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You would have to have one stack of two, another stack of three and another stack of four.

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Q: Can you make 4 stacks of coins from 9 pennies so that no two stacks have the same number of coins?
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Can you make 4 stacks of pennies using 9 pennies?

Yes. However, they will not be regular stacks.

How many stacks of 100 pennies could they make with all of their pennies?

It would depend on how many pennies they had!

How many stacks of 100 pennies could you make with 10000000 pennies?

Since you want to see how many groups of a number you will get from dividing another number, all you need to do is divide 10 million by 100. 10,000,000/100 = 100,000 So, you would have 100,000 stacks of 100 pennies, which is $100,000.

How many stacks of 100 can you make out of 10 million pennies?


Using only three types of coins make a dollar with the greatest number of coins?

Using pennies, nickels, and dimes: 85 pennies 1 nickel 1 dime Total = 87 coins.

How do you make a dollar out of 53 coins?

You can figure this out by experimenting a bit. Obviously, to have that many coins, most of the coins must be pennies. Also, the number of pennies must be a multiple of 5, since all coins larger than pennies are multiples of 5. If you use 45 pennies and 8 nickels, you have the right amount of coins, but not enough money. The solution turns out to be 45 pennies, 4 nickels, and 4 dimes.

Durning a year long penny drive a volunteer group collected 10000000 pennies how many stacks of 100 pennies could they make with all of their pennies?


What is the fewest number of coins needed to make 39 cents?

4 pennies, 1 quarter, and a dime.

What is the greatest number of coins needed to make 35 cent?

The greatest number - would be 35 pennies (one-cent pieces)

How many stacks of one hundred can you make with one million pennies?

1 million/100 = 10,000

What is the least number of us coins to make 42 cents?

The answer is: one quarter, one dime, one nickle and two pennies. Five coins in all.

What is the fewest number of coins needed to make 47 cents?

it is 5 a quarter 2 dimes and 2 pennies