Reuleaux triangle
Absolutely false. A scalene triangle by definition has no side equal to another. An isosceles triangle by definition has two equal sides.
There is no reason for the perimeter of a triangle to have any relation to the perimeter of an unrelated rectangle!
Discover of a Mathematical formula to relate the sides of a right triangle.
No. A three-sided polygon is, by definition, a triangle.
There is no anagram for relating in mathematical terms.
a triangle with 2 sides the same and 1 side different
The definition of the word "scalene" is a triangle having three sides of different lengths.The mathematical definition of "symmetry" is an exact reflection of form on opposite sides of a dividing line/plane.Therefore, by definition, no lines of symmetry exist in a scalene triangle.
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Reuleaux triangle
If 'a', 'b', and 'c' are the lengths of the sides, and 'c' is the length of the longest side, then c2 = a2 + b2
In the ceneter of the triangle
The geographical definition of an area is; a region or part of a town, country, or the world. Or a space allocated for a specific purpose. The mathematical definition for area is; The size of a surface, or the space inside the boundary of a 2 dimensional object, like a triangle or square.
Integral (or triangle)
No.The definition of an oblique triangle is "any triangle that is not a right triangle".