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yes she is correct because it is the same amount

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4y ago

No, because capacity is capacity and amount is amount

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4y ago

Cassidy says the capacity is the same as the amount do you agree? Explain why or why not

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Q: Cassidy says that capacity is the same as the amountDo you agree?
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Cassidy says that capacity is the same as the amount do you agree?

No. If I give you $10 then that is the amount I gave you. Nothing to do with capacity.

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To agree to something = to commit to an action. To agree with = to have the same opinion

How many cubic units needed to fill the space inside a figure?

Its capacity or volume - measured in the same units.Its capacity or volume - measured in the same units.Its capacity or volume - measured in the same units.Its capacity or volume - measured in the same units.

What is a idiom that means to agree or to look at something the same way?

"Be on the same page" is an idiom that means to agree or have the same understanding or opinion about something.

Is capacity the same as volume?

Yes, volume is the same as capacity. For instance, a pint pot can hold a pint, and so its capacity is a pint, or it will overflow.

Have the same opinion?

Agree on the same viewpoint or perspective.

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Representative Cassidy is a sponsor of the bill (HB5170, 97th General Assembly) and favors the legalization of same-sex marriage in Illinois.