To convert 19/57 to a percent, first it must be converted to a decimal by dividing 19 by 57 which equals .3333. To change a decimal to a percent move the decimal two spaces which is 33.33%. This is also 1/3 when the fraction is simplified.
It is: 57/60 or in its lowest terms 19/20 of an hour
0.57 = 57/100 =========simplest form fraction
.57 move decimal two to the right, put it over 100 57/100 simplify
38 over 57 reduced as a fraction = 2/338 ÷ 19 = 257 ÷ 19 = 3thus, 38/57 = 2/3
33/57 = 11/19
Yes, the fraction 57/75 can be reduced. Divide the numerator and denominator by 3, and you get the reduced fraction 19/25 (19 over 25).
21/57 = 7/19
Divide both numbers by their GCF, which is 3. The answer is 2/19
Find their highest common factor and you can find the answer. Answer: 1/19
19 is a factor of 57. The fraction 19/57 is equal to 1/3.
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, by dividing the numerator and denominator by 19, 19/57 is equal to 1/3 or one third.
divide the top and bottom of the fraction each by 3 You should get 19/40