Ok, One foot = 12 inches ... so 14 x 12 = 168 inches, plus the other 10 inches = 178 inches. This is elementary math, at best.
How to convert 12 ft x 14 ft into square feet
14/3 feet per yard = 14/3 = 4 and 2/3 yards
4 yd = 12 feet = 144 inches 2 feet = 24 inches 4 yd 2 ft = 144+24 = 168 inches
Process, convert everything to inches, multiply them together, then convert back to feet. Multiply 17' times 12 to convert it to inches= 204". Then 14' times 12" = 168. add 9" to 204". and Add 6" to 168". you get 213 and 174 respectively. then multiply them together you get 37,062 in.sq. then to convert back to inches you divide it by 144 because we a dealing with inches squared. which gives 257.375 feet. and to get the inches multiply the decimal .375 with 144 which is 54. thus the total square foot of the bedroom is 257ft 54in.
To compare 14 yards 2 feet to 16 feet, we need to convert all measurements to the same unit. First, convert 14 yards to feet: 14 yards = 42 feet. Then add the 2 feet to get a total of 44 feet. Since 44 feet is greater than 16 feet, the statement "14 yd 2 ft is greater than 16 ft" is correct.
convert feet to inches knowing that 1 foot = 12 inches 15 ft 10 in = 14 feet 22 inches 14 ft 22 in minus 11 ft 11 inches = 3 feet 11 inches
14 feet and 10 inches
10 feet does not equal 14 inches. 10 feet equals 120 inches, so five and a half feet equal 66 inches.
It is 207 feet 8 inches (207.66667 feet)
14 feet 2 inches - 9 feet 4 inches = 4 feet 10 inches.
One way is to convert 14 inches into feet and inches, that makes the calculation easier to do, like this 14 inches = 1 foot 2 inches 14 feet 2 inches - 1 foot 2 inches = 13 feet
178 inches is 14 feet and 10 inches.
It is: 14 feet 7 inches
22 feet 10 inches.
4 feet 10 inches + 1 foot 4 inches = 5 feet 14 inches = 6 feet 2 inches
1 foot = 12 inches 14 x 12 = 196 inches