52 = 52/1
A fraction is a numerical constant. Being a fraction does not alter that. And, as a constant, its rate of change is precisely zero.
35/100 is how to write 35% as a fraction, and if you reduce, you get 7/20.
The 1 is in the tenths place, so. 1/10 --------------reduced fraction.
75 to a fraction = 75/1
You change it into a fraction form ( 42 over 100) and reduce.
You cannot, unless you also change the value of the fraction.
45 and 3/5 or 228/5
2375/800 2 and 3/8
0035 is 12:35 AM
You put 375 over 1000, and then reduce. The answer comes out 3/8
182/100, or 91/50
0.8 = 80/100 = 40/50 = 20/25
120/100 = 6/5 aka 1.2
percent of 0035 = 0.35%0.0035= 0.0035 * 100%= 0.35%