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the earth.

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Q: Day and year as units of time based on motion of what?
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What units of time are based on earths motion relative to others celestial objects the year is best defined as earth motion relative to the?

The year is best defined as Earth's motion relative to the Sun. The day is based on Earth's rotation on its axis, and the month is based on the Moon's orbit around Earth.

The day and the year as units of time are based upon motions of?

Calanders are based on the revolution of the earth around the sun.

What units of time are based on a single rotation or revolution of the earth?

Rotation . . . . . the "Day" Revolution . . . . the "Year"

The proper motion of a star or other object is measured by what?

The proper motion of a star or object is measured by its angular change in position on the sky over time, typically in units of arcseconds per year. This motion is caused by the true motion of the star through space, as well as the motion of Earth around the Sun.

What are the other units for time?

Units of time - century, year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second.

Is time a reality or concept?

The day is a natural length based on the turning of the earth, and so is the year; but the other units of time, seconds, minutes, hours and months, are all arbitrary human creations.

What is the system of time measurement that uses only the annual motion of the earth?

a year

What is 84 years in astronomical units?

A year is a unit of time. An astronomical unit is a unit of distance. The two units are therefore incompatible.

How many meters in 1 year?

A metre is a unit of distance. A year is a unit of time. The two units are therefore incompatible.

How many miles is it in a year?

You can't just convert between units of length and units of time. Unless it's a speed problem; in this case use the formula: distance = speed x time

What are the four units of time?

There are many more than four units of time. Here are a dozen of them: -- picosecond -- microsecond -- second -- minute -- hour -- day -- week -- fortnight -- year -- decade -- century -- millennium

What 4 units are used to divide the time scale?

Some common units of time are the year, decade, century, millenium, month, week, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond...