yes, if you have a graph with a line....take a look at the picture I linked.
ok so the distance covered is simply the area of the graph. do you know how to calculate the area of unusual shapes like this one?? if you don't, you simply divide the shape into 3 parts: two triangles and the square. the find the area of each one and add them together. the area is measured in metres.
distance-time graph
Object will change distance time graph when speed is changing. Distance time graph don't changed indicate of the stationary.
The graph of distance vs time increases exponentially as speed increases.
Steep slope on a distance/time graph indicates high speed.
The gradient of a distance-time graph gives the object's speed.
Distance between Montreal Quebec and Stowe Vt.
There are about 20 miles between Bristol VT and Bridport VT.
The shortest driving distance is 89.4 miles. (144km).
37 miles
driving distance from Syracuse,NY to Brattleboro,Vt driving distance from Syracuse,NY to Brattleboro,Vt
62 miles
The driving distance from San Francisco, CA, USA to Brattleboro, VT, USA is 3007.76mi / 4840.53km
distance time graph is a graph traveled in a graph which shows how much we have traveled in equal period of time.
The distance between the starting point and the destination is 31.6mi, (50.9km), and will take approximately 36 minutes of driving time.
The driving distance is about 155km / 97 miles.
The driving distance is about 385 miles.
The shortest driving distance is 183 miles.