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yes, boys have a greater lung capacity than girls because lung capacity is a function of volume of space enclosed by the rib cage, which means the lungs ability to inflate. Males have greater lung capacity because they have larger frames and usually have larger rib cages

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Q: Do boys have a greater lung capacity than girls?
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I did 2 science fair projects. Do boys or girls have better lung capacity? Or how has more accurate sences boys or girls?

Differentiate male and female lung capacity by comparing their measurements?

Not really sure but I'm assuming that males have greater lung capacity since they are generally bigger than women.

Why do men have a higher total lung capacity?

All else being equal, lung capacity is a function of the volume of space enclosed by the rib cage, which is essential to the lungs' ability to inflate. Males, with their larger frames, tend to have larger rib cages. Lung capacity should not be confused with aerobic capacity, the ability of the body to acquire and efficiently use oxygen. That is a function more of physical conditioning than gender -- again, with all else being equal.

Who have more lung capacity shorter or taller people?

Not necessarily, but in general, yes.

What is the maximum lung capacity of a human?

The man with the largest lung capacity is a 6'5" rower who now rows for team GB and won a silver medal in the Olympics recently I can not remember his name though. His name is peter reed, he won gold in the Olympics in the coxless four, Australia came second.

Which people might have a greater vital lung capacity than others?

The larger and taller people technically have greater lung capacity. The ratio still applies to fitness and endurance, because when someone is taller/bigger, their lungs require larger amounts of oxygen to sustain themselves.

Do taller people have greater lung capacity than shorter people?

I am 6'2 and have always been short winded.

Why do you think some people can inhale more air at one time than other can?

They have a greater lung capacity.

Why do you think some people can inhale more air at one time than others can?

Differences in lung capacity, age, physical fitness, and respiratory efficiency can all contribute to variations in the amount of air that individuals can inhale at one time. Factors such as lung size and strength of respiratory muscles also play a role in determining lung capacity.

What disorders increase a person lung capacity?

Lung capacity can not be increased by a disorder.

How did my tidal and vital lung capacity differ?

My tidal lung capacity was lower. I know the difference because in the tidal lung capacity you are taking in less breath. When you are doing the vital lung capacity, you take in more breath.

What is lung capacity decreases?

it has lung cancer