One thousand.
20,000 twenty thousand, you should invest in a calculator.
0.00008 or 1/12500
2,000,800,000 2,000,000,000 = two billion 800,000 = eight hundred thousand
Three million, two hundred thousand thousands
Two billion nine million six thousand one is written as 2,009,006,000
Two billion, thirty million, one hundred four thousand = 2,030,104,000
One thousand million make one billion, so two billion is equal to two thousand million.
One thousand.
One more than two billion three hundred forty two thousand two hundred and two, or 2,000,342,203
64 billion divided by two thousand is 32,000,000
divide by 100 to get your answer
20,000 twenty thousand, you should invest in a calculator.
Firstly is is helpful in tackling this sort of problem if we put in the separators19,041,192,049,668Next we need to decide if you are using the US definition of a billion (1,000,000,000) or the British definition (1,000,000,000,000)US - 19041 billion, 192 million, 049 thousand and 668Nineteen thousand and forty-one billion, one hundred and ninety-two million, fortynine thousand, six hundred and sixty-eight.British 19 billion, 041 thousand 192 million, 049 thousand and 668Nineteen billion, forty-one thousand one hundred and ninety-two million, fortynine thousand, six hundred and sixty-eight.Note that, in the British version, there is no and or comma in between the "forty-one thousand" and the "one hundred and ninety-two million".