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Yes you can.Scientists all over studied this and finally they found the 6th sense. I don't know what it is but definitely there is 1 more sense!

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Q: Can you have more than 5 senses?
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What extrasensory means?

Extrasensory means having more than 5 senses, and us humans have 5. If you have 6 or more, than you are WEIRD.

Are dogs more complex than humans?

Considering senses, dogs are more complex, dogs have 6 senses, whereas humans av 5.

Is it true that sharks have 8 senses instead of 5?

It is not even true that we have 5 senses. It was a number hypothesised by philosophers. However it leaves out many other senses such as sense of balance, sense of nausea etc. The actual number is somewhat debated, though thought to be at least 11. I doubt the correct number of senses a shark has is less than 11 however it is likely more of an unknown than the number of senses humans have.

How good are cats senses sight?

cats senses are 80% more powerful than a humans

Why do authors use the 5 senses?

Well it is important to use all 5 senses such as hear feel touch smell and sight because without them you could not do a lot. For example if we had no sight we would be blind. Or if we had no smell then our noses would have no use. Or if we had no feel than our hands would have no use same as touch. And no hear than how would we use our ears for? And that is why all 5 senses are like so important.add And we have a lot more senses other that the oft-quoted five. We have two or three different pain senses, we have balance, binocular vision, colour perception - and so on. Perhaps you could find some more. (they are there.)

What is a sentence with the six senses with it?

There are 5 traditional senses; sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. The sixth sense is usually in reference to paranormal gifts such as precognition, this is not a sense. However there are more senses than the traditional five. The feeling of; balance and speed, temperature, pain, and time are only a few senses we have beyond the traditional five.

Why animals have only five senses?

because human are more intelligent than animal.

What is the word for something that can be perceived by more than one of the senses?

multisensory : adjective . Relating to or involving several bodily senses: multisensory methods of reading instruction.

What senses does a cat have?

A cat has 5 senses, just as humans do. However, unlike humans, cats see very well at night. Their hearing is acute. Their taste buds register more sour than the sweetness humans prefer. Their whiskers are especially sensitive to vibration and touch.

How important are the 5 senses?

The 5 senses were said to be a basis for survival. Now in this age, we can survive without one.

Name 5 senses?

there are 5 sight hear touch taste smell

What is scrumpcious?

Scrumptious (check the spelling) means "very pleasing, esp. to the senses." (Random House dictionary). To me it refers more to food and taste than to other senses. Muttsrule