To convert a decimal into a fraction, you first need to multiply that decimal by a power of 10 such that all numbers are to the left of the decimal point. In this case we can multiply by 100 to give 215. Put the 100 as our denominator and we have a starting point of 215/100. The next step is to identify any common divisors between the numerator and the denominator. In this case both top and bottom can divide by 5. If we do this, we get 43/20, which is the factor in its simplest form.
To find the height of a triangle you measure it. It has to be from the middle of the base to the top point.
the round part is the bottom while the part which turns up at a smooth curved point is the top. hope this helps!!!
It means you are at the peak, the highest point you are going to get. You usually see this in a business sense, as in someone is "on top" of other businesses or people.
you need to go from the left top point to the right top point down the left up to the middle down to the lower left point them up
An apex is the point at the top of a polyhedron where all the sides meet. example: the top of a pyramid.
The freezing point of trimethyl orthoformate (TOP) is around -72°C.
All whales have to live at the top at some point. They breathe air.
The top center of the Earth would be the point where all lines of latitude converge, known as the North Pole.
On top of the tile. You may want or need to change it at some point and a new one may not fill the space on the tile.
Your headlights need to be adjusted, you do this by popping your hood and adjusting them by the screws on the top or bottom of the headlight, most of the time you will need a screwdriver to do this.
All you need to clip is the bud off the top.
the entrance is the highest point No, The high tunnel is hard to get to. You need to catch all the letter unowns then go to the RUin Maniac on Rte. 214 then he has another room to enter (that has ! & ? unowns) then you go out the other hole and wah lah you are on top of the ruins!!! :)
what is the melting point of ice on top of the Himalayan
The top most point represents Spirit.
NO. They did use sort of helicopter kites - the De Launoy top, a popular Chinatown toy over a hundred years- easily- these could be adapted to loft fireworks- a forerunner of the parachute flare. strictly speaking hot air balloons- no, they may have had experimental ( Fire Kites) perhaps kites ( which are not balloons) used to launch flares or other fireworks. Of course translation difficulties come into play.