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Q: Differentiation and specialization of the functioning of the two halves of the brain?
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The differentiation and specialization of the functioning of the two halves of the brain is called?


Which types of cells are considered generic cells that are capable of undergoing cell differentiation and cell specialization?

Brain cell

What is Lateralization of functioning?

referring to the specialization in certain functions by each side of the brain,with one side dominant for each activity. The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and vice versa

What are the two halves of the brain called?

right hemisphere and left hemisphere

Specialization in the abilities of the hemispheres of the brain is called?

Either Cerebral Specialization, cerebral localisation, cerebral asymmetry, hemispheric specialisatio.

How many halves are in the brain?


What is cerebral specialization?

Cerebral specialization is the communication of the right and left side of the cerebral area of the brain. Different sections of the brain also communicate with each other.

Two halves of the brain are completely symmetrical?


The two halves of the brain are completely symmetrical?


What is the process by which cells become different types of specialized cells?

You start life as a single cell but that goes through many many mitotic divisions that create identical daughter cells. After a number of these mitotic divisions these cells start to differentiate or specialize by producing the proteins that will define the type of cell it eventually becomes such as a muscle cell or a brain cell.

How much do you use your brain?

You use your brain for 100% of your life. When your brain stops functioning, so do you.

What connects the two halves of the brain?

they connect by corpus callosum.