Fibonacci numbers start at 1 and 1, and each proceeding element is the sum of the two preceding elements. Ex: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,...
Leonardo numbers are named after Leonardo Fibonacci, the same as above, and they also start at 1 and 1, but each proceeding term is the sum of the two preceding terms AND 1. Ex: 1,1,3,5,9,15,25,...
Leonardo Fibonacci discovered the number sequence which is named after him.
Fibonacci is famous for his contributions to number theory.
Leonardo de Fibonacci, a mathematician from Pisa
Answer 144 which is F(12) Reason 55 and 89 are the 10th and 11th Fibonacci numbers, If we add these we have 144 which is the 12 Fibonacci number and is a perfect square. I am using F(0) as the 0 Fibonacci number and F(1) as the first.
The 365th Fibonacci number is 8531073606282249384383143963212896619394786170594625964346924608389878465365.
Leonardo Fibonacci discovered the number sequence which is named after him.
Fibonacci is famous for his contributions to number theory.
Leonardo pision discovered the Fibonacci sequance
Leonardo of Pisa, also known as Fibonacci.
Because they are named after the 13th century mathematician Leonardo de Pisa, who was also called Leonardo Fibonacci. He discovered the number sequence, and their relation to Pi.
He was a great mathematician.he is known for fabonacci number,fabonacci prime and many more.
He worked on the Fibonacci number. It goes like this: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, . . .
He invented the Finonacci number system. He figured it out after trying to work out how rabbits breed. eg: 1,1,2,3,5,8 etc. The first 2 numbers added up equals the 3rd number. 1+1=2. 2+1=3. So on and so forth. Hope i helped...
Each number is the sum of the two numbers before it - 34 55 89, etc.Name after Leonardo Fibonacci aka Leonardo of Pisa aka simply Fibonacci.
Leonardo Fibonacci was an Italian mathematician, who learned some of the 13th century mathematics used in Arab and Indian countries, and taught them to to European mathematicians. He now is probably most famous for having discovered the Fibonacci number sequence, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, etc.whjegfqwiehgfqwhf
Leonardo de Fibonacci, a mathematician from Pisa
the first seven Fibonacci numbers are 1,1,2,3,5,8,13. 13 is a Fibonacci number.