Well, honey, one eighth of an hour is 7.5 minutes. So, if you're looking for how many minutes in one eighth of an hour, there you have it. Math can be a real pain in the behind sometimes, but hey, that's the beauty of it.
Pain shared = pain divided I know you want to get back at her for ruining your life. Do you want to ruin anther innocent person's life? I don't know. You probably should, but would you want to know? Seriously, if you didn't already know, would you want her husband to tell you?
Abdominal pain, also gastralgia and stomachalgia
Type your answer here... the answer is yes. the cut off point is far less at 0.05 or less. ideally the levels should be virtually undetectable. there are a number of reasons for high levels, but to be on the safe side see your doctor imeadiatly for a full explanation for your high troponin level. if you have chest pain, shortness of breath, fatuige arm or jaw pain then call an ambulance. and chew a 300mg asprin imeadiatly after your call. please stay calm and your common sense will gide you. good luck. kind regards, john gleave.
subsequent to a visit to doctor for lumber pain, i was advised to take Razo20 daily one. I do not know what relation it has if any to overcome such pain and its symptoms.
a heart attack
If you have pain in your chest that lasts more than a few minutes, you need to seek medical attention. You could be having a heart attack if you are also having the pins and needles sensation with the chest pains.
A heart attack (aka myocardial infarction)
A heart attack (aka myocardial infarction)
will a person get chest pain if he mixes tabacco in water
Pain in the chest is most often associated with GI disturbance leading to production of Gas in the body. this gas tries to push/displace heart and other organs in the body. therefore there is an intense pain in the chest. pain the chest could also be associated due to problem related to heart. mostly if an elder person is having chest pain, consulting with the doctor is the best thing.
when a person suffers from chest pain the doctor immediately takes an ECG
You may have heart problems.
Aspirin is a very popular choice for reducing chest pain. However, if a person is experiencing chest pain, said person should see a doctor first because chest pain is very serious.
If you are having chest pains then you should go and see a qualified medical practitioner (a Doctor) as soon as you possibly can. If the pain is bad you should get to a hospital immediately.
If you are having chest pain or shortness of breath you should see a doctor right away
You'll get a terrible headache.