compare decimals Bring both decinals to the same number of decimal places by inserting suffix zeroes. Hence 0.38 & 0.30 -- 0.38 & 0.30 (2 d.p.). 0.38 & 0.30 Drop the decimal point 038 & 030 Drop the prefix zero; 38 & 30 I think you will agree that 38 > 30 Hence it follows that 0.38 > 0.3
The Mc-030 is used to write anything that you would like to add to your case that you forgot to mention. This form can be used but must be served to court and the other parties. This form must be attached with the FL-335 proof of service by mail. and signed by another person not in the case. and mailed in with the mc-030.
030 is 30, which is a number in the decimal system.
Egypt Air AddressBenefit PlazaRing Road CentralAccraContactT 030 2773537T 030 2773538T 030 2777826M 028 9777770F 030 2777826
Seven hundred and thirty-eight thousandths in expanded form is: 700+ .030+ .008
.030 .030
A 289 bored .030 over.
I would write is 3.1008 x 1010 But it could be expanded to 3.100809003 x 1010
.030 inch ( on my 24 year old 5.0 horsepower Tecumseh engine )
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