0.375 is not a whole number and cannot be a whole number. The nearest whole number is 0.
If you express is as a mixed number, it is 8 and 4/100. However, if you express it as an improper fraction (as most people do), it is 804/100.
As a % ?, if so: Express with denominator of 100 8/12.58 = x/100, x = (8/12.58) * 100 = 63.59%
NO, 8 and 4 cannot be opposite integers.Integers can be opposite by the difference in sign conversion of the same number. 8 and -8 are opposite.
A single number cannot have a mean - other than itself. To calculate a mean, you need more than a single number.
5.625 = 45/8 = 5 + 5/8
No. A number cannot be a multiple of a number greater than it. 18 is greater than 8 so 8 cannot be a multiple of 18. Nor is 8 a factor of 18. The factors of a number are those numbers which divide into it without remainder.
No. But 1 is a factor of 8 Note: A larger number cannot be a factor of a smaller number.
0.125 = 125/1000 = 1/8
No. 8 is an even number and all multiples of it must be even; 1217 is an odd number and so cannot be divisible by 8.
Use Number sense Write 2 numbers that cannot be divided evenly by 8 or 9.
2 1/4
It is impossible to express 8/17 as an exact decimal as it has 16 digits that recur: 8/17 = 0.47058823529411764705882352941176...
0.375 is not a whole number and cannot be a whole number. The nearest whole number is 0.
If you express is as a mixed number, it is 8 and 4/100. However, if you express it as an improper fraction (as most people do), it is 804/100.
A single number cannot produce a product.
A number ending in 8 cannot be prime because 8 is an even number. Any even number can be divided evenly by 2 as well as itself and 1, and a prime number is a number that cannot be divided evenly by any number except itself and 1.