by long division
Quotient = Dividend / Divisor Quotient is the answer to the equation (3 = 6 / 2, the quotient is 3). Dividend is what you are dividing (3 = 6 / 2, the dividend is 6). Divior is what you are dividing by (3 = 6 / 2, the divisor is 2). If division equation is changed to 3 = 7 / 2, we have a remainder of 1 left from the dividend.
There is not really an answer for division. What division is, is how many times a number can fit into a bigger one. Like 2 can fit into 6, 3 times.
someone told me that it is a trick question. the answer is 2 because the "i" in pair has 1 dot and the "i" in dice has 1 dot, so when you put them together you get 2 dots
Ah, what a lovely question! That would be a line segment, my friend. It's like a little bridge between two points, bringing them together in harmony. Just imagine those dots holding hands and smiling at each other.
DOT Class 2, Division 1 (more properly called Division 2.1) is for flammable gases.
There is no Class 3 Division 2; Class three has no subdivisions.
Division 4.2 is spontaneously combustible material.
DOT division 2.2 is for compressed nonflammable gasses.
In the DOT system for classifying hazardous materials in transportation, Class 2, Division 1 (more properly called Division 2.1) is for flammable gases, usually compressed flammable gases.
Class 4 Division 2, more often called Division 4.2, is for spontaneously combustible materials
Class 4 Division 2, more often called Division 4.2, is for spontaneously combustible materials
Division 2.3 is for poisonous gases.
DOT Class 2, Division 1 (more properly called Division 2.1) is for flammable gases.
DOT Hazard Class 2 includes:Division 2.1 - Flammable gas Division 2.2 - Non-flammable gas Division 2.3 - Poison gas
"Non-flammable compressed gas" is the formal terminology. This class/division includes carbon dioxide (co2) cylinders, air tanks, and many industrial gasses described as "inert". Flammable gasses/aerosols, and toxic gasses/aerosols are also in class 2, but different divisions (2.1, and 2.3 respectively)
Division 4.2 is spontaneously combustible material.