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No. Grapes have nothing to do with a recursive series of numbers following the rule that any number is the sum of the previous two.

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Q: Do grapes come under Fibonacci sequence?
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From where did the Fibonacci sequence come from?

The Fibonacci sequence, was first known by the ancient people of India. When Fibonacci travelled there in the 1200's he learnt it from them and then passed on his learning to the rest of Europe through his book, Liber Abaci.

Did pascals triangle or fibonaccis sequence come first?

Fibonacci lived about 400 years before Pascal did.

Which number should come next 3-5-8-13-21?

This is a Fibonacci sequence. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers:3+5=85+8=138+13=2113+21=34

How did the Fibonacci pattern of numbers come about?

the fibonacci pattern of numbers came round about in the 1980's

What are some things in nature that have the Fibonacci sequence?

Obvious occurrences are in the number of "observable" spirals in the seeds of a sunflower, or on the outside of a pineapple, and in the number of leaves and petals on plants, for example clovers usually come with 3 leaves, daisies usually come with 55 petals. (3 & 55 are both Fibonacci numbers.) As the Fibonacci numbers increase, the ratio between them gets closer and closer to the "Golden Ratio" φ which is approx 1.618034 (exactly it is (1 + √5)/2). Each petal or leaf of a plant grows from primordia and if the reflex angle between successive primordia is measured it is approx 222.5°; the ratio of this to a full turn is 360/222.5 ≈ 1.618 - the Golden Ratio. In using this spacing it provides the densest packing (for example with the seeds in a sunflower) making it stronger than radial spokes; it also means that each successive primordium gets placed in the largest space available.

Related questions

Did Leonardo Fibonacci come up with the Fibonacci sequence?

Yeah. Definitely wasn't Euler.

From where did the Fibonacci sequence come from?

The Fibonacci sequence, was first known by the ancient people of India. When Fibonacci travelled there in the 1200's he learnt it from them and then passed on his learning to the rest of Europe through his book, Liber Abaci.

Did pascals triangle or fibonaccis sequence come first?

Fibonacci lived about 400 years before Pascal did.

1 1 2 3 5 8 13 Which number should come next in the series?

21 It is the Fibonacci secuence.1+1=2 1+2=3 2+3=5 and so on... 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610...

Which number should come next 3-5-8-13-21?

This is a Fibonacci sequence. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers:3+5=85+8=138+13=2113+21=34

How did the Fibonacci pattern of numbers come about?

the fibonacci pattern of numbers came round about in the 1980's

Which country does the mathematician Fibonacci come from?


Do grapes come from Africa?

Grapes come from many parts of the world, including parts of Africa.

From where does the wine come from?


Where do grapes and bananas come from?

well, banana grow from palm trees and grapes grow from vines. they both come from tropical places.

How many ounces does 25 grapes have?

That is hard to say, grapes come in many sizes.

Were do green grapes come from?

Green grapes are also considered white grapes. Grapes are grown on vines, and they might be grown in Italy, or in California. White and green grapes are the same, while red and purple grapes are similar as well.