It means you didn't graduate High School.
10 more than 62 is 62+10=72
Well, if you were born in 2010, you would typically graduate high school in 2028. But hey, who knows, maybe you'll be a child prodigy and graduate earlier. Just don't forget to thank me in your valedictorian speech.
More than 0.1. It is 4.2 units more than 0.1
It's like asking is 882 less than or more than 578. .882 is more than .578
Yes. The average college graduate makes significantly more money than a high school graduate.
Yes college graduates make more money than non-college graduates. On average a non-college graduate makes $18,734 and a college graduate makes $27,915.
Most people have one major in college. You can also decide to be "undecided or undeclared" your freshman year. You can usually just declare and graduate with two majors in college at the most. This is because it takes a certain amount of credits to earn a degree in a topic and you may feel overwhelmed if you try for more majors. You generally take about 4 or 5 classes each semester in college.
No, the majority of college students in the U.S. do not graduate in four years. Factors like changing majors, taking time off, and not enrolling in a full course load can all contribute to students taking longer to complete their degrees. The average time to graduation is closer to six years.
With a Bachelor's Degree from a college, you can earn $25,000 more a year. People who have graduated from college can expect to make more than a High School graduate in life..
More than a professional student, graduate who have completed the course will do better for this designation.
Canisius College is located in Buffalo, New York and presently 5, 152 students attend this college. Canisius College offers more than 125 majors, minors and special programs.
theire is no way to know for sure.hs graduate could go to a normal college and make more $$$$$ than some body that went to a fabulous all depends onwhat college,really.
It is good to graduate high school, so you can get a degree. It is good to graduate college, so you can get a job that actually pays more than minimum wage. In addition: Many jobs require a high school diploma. Better paying jobs require additional education such as trade school or college, but a high school diploma is required to get additional training or to attend college.
Less than half.
Alumna = a woman who is a graduate or former student of a specific school, college, or university.Alumnae = more than one woman who is a graduate or former student of a specific school, college, or university.So, the opposite gender* to an Alumna is an Alumnus.Alumnus = a male graduate or former student of a specific school, college, or university.Alumni = more than one male, or any combination of male and female graduates or former students of a specific school, college, or university.*Note: The term "opposite" is misapplied when referring to Latin genders since there are three genders: Male, Female, Neuter. The opposite of "female" is "not female".
Billy Unger has already graduated surprisingly in July 2011. That's three years early than when he was supposed to graduate and he is starting college courses SOON!!!! For more information visit his website: