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No. Corresponding angles are only equal when the lines crossed by the transversal are parallel.

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Q: Do all corresponding angles measure the same?
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What is the meaning of the congruent?

For line segments, or angles, it means they have the same measure. For more complicated geometric shapes, for example triangles, quadrilaterals, etc., it means that all corresponding sides and angles have the same measures.

What are the 3 requirements to be similar figures?

The three requirements to be similar figures are: Corresponding angles must be congruent (equal in measure). Corresponding sides are in proportion; this means that the ratio of corresponding side lengths is the same for all sides. The figures have the same shape, but can be of different sizes.

Is it true that AAA angle-angle-angle does not guarantee congruence between two triangles?

The answer is no. When two triangles are congruent all three corresponding sides are the same and all three corresponding angles are the same. Two triangles with the same corresponding angles can have corresponding sides different so they are not congruent.

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a polygon with all sides the same length and all angles the same measure is called?

Are all corresponding sides and angles congruent?

Corresponding sides and angles are not all congruent.

What is the relationship between two shapes if they're similar?

All corresponding angles are the same, and corresponding sides are proportional.

What shape is a quadrilateral with all 4 sides the same length and all of its angles measure the same?

A square has all 4 sides the same length and its angles measure the same as well. A rhombus has all 4 sides the same length as well and the angles measure the same as well too.

What is a polygon with the same sides and measurement?

The question is not sufficiently well defined: the answer depends on same as WHAT! A polygon with the same sides and angle measurements as the corresponding sides and angles of another polygon is a congruent polygon. A polygon in which all the sides are the same length and all the angles are of equal measure is a regular polygon.

What has 5 angles and five sides that do not all measure the same?

A shape with five angles and five sides that do not all measure the same is an irregular pentagon. A regular pentagon has all five sides and angles the same size.

Do two polygons which are similar have the same shape?

Similar polygons are polygons for which all corresponding angles are congruent and all corresponding sides are proportional. From this definition we can say they have the same shape.

What are the properties of a equalateral triangle?

All three sides are congruent (equal in length); all three angles are congruent (same measure).All three sides are congruent (equal in length); all three angles are congruent (same measure).All three sides are congruent (equal in length); all three angles are congruent (same measure).All three sides are congruent (equal in length); all three angles are congruent (same measure).

Explain why all equilateral triangles must be similar?

Each has 3 interior angles of 60 degrees Each has 3 equal sides in length Similar triangles are defined as those that have corresponding angles of the same measure.