

Convert feet per sec to meter per sec?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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8y ago

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To convert "Feet-per-sec to Meter-per-sec"use factor label method:

The factor-label method is the sequential application of conversion factors expressed as fractions and arranged so that any dimensional unit appearing in both the numerator and denominator of any of the fractions can be cancelled out until only the desired set of dimensional units is obtained.

For example, 10 miles per hour can be converted to meters per second by using a sequence of conversion factors as shown below:

10 mile 1609 meter 1 hour meter

--------- × -------------- × -------------- = 4.47 -------

1 hour 1 mile ` 3600 second second

It can be seen that each conversion factor is equivalent to the value of one. For example, starting with 1 mile = 1609 meters and dividing both sides of the equation by 1 mile yields 1 = 1609 meters / 1 mile. So, when the units mile and hour are canceled out and the arithmetic is done, 10 miles per hour converts to 4.47 meters per second.

Therefore if:

x = known distance in (ft)

feet per meter (ft/m) = 3.2808399

Then the equation is:

(x ft/1) * (1/1 s) * (1 m/3.2808399 ft) =

The (ft) cancels out on the top and bottom [like in the quote above] to leave only the (m/s).

Or essentially removing the numbers and leaving only the labels you get:

(ft per s/ m per ft) = m/s

Then enter your (ft) or x in to equation:

x (ft/s) * [1m/3.2808399(ft)] = x/3.2808399 = x(m/s)


1150(ft/s) to convert to (m/s)

1150(ft per s)/3.2808399(ft per m) = 350.5199995(m/s)

**With having to use the "/" and not writing it directly as in the quote above, it can make it seem more complicated than it really is. In fact, it is a very simple thing that can be used to convert all sorts of things.. Look at the WIKI, it explains it better visually.

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