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Copernicus' calculations were considered extreme because saying that the earth is not the center of the universe is saying that ______ is also not the center the universe.

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Q: Copernicus' calculations were considered extreme because saying that the earth is not the center of the universe is saying that is also not the center the universe.?
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Calculations were considered extreme because saying that the earth is not the center of the universe is saying that is also not the center the universe?


Why was Nicolaus Copernicus famous?

Nicholas Copernicus was famous because he discovered that the earth was not in the center of the universe, but instead the sun was.

Why the church viewed Copernicus theory as heresy?

The Church viewed Copernicus's theory as heresy because Christian beliefs stated that all of the universe revolved around earth.

Why did nicolaus Copernicus study antronomy?

because he wanted to and he wanted to prove that the sun was in the middle of the universe and not the earth

Why were Copernicus ideas about the order of the universe deemed to be dangereous to church thinking?

The church taught that man was the center of the universe and all things evolved around man. Copernicus stated that earth/man was not the center of the universe and the sun was the center. The church saw this as heresy and that it took power from them because they had made themselves the connection between man and God. Since God was the ruler of the universe and determined all of what man saw and did the science of Copernicus was heresy.

Why is it impossible to consider all the energy in the universe when doing calculations?

It is impossible to consider all the energy in the universe when doing calculations because the total energy in the universe is unknown and constantly changing due to various factors like expansion and dark energy. It is more practical to focus on known and relevant energy sources for calculations.

How are ptolemy and copernicus' ideas about the universe different from each other?

Ptolemy and Copernicus' ideas about the universe are different from each other in the sense that Ptolemy thought that every celestial object as well as the sun and the moon orbited the Earth whereas Copernicus had the thought that all planets orbited the Sun, while the Moon orbited the Earth.

Why was Copernicus's theory seen as extreme?

The theory of Copernicus was revolutionary because at the time, people believed that Earth was the center of the solar system instead of the Sun.

How was Copernicus' idea of planet movement different from ptolemy's?

Copernicus proposed a heliocentric model, where planets revolve around the sun, while Ptolemy's geocentric model placed Earth at the center of the universe with planets orbiting around it. Copernicus' model helped to explain retrograde motion more simply than Ptolemy's epicycles.

Why were Copernicus' ideas about the order of the universe deemed to be dangerous to Church thinking?

Nicolaus Copernicus' heliocentric theory, which proposed that the Sun, not the Earth, was at the center of the universe, was considered dangerous to Church thinking for several key reasons: Contradiction of Scripture: The prevailing belief, supported by the Catholic Church at the time, was the geocentric model (Earth-centered universe), which had been deeply rooted in both ancient Greek thought (like Ptolemy's model) and interpretations of the Bible. Several scriptures, such as passages in the Book of Psalms and Joshua, were traditionally interpreted as suggesting that the Earth was immobile and that celestial bodies, like the Sun, Read more...tinyurl. com/bdh966cc

Why did Nicholas Copernicus go to jail?

Nicholas Copernicus did not go to jail. He was a Polish mathematician and astronomer known for proposing the heliocentric model of the universe, where the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun. His work was controversial at the time, but he was not imprisoned for his ideas.

What was Nicolaus Copernicus position in beliefs?

Nicolaus Copernicus believed that the planets revolved around the sun. At the time, it was believed that the sun and planets revolved around Earth. Because of this, when after his works were published (which didn't happen until just before he died), followers of Copernicus were considered heretics.