To simplify 48 over 110, you first need to find the greatest common divisor of the two numbers, which is 2. Divide both the numerator and the denominator by 2 to get 24 over 55. Therefore, 48 over 110 simplified is 24 over 55.
can you simplify 18 over 44
it cannot simplify. however 9/14 is 0.64285714285
no. you can not.
one over two
1/55 cannot be simplified further.
It is: 55/112
Yes and it is: 5/12
It is: 3/11 by dividing numerator and denominator by 5
divide both sides by 55/35 = 1/7
Let's try divide both numbers by 5 first, which equals 11/28. Since we cannot simplify it anymore, 11/28 is the simplified version of 55/140
35/55 = 7/11
Since the numbers 55 and 172 share no common positive integer factors, 55/172 is expressed in its simplest form.
It is 55/100. You can simplify that if required.
It is 1. If you were looking to simplify 55/156 it cannot be done.