

Compare the two types of succession?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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it`s when two types of animals mate

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Q: Compare the two types of succession?
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What are two types of successions?

Primary Succession and Secondary Succession

What would be the characteristics of a successful pioneer species in a secondary succession?

Primary succession is one of two types of biological succession and ecological succession of plant life. It occurs in an environment in which new substrate is devoid of vegetation and usually lacking soil.

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What are two types of ecological succession?

There are 3 types of successions. One is called ecological succession, the next is called primary succession, and the last one is called secondary succession.

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ecological succession

Compare primary and secondary succession by giving examples of each?

Compare means define so define both of the terms.

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Succession refers to the normal, gradual changes that occur in the types of species that live in an area.

What are examples of primary succession in the tundra?

according to my research ecological succession and biological succession of plant life is the two primary succession in tundra.

Describe two major causes of ecological succesion?

The two types of succession are primary, where the succession happens after the formation of new land, like on a volcanic island. The other type is secondary. This succession follows a dramatic event, like a hurricane, or human disturbance like deforestation.

Sentence for primary succession?

Primary succession is biological and ecological succession of plant life. This can be in one or two plants.

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