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Q: Did any other mathematicians become influenced by Pythagoras?
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What are some famous discoveries by Pythagoras other than the Pythagorean theorem?

He founded the Pythagorean School and Society, which gained political influence in Croton, Italy, and influenced philosophers and mathematicians for centuries thereafter.

What were Pythagoras' important contributions?

In a word, geometry. He also influenced Plato, Aristotle, and many other philosophers and mathematicians long after his death.He also established many geometrical theorems, including the Pythagorean Theorem.

Did Pythagoras work with any other mathematicians?

no he only worked by himself because when it came to credit and apluading he thought he was the only one who should deserve it.

Why did Pythagoras become famous?

Pythagoras became famous for proving that Pythagoras' theorem was correct, making other famous Greeks like Plato and Aristotle inspired to be a mathematician.

Who was a famous roman astronomer?

Some famous Greek mathematicians include Thales, Pythagoras, Hero, Perseus, Diocles, Archimedes, and a whole load of other ones.

What was Pythagorus famous for?

Pythagoras was famous fordiscovering the Pythagoras Theorem in 530 BC. He is also famous for founding the Pythagorean School in Croton, Italy where he himself taught mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, and many other subjects. His society spread throughout the ancient world, influencing all later philosophers and mathematicians, including Plato and Aristotle.

What are 3 main discoveries of Pythagoras?

Pythagoras biggest impact on people today was the Pythagorean Theorem. Some other things he has influenced people with are the discovery that music notes could be used in mathematical problems, he devising the tetractys, and which is a triangular figure of four rows

What is Pythagoras eduction?

Pythagoras education was mathematics and was taught by other people

When did Pythagoras make his school?

Pythagoras didn't make a school, Other people made the school in honor of Pythagoras

What other family members does Pythagoras have?

Well Pythagoras is not really known for family .

How did Plato become a philosopher?

Plato was inspired to become a philosopher after meeting Socrates and witnessing his method of questioning and reasoning. He was also influenced by other philosophers of his time, such as Pythagoras and Parmenides. Plato's desire for knowledge and truth led him to study philosophy and eventually become one of the most influential thinkers in history.

Who influenced prince roger nelson?

The "people" who influenced prince was watching other people become popluar he wanted it. It was no one person it was a lot