Yes. Of course he did. His father was Phidias, an astronomer, and the identity of his mother is unknown.
Leonardo Divinci and Emmanina no ur a tard
It is not known whether he was married or had any children.
One of the things that Archimedes did not do is that Archimedes did not write Elements of Geometry.
what was archimedes arwared
He does not have a first name or last name, he is simply known as Archimedes or Archimedes of Syracuse!
whos parent archimedes
Jonathan & eunice
Dad, Philidias mom, anonymus
Leonardo Divinci and Emmanina no ur a tard
Archimedes of Syracuse is his full name. He doesn't have a surname of any kind.
There is little known about them but his father's name is Phidias
i guess he did
In 2007 Archimedes Geo3D was awarded with a "digita". This is an award for outstanding educational software by the German government.
It is not known whether he was married or had any children.
It is not known whether he was married or had any children.