The Square Root of 135 is 11.61895 which if you round to the nearest tenth it would be 11.70.
Round 3.7416573 to the nearest tenth is 3.7
It then is 0.7 to the nearest tenth
24.6 Round 24.583 to the nearest tenth? => 24.600
1.2 meters
8.8 meters is what percent of 30 meters
Circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or pi*diameter Circumference = 21.67698931 or 21.7 meters to the nearest tenth
The Square Root of 135 is 11.61895 which if you round to the nearest tenth it would be 11.70.
Round 3.7416573 to the nearest tenth is 3.7
It ends in a 9, so will round up, leaving 1.90 as the answer.
It then is 471.4 to the nearest tenth
It is 61.9 to the nearest tenth