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If you are talking about something like (6)(7) or 3(5+3), then yes, it means multiplication.

Brackets also make a difference in a long operation that requires the use of BEDMAS, or proper order of operations. In these cases, brackets indicate that you have to do what's inside the brackets before anything else.

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In BODMAS it stands for: Brackets Of Division Multiplication Addition Subraction It means that in a sum you must always start with the brackets, followed by division/multiplication and finally addition/subtraction.

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100,000 or do you mean in Roman numerals? If so then it is: (C) numerals in brackets indicate multiplication by a thousand. (C) = 100*1000 = 100,000

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(VII) or (V)MM or VMM but with a line above the V to indicate multiplication by a thousand. Numerals in brackets also indicates multiplication by a thousand.